Blatant, Unabashed Racism

it worked just fine till the 60's when the hippies convinced people being "fill in the blank" was more important than being an american.

It worked just fine until all the other cultures being shat on and expected to "assimilate" (i.e. join our culture, not meld the two) figured out that they didn't have to take it anymore.
come to america, be an AMERICAN

want to stay irish? stay in ireland

seems pretty simple to me.

and , so sorry to point out the truth, but "being shat on"????

i dont think so considering that they have been lining up to come here for 150 years. If they were being "shat on" you would think less would want to come.................

sorry, you may not be 100% right on this one Hoss
A "White" TV network would not ever be allowed, why then is this "African American-themed cable network" allowed to exist? Isn't racism wrong, no matter who it is biased against?
I thought Republicans hated the fairness doctrine.
I think the fairness doctrine is crap, not because I am conservative, but because it is the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things.......
seems pretty simple to me.

Are you sure it is that simple?

One of the founding tenants of the US was "Freedom of Religion", and looking at the founding fathers I see a wide range of religious views.

With such a fundamental difference in ones world view as differing views on religion, all sorts of other issues follow that. Religion is a major part of defining culture, and with freedom of religion does not some degree of freedom of culture follow?

The country was founded in standing up and fighting against the existing culture / government to give people freedom, it brought many immigrants over that where seeking refuge from persecution due to their choosen way of life.

If anything I'd say the idea that the country should be a single culture is a relatively new one, that had a short lived stint in the 50's under McCarthyism and the associated political rhetoric and fear mongering about Communism that went with it.
and you would be wrong

the immigrants came here to be Americans. I know the ones in my family did. They didnt come here to live here, they came here to BE an american.

American culture, baseball, hot dogs and apple pie.

One of my good family friends is a 60 something year old black guy. My father worked with him. When I said something about him being african american, he corrected me, told me 'that stuffs for the kids, American is enough for me"

The immigrants of yesterday kept thier cultures, but were americans first. THAT is what has changed.

Also Andrew, the communist hunts were not fear mongering. The American communist WERE there, they WERE trying to subvert the american government. Recently released KGB documents proved it.
One of my good family friends is a 60 something year old black guy. My father worked with him. When I said something about him being african american, he corrected me, told me 'that stuffs for the kids, American is enough for me"

The immigrants of yesterday kept thier cultures, but were americans first. THAT is what has changed.

That's an important point I think.

It's something we're seeing in Britain at present, where the children of those who emigrated to here are rejecting their British-ness in favour of their much 'cooler' ethnicity.

That rebellion is one of the most internally destructive forces a society can have festering in it's belly and we've already seen some of it's bitter results in the London bombings of last year.

As with a great many other things, diversity is good ... up to a point. If it begins to dissolve social cohesiveness then the consequences are pretty dire - just ask the Roman Empire :D.
i dont think so considering that they have been lining up to come here for 150 years. If they were being "shat on" you would think less would want to come.................

sorry, you may not be 100% right on this one Hoss

How do you explain then the Irish and the Chinese? They were terribly treated, that is undeniable, yet they came here in droves. Obviously, the Famine was worse, but the point still stands.
You answered your own question, sir.

Now one of my own.

Are you genuinely interested in the threads you're partipating in tonight or are you just enjoying arguing? I ask because on some points you appear to be 'leaning' a little heavily as if trying to prompt a volatile reaction.

Broadening the 'audience' now:-

The Study is for serious discussion of serious topics and it is expected that a rational, even-tempered, approach will be taken by posters.

Given the debacle that had the doors closed last time, things are being closely scrutinised at present and behaviour should be toned accordingly to steer away from antagonistic phrasing or posting specifically directed to a subset of members that would be seen as attempting to incite 'hot' responses.

Play it cool, ladies and gentlemen.
come to america, be an AMERICAN

want to stay irish? stay in ireland

seems pretty simple to me.

and , so sorry to point out the truth, but "being shat on"????

i dont think so considering that they have been lining up to come here for 150 years. If they were being "shat on" you would think less would want to come.................

sorry, you may not be 100% right on this one Hoss
Define "American" before you ask someone to give up their culture.
Define "American" before you ask someone to give up their culture.
Why? If your culture was so great why would you leave to become an American? If it is so good there, stay there. If you come here to stay, don't expect it to be just like "Good old Where ever" That isn't where you are.
Teddy said it best:
We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

About the English thing:
100% of our founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, etc were originally written in (insert *gasp* ) ENGLISH.
The OVERWHELMING majority of our citizens speak ENGLISH.
All the business of our nation's legislature (The House of Representatives and the Senate) are conducted in (Guess what) ENGLISH.
The United States of America is de facto and English speaking country, if not de jure.
I hadn't actually heard that quote before. Quite a reasonable one to my ears when it comes to social stability.
I hadn't actually heard that quote before. Quite a reasonable one to my ears when it comes to social stability.
Based on some of the news out of Europe lately, it seems your recent immigrants are none to keen to be anything but what they were. Your government seems to be pandering a tad too much to some groups.
The Police dog in the hat thing? That warranted an apology? Maybe we need a new universal law: Those who go out of their way to be offended, DESERVE to be offended.
I wish I could argue against the truth of that but we are in the process of feeling our way through some hard lessons about the consequences of multi-culturalism when only one element is required to compromise.
Why? If your culture was so great why would you leave to become an American? If it is so good there, stay there. If you come here to stay, don't expect it to be just like "Good old Where ever" That isn't where you are.
Teddy said it best:
We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

Again, define American.
About the English thing:
100% of our founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, etc were originally written in (insert *gasp* ) ENGLISH.
The OVERWHELMING majority of our citizens speak ENGLISH.
All the business of our nation's legislature (The House of Representatives and the Senate) are conducted in (Guess what) ENGLISH.
The United States of America is de facto and English speaking country, if not de jure.
We were almost a German speaking nation. English got more votes. WWI prolly would have gone differently.
I'd forgotten that 'quirk in the path' was once there, ToD. That would make an intriguing historical thought-experiment wouldn't it :D.
Ok may be I missed something but the Original Post was about TV coverage of one candidate and not the other candidates. It also covered why the station was only covering one. Lets get back on subject.
If you wish to discuss “ what is an American” or “ what it is to be an American” make a thread on it

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