Flying Crane
Sr. Grandmaster
Fair enough.
Based off my experience as a student in the age of the internet, where I voraciously searched for everything in any media source related to kenpo and later kali, I can categorically say that it didn't harm my progression in those arts. I base this on my rate of advancement through the underbelt ranks that was faster than average. I can say that the knowledge gained from that research made be a better martial artist and kenpoist than I would have been without it.
In my experience as an instructor, which has only been in the age of the internet, I have NEVER seen a student be harmed or his growth stunted by researching other sources. At worst it is a good discussion point about why we do what we do, and that is exactly what I am supposed to be doing as an instructor.
There is a difference between doing research on the internet, and asking the members of a forum to fix his technique. If you read his OP in the kenpo thread, he came on with a shopping list of techs and was asking people to help fix what he was doing.
He may not have used those exact words, but that is really what he was asking. Here is his OP, without any lead-in or other clarification:
Twirling wings. In my curiculum, it says that my 2nd elbow should be executed int o a left figting horse (facing 9 o'clock). But won't this horse stance give us a bad bracing angle??? I prefer to do it in a neutral bow.
Chrushing hammer. Is this technique in family with chrashing wings #16 orange belt technique. Both steps behind with "7" and lifts head with obscure elbow, and 1st hits the groin, in chrushing hammer hits the ribs.
Captured leaves. Does elbows straight in, whereas in twirling wings the elbows are horizontal. Familiy?
Calming the storm. The last hits to the right lower ribs, is done while counterrotating or? I think the rotation is focused on the waiter check, but in everyother technique, we expect the person to move his hands, to where hes last hit - why do we have to check the hand which isn't there?
Reversing Mace. Do you move your right foot, slightly - or is it nailed to the ground, i get a much better more accurate and powerfull effect if i can move it slightly...
Obscure wing. If the guys has straight arm, how can you reach with midrange weapon elbow. This technique is done vs. someone close and with bend elbow - right?
Question 7:
Raining Claw. I like splitting in this technique, but my teacher says i can't since we haven't moved ourself away from the target. My argument is mirrage of gravity to the arm and the raining claw coming simoultaneously.
Question 8:
Obscure sword. Is the guy dragging you back, or just holding you? Or do you pin his hand and step forward dragging him along into the obscure sword?
Thanks for your time and Patience.