Ok guys, heres a question.


Master of Arts
Lets say a person was interested learn a second, or third martial art... but.
1. Real live person instruction is greater than 200 miles away.
And has not means to travel it.
2. Said art is famous with thousands of books and dvds with 50 something branches/lineages.
3. Is a cma.
4. Said student has had a brief less than one year intoduction in said art more than 5 years ago.
5. Forms are easy to learn, mastery takes a lifetime of practice.
6. The student has great body awareness, stamina, eye hand coordination, etc
7. The student is a ma junior instructor or higher in 1 or more MAs already.
8. Has a good bs detector for fake or poor quality instructors.

And no. This is not about me.
I have an individual who is asking my opinion... but before I give it... I want to know the minds of others here on MT.
Lets say a person was interested learn a second, or third martial art... but.
1. Real live person instruction is greater than 200 miles away.
And has not means to travel it.
2. Said art is famous with thousands of books and dvds with 50 something branches/lineages.
3. Is a cma.
4. Said student has had a brief less than one year intoduction in said art more than 5 years ago.
5. Forms are easy to learn, mastery takes a lifetime of practice.
6. The student has great body awareness, stamina, eye hand coordination, etc
7. The student is a ma junior instructor or higher in 1 or more MAs already.
8. Has a good bs detector for fake or poor quality instructors.

And no. This is not about me.
I have an individual who is asking my opinion... but before I give it... I want to know the minds of others here on MT.

1 -- Greyhound & weekends trips or immersion weeks. I don't know a single instructor that if somebody has a will to do a thing, won't assist on their end to make it happen within reason.
2 -- Meh ... it's not quantity but quality
3 -- ok
4 -- Ok so absolute noob
5 -- Not really but yes
6 -- Good. It will help in all sorts of facets of life.
7 -- Neither good nor bad, but both are equally important.
8 -- Helpful

I can't really say too much outside of this. There's TOOOOOOO many variables & moving parts to even attempt an "opinion". I'm sure others will say things that cause me to chime in, but right now it'd be like writing a novel on a sticky note.
1 -- Greyhound & weekends trips or immersion weeks. I don't know a single instructor that if somebody has a will to do a thing, won't assist on their end to make it happen within reason.
2 -- Meh ... it's not quantity but quality
3 -- ok
4 -- Ok so absolute noob
5 -- Not really but yes
6 -- Good. It will help in all sorts of facets of life.
7 -- Neither good nor bad, but both are equally important.
8 -- Helpful

I can't really say too much outside of this. There's TOOOOOOO many variables & moving parts to even attempt an "opinion". I'm sure others will say things that cause me to chime in, but right now it'd be like writing a novel on a sticky note.
Thank you. Your thoughts on video recorded and streaming distance learning?
Thank you. Your thoughts on video recorded and streaming distance learning?
Never a good way to learn. It's a good tool to augment learning, but must not be the first or primary method of instruction. I absolutely, categorically will never support such a suggestion.

Sometimes some things are simply not available to some people. That's life, life ain't fair.

If this is a second or third martial art for someone, and he is already at instructor level with what he is already doing, and he is happy with what he is doing, I suggest he doesn't need another. It may actually cause conflicts with what he is already doing and could undermine his training all the way around. It isn't just about collecting techniques or forms. There is far more too it than that.
Thank you. Your thoughts on video recorded and streaming distance learning?

What FC said.

I'm not quite as absolute though, in that it can happen provided there are regular face to face visits with updates/corrections made along the path. The caveat to that is under no circumstance can that be the first experience with training. But it will still be fundamentally off without that hands on correction & guidance.
Lets say a person was interested learn a second, or third martial art... but.. ..The student is a ma junior instructor or higher in 1 or more MAs already.

Sounds like the student in question is still quite young? Perhaps an older teen, or young adult?

Still, if he's got friends in the MA he might be able to organize a group that can travel to work with the instructor every few weeks and then train together in the periods in between. Either that or be able to get together enough people together to host seminars in his home town and bring in the instructor.

Whatever, it will take some effort.
Sounds like the student in question is still quite young? Perhaps an older teen, or young adult?

Still, if he's got friends in the MA he might be able to organize a group that can travel to work with the instructor every few weeks and then train together in the periods in between. Either that or be able to get together enough people together to host seminars in his home town and bring in the instructor.

Whatever, it will take some effort.

Yeah, twentysomething raised in the Philippiness, comes from a escrima/arnis family (he is a 3rd gen. He has good skills and documentation)
Yeah, twentysomething raised in the Philippiness, comes from a escrima/arnis family (he is a 3rd gen. He has good skills and documentation)

Sounds like he needs to find a decent WC guy who wants to learn arnis/FMA and trade skills.
Don't bother. Find yourself a good CMA school in your area and learn that way.

You simply can't beat learning from a qualified instructor who can correct your mistakes in real time as you make them. Additionally, learning with others helps the learning process over learning alone.
Say, what general area is this guy?

Teachers, or practitioners of an art aren't always easy to find even when they're there. If we know what general area, and what art you're looking for, there might be someone who knows of someone in the area.

I've never driven less than two and a half hours for Wing Chun myself, but I've been at it what? 3 years now?
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Eastern Oregon.
He is keen on Jun Fan Chuan Fa/JKD and or WC.
He did some WC when he was back in the Philippines.

Portland has a WC school in beverton.
Don't bother. Find yourself a good CMA school in your area and learn that way.

You simply can't beat learning from a qualified instructor who can correct your mistakes in real time as you make them. Additionally, learning with others helps the learning process over learning alone.

I agree with you.
Thank you. Your thoughts on video recorded and streaming distance

Yes and No.

Striking arts and weapons sure. You can practice a lot of arts solo i.e. Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do some styles of karate. I will even give you some weapon styles.
But some arts like Hapkido, Hwa rang do, Aikido, Krav Maga, up close and personal arts NO. These need a good uke they deal in tactile contact. With out a qualified instructor to be in the mix you could be learning all the wrong concepts and technical issues.
Ultimately though it is up to the student, after all you get what you put into it. If the student is dedicated and disciplined enough to put in the time and effort it takes to learn the art then they can eventually weed out bad instruction.

Do your homework on the instructors.

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