Ninjustu acceptance in the Martail Arts World

And, as I explained to Jon from the get-go, the role of Uke in traditional systems is often the more senior practitioner, so it is hardly applicable to junior students as a beginning term, let alone how far off he is on the actual use of the term itself. Sigh....

Yeah, the pics were just further nails in the coffin of his competance, frankly.
Thanks, I've never actually ventured too far into the site so wasn't sure if there was another gallery somewhere with blooper/outtake style pics..
Oh I had a look at the "kamae" just now, I'm most likely completely off but to me it most resembles our street "non posture" or "fence" where the hands are just a guard without giving away any indication of training or skill?
The lead hand is held too far out for that to be practical, it allows no striking ability, no blocking ability, and simply gives an opponent an easily reachable handle (to break those nicely extended and seperated fingers....), the body is turned too far away for it to be a "hidden" non-posture (it's too stylised), leading to more difficulty in moving without the opponent seeing it (everything would be telegraphed from that distance), the lead shoulder is too far forward, allowing no real movement there.... should I go on?
Oh, and Bruno? You mean that will believe that the "reformation" is a charade, yes?

As long as [condition] I won't believe that the 'reformation' is anything other than a charade.

Seems grammatically fine to me.
if (condition) -> I won't believe it is anything other than a charade
which is identical to
if (condition) -> I believe it is a charade

It's just a more fancy way of saying it :)
Ah, yes, silly me, I was reading what you wrote before you edited it.... nicely played, my friend.

(For those playing at home, the original text from Bruno was: "As long as that abomination is still there, with the grading requirements, the pictures that show a complete lack of any understanding of anything 'ninjutsu' and the heavily abused and misspelled terms and names.... I won't believe that the 'reformation' is a charade." Just sayin'.... don't like being wrong, you know.....)
Oh I had a look at the "kamae" just now, I'm most likely completely off but to me it most resembles our street "non posture" or "fence" where the hands are just a guard without giving away any indication of training or skill?

Shizen no kamae is a 'non posture'

What he and Brad are doing is 'trying to look mean no kamae'
While simultaneously putting their bodies square in the way of a possible attack without a lot of flexibility to sidestep and holding out their fingers for someone to grab them and break them.
Ah, yes, silly me, I was reading what you wrote before you edited it.... nicely played, my friend.

(For those playing at home, the original text from Bruno was: "As long as that abomination is still there, with the grading requirements, the pictures that show a complete lack of any understanding of anything 'ninjutsu' and the heavily abused and misspelled terms and names.... I won't believe that the 'reformation' is a charade." Just sayin'.... don't like being wrong, you know.....)

With my moderator skills I have the power to forever change my words and confuse you. :)
There's a natural stance in Wado Ryu, either Migishizentai or Hidarishizentai, sort of a stood around but ready for anything stance, feet in shape of Japanese letter re, arms down by the side. It's this stance that Iain Abernethy and many other pragmatic karateka believe means the famous no first strike in karate saying as being something other than what is usually taught. It's not a defensive stance as there are strikes you do from this stance such as Tobikomizuki, it's a strike first stance. Many, myself included believe the no strike first thing means while you don't start the fight you can finish it by striking first.

Just thought I'd throw that in, show I can do the Japanese terminology thing too.:)
Ugh. After reading Jon's apology statement, I was hoping he was being sincere and was going to disband his group and send his students to get real training. Maybe he's not.

Jon, for us to even begin to take you remotely seriously you must do the following:

Disband your "ryu". It is ok to have a bunch of friends come together and train, but you cannot teach them. You have no ryu, you have no tradition, you have no experience. Disband.

Train in legitimate Takamatsuden arts (Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinekan, Toshindo, or an indie organization that can be traced back to teachers from these groups.)

If you do not do these things then your "apology" makes no sense. I assumed you were going to do these things when you posted it, but I may have misread it.

I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you need to show through action that you want to do what is best for you, your students, and the ninjutsu community.
What he and Brad are doing is 'trying to look mean no kamae'

I like that! Can I steal it for future usage? Please don't get him started on Henka... I'm still sore from being shown Henka of Koku and the worst part was that it just kept coming!! :p After the first 2 or 3 I was like yup, cpl of different ways to do it but it ended up being more like 15 and something tells me that was just scratching the surface :|

Oh by the way, hope you're feeling better Tez! How's the cold? All those hot toddies work?
Well... After reading your guys posts... You just further my reasoning to keep at what Im doing....

P.S. I like my Gauges/Plugs "the earrings"... there 7/8 of an inch...
I bet you would all scream like little girls if you had any Mods done...BTW... Why do you care about my plugs?? It just proves to me that your all a bunch of snobs. I need no acceptance from types like yourself!!!

I hope you guys feel awesome!!
Ah, the rings.

Well personally of course I would scream if someone was mutilating my body, so you are right in that regard. But leaving aside my personal opinion for a moment, it is generally not done to train, pose, or demonstrate techniques in public while wearing any sort of 'decoration'

This is not restricted to earrings, but also piercings, wedding rings, watches, belly buttons, concert wrist bands, etc. This is not only done out of propriety and etiquette, but also because it is a bad idea to wear anything that could come loose, tear out, or hook into something else while practicing. It is endangering to you and your trainingspartner.

As to the comments: nothing of what is displayed in the pictures on your website has to do with ninjutsu training. There is not a single pic that shows good form, or even something remotely resembling a technique that is actual ninjutsu. Most definitely not the pictures of you and brad. And honestly, most of the techniques look pretty sloppy as well. As long as you leave those things in place, isn't it fairly obvious that you still don't care about learning, but only about 'feel good' and personal status?

I mean you say that you want to learn for real, so why continue with the feel good stuff? Additionally, you remember me telling you that it was against the Bujinkan rules to belong to another ninjutsu organization?
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Sure thing!!

You are the man Bruno... I will make sure to pray for you!

Whats also funny to me is I have a mental picture of you guys racing to your computers like Bat man and robin running to the Bust to flip the head push a button and slide down a pole every time I post.. I hope you guys are having fun wasting your time... P.S you will never get this time back.... HA HA HA...
Sure thing!!

You are the man Bruno... I will make sure to pray for you!

Whats also funny to me is I have a mental picture of you guys racing to your computers like Bat man and robin running to the Bust to flip the head push a button and slide down a pole every time I post.. I hope you guys are having fun wasting your time... P.S you will never get this time back.... HA HA HA...


So why did you write that very long post in which you meantioned you had time to think, realized the error of your ways, wanted to learn, etc? It still seems you don't care a fig about actual learning. So why that post?

So why did you write that very long post in which you meantioned you had time to think, realized the error of your ways, wanted to learn, etc? It still seems you don't care a fig about actual learning. So why that post?

It's because whatever he says he does actually want an adult to pat him on the head and say well done.

As for the sreaming in pain because of a little earring all I'm going to say is that I've had two kids lol. there is no martial art that encourages the wearing of such things while training. Besides that, it looks really naff.

And the hot toddies are getting there lol.

I know next to nothing about Ninjutsu but these guys feel about it the way I feel about MMA, they want it to be represented in a professional, serious manner so that people take them seriously as martial artists. To see 'pretenders' coming along,stating they know it all and they are the next best thing thing sliced bread does two things, firstly it makes them laugh like hell then it annoys them when non martial artists believe this is how their art should be done. Their response is not to rant and rave it's to try and help the 'pretender', trust me not many would do that but they will here. It's a shame that response was met by a pantomime. Still at least I and a few others know more about their art. Thanks guys.

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