Apologies for jumping into this late, I just saw it.
FC -
I can understand that, and agree to a certain point. But a forum is a text-based medium to communicate - no physical anything is going to happen here. Disallowing on-topic questions because one perceives that the questioner may not be technically adept enough to understand the answer is overstepping, IMHO. Kind of voids the whole purpose for a martial-arts forum.
I'll relate a lot of what i'm saying here in relation to the Kenpo thread that sparked this thread...
I think you and a couple others, based on some comments, are misunderstanding my intentions somewhat. I never said disallow, nor anything like it. Nobody but Bob Hubbard has that power here, to actually control what is discussed, or disallow a topic of discussion. So unless he steps in to do so, it's not going to happen.
I merely stated that it's a poor venue for passing certain types of information, and it's a reasonable and responsible position for a more advanced person to point that out and suggest a better way for a beginner to get his info.
It's advice. The beginner in the other thread asked for advice, and he received a lot. Some of that advice he didn't like. Of course he can choose to ignore that advice. But in my opinion, it was the best advice given in that thread.
I see that type of opinion as somewhat condescending. How do you know what the purpose of the question is? How do you know the person won't understand? I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, unless they really demonstrate otherwise.
as Carol pointed out, there might have been a language barrier that made him express himself less clearly than he might have. But, he came on with a shopping list of techs and asked for clarifiction on technical points. I can only interpret his meaning based on what he has written. My interpretation was that he was asking questions that he'd be better off asking his instructor.
I can't agree, and it denies the point of this site, really. It's not impossible to learn things from video, or the net, although that is not the best way, IMHO.
nobody said he can't learn something from an internet discussion. That IS what this site is all about, after all.
Again, some kinds of information are not conveyed well under this venue. It was good advice.
Fair enough, although the person being referred to in the thread that inspired this one was NOT a beginner, nor were they asking questions about advanced material beyond what they had already learned.
yes, he was a beginner, in kenpo. It doesn't matter what else he had studied. In kenpo, he was a beginner. At this stage of his development IN KENPO, he'd be best served by getting the answers from his instructor.
His own teacher came on that thread and pointed out that the chap has studied shotokan and wing chun, and maybe something else. I don't know much about shotokan, but I did spend a few short years training wing chun. It doesn't use anything like a horse stance nor neutral bow anything like kenpo does. But in the very first tech, he asked about using a horse vs. using a NB. I can say that his wing chun training likely gave him little or no relevant experience to fall back on. In that case, his experience won't serve him in discussing the technical fine points of kenpo self defense techs. It gives him no advantage, nor head start.
in kenpo, he is a beginner. By his own statement, he's had about six months.
In fairness, the response that offended him offended a few others as well. Some viewed it as insulting.
in that same fairness, as I've said a few times now, I think it was an over reaction. I did not read insult in the response. Asking him if he has an instructor, is not insulting.
The guy came on with a shopping list of techs that he wanted clarification on. Backing up for a moment and saying, hey, are you actually studying with someone? Or are you trying to just pick up these techs thru internet descriptions or something? I don't see anything wrong with asking for that clarification, and telling him that if he has a teacher, he would do better to ask his teacher.
Doc and I have certainly locked horns on things in the past. I don't always agree with him and vice-versa. But in this case I don't think he was out of line in the least. I was going to say the same thing he said, but he said it first.
If someone was insulted by what he said, then I think they are over reacting.