White Belt
I understand your point however if we put names aside ( aikido ,aikijiutsu) this guy has purposely stepped outside of the tradition, thus we cannot judge what he does by the traditional standard. That would be judging an apple on how much it looks and tastes like a banana. His videos show he has a distaste for most Ueshiba aikido and has adopted a more aggressive method. Traditionalists may think this then is not aiki and not aikido but that was not the original question from the OP as I understood it. So to judge this guy's practice we need to account for the modified intent.
I understand your point however if we put names aside ( aikido ,aikijiutsu) this guy has purposely stepped outside of the tradition, thus we cannot judge what he does by the traditional standard. That would be judging an apple on how much it looks and tastes like a banana. His videos show he has a distaste for most Ueshiba aikido and has adopted a more aggressive method. Traditionalists may think this then is not aiki and not aikido but that was not the original question from the OP as I understood it. So to judge this guy's practice we need to account for the modified intent.
If we are not allowed to judge this guy by the traditional standards of Aikido as put forth by the founder of Aikido, the corollary holds. That is, he cannot make a claim that he is practicing or teaching Aikido.