Well first, don't think of WC as a sport. It's a very different mindset than sport fighting or training. Your looking for the immediate defeat of your opponent.
Just stay relaxed focus on NOT using strength especially when punching. This will be a new and weird approach to punching for you at first, but your speed and power in WC punching depend on it.
WC is in the mind, it's a "clever" art more than a strong man's fighting style. It's all in the mind.
When doing WC fill your mind with thoughts of forward "intent", I know it sounds wierd, but just think in your mind even when you do the form, "forward, forward, forward pressure." Think this when you do application with a partner, think forward when you do lop, and lat sau drills. And also consentrate on staying as relaxed as possible. Almost to the point where you feel "lazy" or like your not really "trying" to punch, deflect/block, or kick hard.
Trust me, the power will come in time if you do this. If you do drills in class and your getting bumps and bruises in training on your arms and such, remember you must fully relax. The more you tense your muscles the more you'll recieve pain.
In Muy Tai I know you've probably trained your arms and legs to take quite a beating and to wear down your opponent's limbs too. But, your goals and mindset will be the total opposite in Wing Chun.
You want to totally re-direct their strength and force in WC without "effort". If your forcing the movement and using your strength your not feeling the direction of the opponent's force and learning how to re-direct it. You'll learn to instantly respond to powerful punches and kicks and deflect it from your body without pain or force to and by you.
This will make it possible to defeat an opponent that normally would defeat you because their strength is greater. If you fight a stronger opponent with all your strength, your chances of winning are nil.
This is a smart, street art, and I know some traditional Muy Tai is not focused on sport and more for SD, but since your stating sport, I'm just trying to prepare your mindset for WC.
I hope that makes sense, but it might not click until you get into a WC class and start training for a few weeks. But, if you keep all this in consideration, relax, don't force, no strength, and forward pressure, repeat in your mind as keywords when you train, you'll progress in WC much, much faster.
Remember: think: "Lose, relaxed, calm, forward pressure, forward intent, forward force. effortless."
I hope this helps. And enjoy your training!