Clark Kent
<B>News Bot</B>
10-25-2008 02:07 PM
So reads a comment left at, where Bob’s latest article appeared this morning.* It’s possible that the commenter was upset by Bob’s opening paragraph:
The article is worth the read and the political debate is getting heated.* Check out Bob Barr’s latest article here.
So reads a comment left at, where Bob’s latest article appeared this morning.* It’s possible that the commenter was upset by Bob’s opening paragraph:
The famed fat lady hasnt sung yet, but shes warming up. Sen. John McCains campaign has the feel of a farewell tour. His imminent loss gives conservatives another reason to drop the Republican Party.
Or perhaps the commenter was upset because Bob called McCain out regarding the bailout:
Indeed, Sen. McCain wants to force taxpayers to buy up every bad mortgage in Americaat face value, bailing-out every irresponsible lender and borrower in the country. Never mind looking out for the taxpayers who borrowed responsibly and pay their mortgage every month.
Or maybe it was this:
A conservative vote for Sen. McCain is a wasted vote. It is wasted because even if he is elected, he does not stand for conservative values and will not promote conservative values. Government will grow, spending will rise, and liberty will diminish.
One thing is clear.* The people leaving nasty comments on the article aren’t giving people reasons to vote for McCain; they merely rehash the same worn-out line that McCain is less of a socialist than Obama is.* Barr supporters are providing plenty of positive reasons to vote for Bob, though.
The article is worth the read and the political debate is getting heated.* Check out Bob Barr’s latest article here.