Obama Stunned By Bonuses??

Biden (D-DE), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
McCain (R-AZ), Yea
Obama (D-IL), Yea

Maybe they should have read it.
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
McCain (R-AZ), Yea
Obama (D-IL), Yea

Maybe they should have read it.

I'm sure none of them knew this particular issue was going to pop up and become a news item. Nor that it would be used as a fulcrum to create some manufactured outrage.

Seriously, this whole thing is a red-herring. You can be sure that the real action is happening someplace else - not here. This is a ruse, a distraction, and you and the rest of America are falling for it bigtime. Don't let the media lead you around by the nose and tell you want to be outraged at.

Here is where the magician's other hand is:



I don't want to spark any more conspiracy theories - surely we have enough already in today's fevered environment - but the number one holder of these bonds is the Chinese government. They became America's lead banker late last year. Last Friday the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, took the extraordinary step of telling the world how "worried" he was about his government's estimated $740 billion worth of Treasury bonds. At the time they had been sliding. A few days later the Federal Reserve offered to bid them up with taxpayers' funds and they started rising again.

It is hardly a confident sign when one of the few big customers left for US government paper is the US government. It smacks of a bar that starts to sell a lot of booze to the owner. On credit.

This is the first time in fifty years this has been tried in the US. It's big news, but it is being completely ignored. As planned. We're too busy being outraged about a few hundred million, while trillions are going sliding out under our noses.
Since I'm the Procrastinatora Ultima, I copied and pasted the data you provided, Bob, verbatim, into a spreadsheet format, splitting it into columns of name, state, party, vote. Then I ran a couple of data sorts and ran a couple of numbers:

There are 49 Democratic senators
There are 49 Republican senators
There are 2 Independent party senators

Of the Democrats:
39 voted yea = 73.59% of the Dem vote
9 voted nay = 18.37% of the Dem vote
1 not voting = 2.04% of the Dem vote

Of the Independants:
1 voted yea = 50% of the Ind vote
1 voted nay = 50% of the Ind vote

Of the Republicans:
34 voted yea = 69.39% of the Rep vote
15 voted nay = 30.61% of the Rep vote

That's a total of 74% voting yea, 25% voting nay and 1% not voting.

I would encourage everyone to write their senators.
Seriously, this whole thing is a red-herring. You can be sure that the real action is happening someplace else - not here. This is a ruse, a distraction, and you and the rest of America are falling for it bigtime. Don't let the media lead you around by the nose and tell you what to be outraged at.

Sorry but I'm already outraged that America has voted in this pompous, arrogant, narcicistic man as president. I take it that your one of those liberal demcrats. I can't stand Barack Hussein Obama. He is going to ruin this country. He's inexperienced and doesn't know what in the hell he's doing.
Sorry but I'm already outraged that America has voted in this pompous, arrogant, narcicistic man as president. I take it that your one of those liberal demcrats. I can't stand Barack Hussein Obama. He is going to ruin this country. He's inexperienced and doesn't know what in the hell he's doing.

You take it incorrectly.

I'm not liberal, I'm conservative.

I'm not a Democrat, although I am not a Republican, either. I'm much closer to the Republican Party than I am the Democratic party, though. I'm a Goldwater conservative, if that means anything to you.

I did not vote for Barack Obama, but he is my President and I want him to succeed, to the extent that I want America to succeed.

I don't say "Barack Hussein Obama" as if the word "Hussein" held some special meaning because I am not a racist. You might want to knock it off; it makes you look like an angry racist. I'm sure you're not one, but that's how it makes you look.

The country was already ruined when he got into office. I do not agree with the way he is going about fixing it, but he didn't break it. It was pre-broken.

He *is* inexperienced, but the only Presidents who are experienced (at being President) are second-termers, and they only get another four years to be experienced.

You misunderstood my criticism.

My point is not that AIG is great - they're not - they're bad. I get it.

My point is that AIG's bonus situation was well-known to everyone involved long before it became a news item - everyone is expressing their shock and dismay, but they all knew about it. The links I posted prove that.

And when the government AND the media tell YOU to "look over there, get outraged, jump up and down" and you DO IT, you're being used. Is that really want you want?

You are being led by the nose by the left-leaning media, who are taking their marching orders from the White House. Stop being a lapdog for Obama. He wants you to be outraged by AIG's puny bonuses, so you won't notice the 1 TRILLION dollars the Fed just pumped into government bonds, essentially propping up the bond market for the benefit of our new lords and masters, the Chinese, and devaluing our currency by printing a trillion dollars of new money for no good reason at all.

This AIG thing is a red herring, meant to distract. It worked, huh?
You take it incorrectly.

I'm not liberal, I'm conservative.

I'm not a Democrat, although I am not a Republican, either. I'm much closer to the Republican Party than I am the Democratic party, though. I'm a Goldwater conservative, if that means anything to you.

I did not vote for Barack Obama, but he is my President and I want him to succeed, to the extent that I want America to succeed.

I don't say "Barack Hussein Obama" as if the word "Hussein" held some special meaning because I am not a racist. You might want to knock it off; it makes you look like an angry racist. I'm sure you're not one, but that's how it makes you look.

The country was already ruined when he got into office. I do not agree with the way he is going about fixing it, but he didn't break it. It was pre-broken.

He *is* inexperienced, but the only Presidents who are experienced (at being President) are second-termers, and they only get another four years to be experienced.

You misunderstood my criticism.

My point is not that AIG is great - they're not - they're bad. I get it.

My point is that AIG's bonus situation was well-known to everyone involved long before it became a news item - everyone is expressing their shock and dismay, but they all knew about it. The links I posted prove that.

And when the government AND the media tell YOU to "look over there, get outraged, jump up and down" and you DO IT, you're being used. Is that really want you want?

You are being led by the nose by the left-leaning media, who are taking their marching orders from the White House. Stop being a lapdog for Obama. He wants you to be outraged by AIG's puny bonuses, so you won't notice the 1 TRILLION dollars the Fed just pumped into government bonds, essentially propping up the bond market for the benefit of our new lords and masters, the Chinese, and devaluing our currency by printing a trillion dollars of new money for no good reason at all.

This AIG thing is a red herring, meant to distract. It worked, huh?

I'm not a racist either....he's the one who insisted on being sworn in using his middle name. He normally does not use his middle name but when being sworn in he wanted to use it.

Second termers are not the only ones with experience in governing. For example Sarah Palin had experience in that she was a mayor and govenor of a state. Ronald Reagan had experience as Govenor of California, Thomas Jefferson was govenor of Virginia, Bill Clinton had experience his first term because he had governed Arkansas, George W. Bush had experience when he took office because he had been gov. of Texas. What did Obama have experience at doing???? Being a organizational leader for ACORN?? Look at what happened there. Did being a senator for 4 years give him the experience? No. He only voted present 140 something time that whole 4 years. Obama was a bad choice for president. He will ruin us by the time his term is up. Yes things were bad with Bush but things will be 1000 times worse with Obama.
Obama was a bad choice for president. He will ruin us by the time his term is up. Yes things were bad with Bush but things will be 1000 times worse with Obama.

Him and Congress will.
Yep, they were.
Yep, they will be, especially with the current crop of treasonous weasels in Congress.
I'm not a racist either....he's the one who insisted on being sworn in using his middle name. He normally does not use his middle name but when being sworn in he wanted to use it.

With respect - continuing to harp on the 'middle name' thing is a small angry act of a small angry person.

It's his name. If his middle name was "Joseph" we would not be having this conversation - so it is something about "Hussein" that gets people so riled up.

Racism may not be your motive - but it is one of the few real reasons that might exist for this irrational fixation on the man's name.

It is reasonable for people to presume (and a lot of them do) that others who cannot stop themselves from mentioning it as if spitting a curse word "Barack HUSSEIN Obama," are indeed racists, bigots, or worse.

That's why I suggesting dropping it, because it makes the person harping on it sound like a racist.
I'm not a racist either....he's the one who insisted on being sworn in using his middle name. He normally does not use his middle name but when being sworn in he wanted to use it.

So what?

Ever hear of...
George Walker Bush?
William Jefferson Clinton?
George Herbert Walker Bush?
Richard Milhous Nixon?
John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

They were all sworn in using their middles names. Notable exceptions: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S. Trueman, and Gerald R. Ford. The audio of LBJ's swearing in aboard Air Force One does not include his name.

I don't know that your President insisted on using his middle name; rather it appears he opted to do so, just like many of his peers.
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With respect - continuing to harp on the 'middle name' thing is a small angry act of a small angry person.

It's his name. If his middle name was "Joseph" we would not be having this conversation - so it is something about "Hussein" that gets people so riled up.

Racism may not be your motive - but it is one of the few real reasons that might exist for this irrational fixation on the man's name.

It is reasonable for people to presume (and a lot of them do) that others who cannot stop themselves from mentioning it as if spitting a curse word "Barack HUSSEIN Obama," are indeed racists, bigots, or worse.

That's why I suggesting dropping it, because it makes the person harping on it sound like a racist.

I'm not continuing to harp on it. Just merely pointing out a fact. But since you told me not to harp on it......Hussein Hussein Hussein Hussein Hussein.
"I cried because I had no middle name until I met a man with the middle name 'Hussein'."
-Harry S Truman
