McCain Chickens out of Debate.

With stocks surging today because an agreement has been reached on the bailout, there isn't much (stated) reason anymore for postponing the debate. We'll see what happens.....
With stocks surging today because an agreement has been reached on the bailout, there isn't much (stated) reason anymore for postponing the debate. We'll see what happens.....
The market is surging on the potential of an agreement. The market has been doing a roller coaster for days. Some one says "Boo" and it drops 500. Someone says "Yay" and it jumps 500. Craziness, I tell you. ;)
The market is surging on the potential of an agreement. The market has been doing a roller coaster for days. Some one says "Boo" and it drops 500. Someone says "Yay" and it jumps 500. Craziness, I tell you. ;)

Well, somebody hurry up and say "Yay". I took advantage of Crazy Freddie's discount prices, and 'roller coaster' is indeed the word.
The market is surging on the potential of an agreement. The market has been doing a roller coaster for days. Some one says "Boo" and it drops 500. Someone says "Yay" and it jumps 500. Craziness, I tell you. ;)

yeah, it's crazy.

My point still stands though: there's a tentative agreement. Neither McCain or Obama sit on the relevant committees. They have their little seance with the Shrub in Chief, and they should get out of the thing-today. Puts them in a good position for debate tomorrow, without the stated reason for delay.We'll see what happens.
I've been watching the news all day .....

McCain has actually asked for more debates prior to this, so the argument that he's trying to dodge isn't that solid.

The debate on Friday is still scheduled to take place. (Though I think the subject should change from Foreign Affairs to Domestic Affairs.)

The poll numbers prove my initial post on the matter: Obama made another bad decision by appearing to feel his campaign was more important than doing his job as a Senator and meeting about the economic disaster we're in.

At least he wised up and went to D.C.

Got give McCain credit on this one. It was a good political move. Perception is reality with 99% of the population and he at least "looks" like he's taking action where Obama floundered at first.

McCain-7 Obama-3

I just want to know why nobody's interviewing Barr and Nader about all this?
I've been watching the news all day .....

McCain has actually asked for more debates prior to this, so the argument that he's trying to dodge isn't that solid.

The debate on Friday is still scheduled to take place. (Though I think the subject should change from Foreign Affairs to Domestic Affairs.)

The poll numbers prove my initial post on the matter: Obama made another bad decision by appearing to feel his campaign was more important than doing his job as a Senator and meeting about the economic disaster we're in.

At least he wised up and went to D.C.

Got give McCain credit on this one. It was a good political move. Perception is reality with 99% of the population and he at least "looks" like he's taking action where Obama floundered at first.

McCain-7 Obama-3

I just want to know why nobody's interviewing Barr and Nader about all this?
Because both of them have actual answers and facts and not pretty soundbytes?
I've been watching the news all day .....

McCain has actually asked for more debates prior to this, so the argument that he's trying to dodge isn't that solid.

The debate on Friday is still scheduled to take place. (Though I think the subject should change from Foreign Affairs to Domestic Affairs.)

The poll numbers prove my initial post on the matter: Obama made another bad decision by appearing to feel his campaign was more important than doing his job as a Senator and meeting about the economic disaster we're in.

At least he wised up and went to D.C.

Got give McCain credit on this one. It was a good political move. Perception is reality with 99% of the population and he at least "looks" like he's taking action where Obama floundered at first.

McCain-7 Obama-3

I just want to know why nobody's interviewing Barr and Nader about all this?
I give him credit for trying to schedule his debate in place of Palin's. It is the smartest thing he could do given what he has to work with; but, will they ever put her up for scrutiny?
Well, somebody hurry up and say "Yay". I took advantage of Crazy Freddie's discount prices, and 'roller coaster' is indeed the word.

Yeah, I'm still positioned for a "crash" tomorrow.....we'll see.
The market is surging on the potential of an agreement. The market has been doing a roller coaster for days. Some one says "Boo" and it drops 500. Someone says "Yay" and it jumps 500. Craziness, I tell you.
Surely it's not fluctuating greatly? I bought a few stocks not too long ago and the range of fluctuation has been in line with what I thought it might be for the short term.
I dunno. I heard she actually talked to a reporter today. Poor guy was hospitalized in shock but is expected to recover.
This is what the media age has done to us. Abraham Lincoln was one ugly dude, but at least he was a very good speaker. Now we get mediagenic people speaking in sound bites.

I see Sen. McCain is still waffling on the debate. Sheesh! If eh doesn't show I hope they give Sen. Obama the whole 2 hours on national TV to himself.
And no reply from that coward Obama on debating Barr or Nader instead.
The Portland, Oregon Obama campaign office is refusing to entertain additional party candidates in the debate, flat out.

MSNBC is reporting that McCain has announce he will engage in the debate tonight.

Unfortunate for the additional party candidates I think.

Please join reason, either in person or online, for a live counter-debate on Friday, Sept. 26, with Libertarian Party nominee Bob Barr, who will respond to John McCain, Barack Obama and moderator Jim Lehrer in real time. We will be live-blogging Barr’s responses at Hit & Run, and videotaping the whole proceedings, which will include a brief post-debate Q&A with reason staffers, bloggers, and other interested parties. The fun begins at 8:00 PM, the debate starts at 9:00 sharp, and the drinks will be provided by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States. In a year rich with libertarian politics, the only place you’ll hear a candidate talking libertarian ideas will be in reason’s Washington headquarters.

What: Bob Barr debates the presidential debaters

When: Friday, September 26, 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM

Where: Reason HQ, 1747 Connecticut Avenue NW (near S Street)

RSVPs: A must. Send e-mail to, or call 310.391.2245.