New Modern Arnis Group

we have one form that consist of 5 loops and all the movements look FMA in orgin

Was this something the Professor taught at one time?

I met Rocky at a Michigan camp in the late 80s but haven't seen him since. He showed me some interesting things at that camp!
Originally posted by Rocky

Here we ago again, Forgive me if I post this wrong or long I am new to this forum.

Well Paul! its aways amazing how many people will open there mouth and insert foot with out knowing the facts.

(deleted some material for brevity - JB)

In 1991 Remy and I started to drift apart because of his ranking of some truely bad quality people, but they had lots of students and brought him in to do lots of seminars.

Now as for your verySTUPID mouth running rants about my title in Balintawak ( by the way I don't think Ted was real happy when I talked to him this morning) I am and have been the Chief instructor for Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak at the only commercial school in Lincoln Park Mi. ( which is temperarly closed till I buy a new building) now for about 7 years, to this day I beleave I am the only person GM Buot has given his blessings to to teach. When I first asked Teddy if I could teach he said how many? I said well I would limit the class to 12 , he said 12!!! I said ok how about 8, he said 8!!!!! I said 6, he said well ok 6. ANd to this day I have been teaching students Balintawak 100% the way GM Buot taught me no modifing no adding or changing. And I will always teach that way, as I will always send my student that I think wil honor him in the same fashion, to train with him.

As far as cuentada de Mano, ask Teddy what he thinks, I have been teaching it for almost 10 years most of my students are preveiously trained some of thme have more years in the Martial arts then I have been born!!!

Your humble servant

Hi Rocky,

Glad to see you on board the forum - by the way - I understannd that you inquired about me over on the ED Board - write to me here or privately at <>.

Good personal profile and background information on yourself - thanks for posting that information. And yes, you will encounter some of the same insecure, ill-informed nonsense here as on the ED.

Your comment about why you left the IMAF in 1991, is quite similar to why I left and it is also consistant with why a number of other people stopped their training as close associates of Professor's. There are a significant number of people who began their training under Professor, as or after we had scaled back our our own training under Professor, who are very unaware of the roots of the art and the diverity of traing that occured prior to their arrivial. Thanks for making your points as cited above.

I am sure that you are aware of the upcoming 2003 Symposium that I will be hosting on July 11 - 13, in Buffalo. I had previously exchanged private e-mails with one of your students and I had told him that I would be contacting you after the first of the year to ask if you wanted to participate. But since you have joined this forum and a there has been comments made, perhaps the invitation is better made now than later.

For those of you who do not know about Rocky Paswik, perhaps you should pay attention to me as I explain that he is legitimate and very knowledgable about Modern Arnis. He was already in training and traveling with Professor as a teenager, when I got involved in Modern Arnis in 1981 - that makes him my senior in the art and one of just 5 people that I know personally who trained with Professor BEFORE I got into Modern Arnis. He is one of the people that I had in mind in several of my previous posts about Modern Arnis "long-timers" who have solid foundational sklls within the art because of their early association with Professor.

Thanks again for your post, Rocky and I am very pleased to see that you are on this forum.


Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by arnisador

Was this something the Professor taught at one time?

I met Rocky at a Michigan camp in the late 80s but haven't seen him since. He showed me some interesting things at that camp!

Hello Arnisidor,

Thanks for adding your comment about Rocky. It is so easy to have negative things said/writtten about someone, so we need people to step up and make the corrections. I also was wondering if you are still interested in learning something about the palm stick and kubaton? Both of those items were included in my training with Guro Don Zanghi in the early 1980's and i have kept them in my instructional program both privately and at the college.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Originally posted by bloodwood

I would just like to say that I have sent Rocky a personal apology for my unkind remarks and also do so here in public. In this type of forum sometimes it's too easy to get involved in things you have no business in.
Good Luck Rocky with your new group.


Hi Bloodwood,

Thanks for the above post. This is one of the reasons why I am hosting the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. You and everyone else who attends will have an opportunity to meet and train with the diverse group of people who trained under Professor Presas, during various periods of his teaching career in the USA, Canada and Europe, plus there is a pssibility that one or two of his Filipino students - pre 1974 will attend, in addition to his adult children, who trained in RP.

There is a lot of bickering and snappinng at one another - one of the best things that we could do for ourselves as students and instructors of Modern Arnis is to come together periodically at a single site, to train together. The goal is to meet and exchange ideas. There will never be a singular replacement for Professor Presas, but we all can work to make the art better.

Thanks for stepping up privately and publicly,

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I have no experience with it and would like to know more! I have the Gunting now too and am looking forward to taking a seminar on it. Unfortunately few things come to Nowhere, Indiana so I must wait patiently.

I talked to Rocky last night. He was cool to me over the phone. I am glad that I (as I said in my post) was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt. Although he sounded upset with me when he posted his response here, I am happy to say that we worked it out over the phone. He understood exactly why I responded the way I did, and why I had so many questions. Since I asked the question publicily, I'll clarify some answers publically as well.

1. Motive: Wasn't completely clear, but it seems, if I correctly heard him, that his real passion is promoting his system that he has developed. He still has his loyalties to Modern Arnis, Balintawak, and still wants to train, practice, and teach those.

2. Training?: He outlined his backround well enough in his previous post. He did say that he had a falling out with Professor, but they were on good terms still. He didn't make any false claims about the art, and he teaches modern arnis as he knows it. I have no qualms about that.

3. "Chief Instructor": Rocky got permission from Manong Buot to teach a small group of about 6 people Balintawak. He has been doing this for years. Due to some contoversy regarding Bobby Taboda's people, he named his CLASS "Anciong Bacon's original Balintawak" to seperate himself from other Balintawak people. He is the chief instructor of his own CLASS that he runs, but Manong Buot is still the GM of the system. Rocky doesn't claim to be the GM at all, and gives the credit where it is due: to Manong Ted Buot. I am happy to hear this. Although, I think that it is unwise to say "Chief Instructor of Anciong Bacon's Original Balintawak" because people WILL misunderstand the title, and I DO think that Rocky should call it something else because of this. But, that is his call, and I'm glad that I better understand what he ment by the title. If he chooses to not change this title, I hope that others will not misunderstand him the way I did.

This cleared everything up for me, and although I may not agree with the WAY in which some of the info was presented, Rocky is O.K. with me. :D I hope that some of the differences that others have with him (based off of the WAY things were said, and may be justified) will be remidied also.

I have welcomed him to visit me, or any programs I have, and he said that he 'd keep me in the loop with what he is doing.

I think it's great when 2 people, with proper communication, can work out differences.

Good luck Rock!

Originally posted by DoctorB

Hi Bloodwood,

Thanks for the above post. This is one of the reasons why I am hosting the 2003 Modern Arnis Symposium. You and everyone else who attends will have an opportunity to meet and train with the diverse group of people who trained under Professor Presas, during various periods of his teaching career in the USA, Canada and Europe, plus there is a pssibility that one or two of his Filipino students - pre 1974 will attend, in addition to his adult children, who trained in RP.

There is a lot of bickering and snappinng at one another - one of the best things that we could do for ourselves as students and instructors of Modern Arnis is to come together periodically at a single site, to train together. The goal is to meet and exchange ideas. There will never be a singular replacement for Professor Presas, but we all can work to make the art better.

Thanks for stepping up privately and publicly,

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

Thanks Doc.

I was wondering if you were still doing your, thing. As for the sympoz..... symposy....... the gathering, hey you know me take me to the Anchor Bar for some Buffalo Wings and I am yours.

As for that little stick thing the Doc teaches, from Don Zanghi, I never really got envolved with it but Don was a little psycho-path with it. And I am sure the Doc has added his own thing.

And Arnisador, thank you beleave me I have said my fair share of things that I have had to appologize for but thats what gives you class, do or say something wrong, just appologize and move on no harm no foul.

Its hard to get along with everyone, and the older I get the more I realize how much time I have wasted being pissed of or mad at someone for things that only bothered me.


P.S one last thing on the Chief INstructor thing, on the eskrima Digest where I usually post, everyone there knows that I use that title strickly to discribe what I do at my school. A few years back,there were a few people trying to make claim or so some of us thought to the title of GM of Balintawak. and it was yours truly that stood up for GM Buot to set things straight, which is also why I use the signature I do, so people would know we are the direct link to Great Grandmaster Bacon'.
Originally posted by Rocky
Hello Master Anderson, you still have those legs of steel:-).

First let me start with U-SMAC this is just a small group of guys that have been teaching since the late 70s early 80s, they just want to teach and play and stay away from the political B.S. Its amazing that just because some people didn't perfer the lime light and chose to stay with their little groups they get dismised. The last argument Professor and I had I told him that God forebid anything should happen to him everyone would be joggleing for position. Well it looks like I was right.

Yep - I predicted that back in the ancient days as well. Ask Bram Frank about it.

Personally I don't care about all the orginazations. The only one I have ever realy recognized was Tim Hartmans, ( although we are not very friendly right now, maybe it will pass ) and that is because I knew him and new he looked for more and honestly liked Remy and stayed with him through thick and thin.

I like Tim as well for some of the same reasons and believe you me, we didn't start out on the right foot at all. It makes for a great story over beers now. We get along great and he's a good man.

Here in Michigan there are people that have trained maybe 7 or 8 years and are Masters I can't figure that out!!! Yet Master Robert Demott in Flint Mi. was a 6th degree back in 1981 or 82, now We don't get along at all, but I do recognize his rank, after all he was doing this stuff since around 1977, just because he chose to step away from Professor doesn't mean he doesn't know Modern Arnis.

As for what I term Progressive Modern Arnis, its basically old style, no tappi tappi you will learn how to spar the old way free flowing with no set patterns. We do not use the modified Shotokan forms, instead we have one form that consist of 5 loops and all the movements look FMA in orgin primarillay Crossada de Mano, some say it even looks silat, which is no surprise. The body mechanics are more liniar and it probably has a little Balintawak Moncals flavor to it , and I use it as a link to a little more balanced and combative art of Cuentada de Mano.But basically its how Professor taught me. it is very self defence orientated. But its still Remy!!

As for Cuentada de Mano, its a whole differeant beast.

I use to tell everyone about meeting you years ago, because of your great tournment fighting in Karate. In fact Remy b.s.'d me into beleaving you went a whole year without being scored on.

I wish! It's stories like that which keep the myth alive (not that I object to that at all).

I think he liked to mess with me some times, anyways I latter found out that wasn't true. But none the less you use to be the man in those Karate Tournments.

Thank you. That's an aspect that many on the "outside" didn't know about Prof. Presas - he had a funny bone a mile wide.

Do you ever here from Wendy Dragonfire, or Jenaesa Kruse (sp)

Wendi, no. She has been in Holland for a good numebr of years. As to Janesa, I'll see her from time to time. She has advanced to a very position in the Goeroe Willy Wetzel branch of Poekoelan Tjiminde Tulan and runs a big school in Portland, Oregon.

Good to here from you. Rocky

Thanks for the data. I feel it's a good thing that old timers are taking what Remy Presas taught us and are continuing on with it. It sounds like you are among what Tim Hartman, Jerome Barber, Bram Frank, myself and probably a number of others are doing. Excellent. Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the future.

Dan Anderson
Founder, Modern Arnis 80
Originally posted by GouRonin

Is there still anyone teaching Pekiti Tersia in the Detroit area?

Also, Rich, do you know this guy Jerry Jacobs?
I think he's in Port Huron. Does he teach Pekiti Tersia?



Gou Ronin,

My Apologies for not replying sooner. I have been busy with work.

I do not know Mr Jacobs.

"Can you hear me know"

Originally posted by arnisador

I have no experience with it and would like to know more! I have the Gunting now too and am looking forward to taking a seminar on it. Unfortunately few things come to Nowhere, Indiana so I must wait patiently.

Hello Arnisador,

Write me privately at <>, I am sure that we can work out something to get you some instruction in both the Palm Stick and the Gunting Knife. I have been certified by Bram, for the past couple of years to teach the latter.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

PS: I would be happy to work out a teaching seminar for anyone on this forum involving the hand tools - Palm Stick, Kubaton Keychain and Gunting Knife - as seperate programs or all three.
Certification is also a possibility in all three areas. Write me privately, please.
I'll get in touch with you prior to my next Buffalo trip. I'd especially like to learn more about using my new Gunting.
In regards to anyone teaching Pekiti Tirsia in the Detroit area - I can recommend Guro Chris Malgeri at the Kali Academy in Madison Heights, he is with Tuhon Bill Mcgrath's group. He is also an Associate Instructor in the Inosanto/Lacoste system of Filipino arts as well as Jun Fan/JKD.

That's right, Chris does know Pekiti. I almost went to McGraths Seminar at Chris's last time he was in town. I had stopped by before too, but Chris was busy teaching class and I wasn't able to talk with him.

Chris and I have a small connection anyhow, in that his instructor Dave Hatch trains in Balintawak under Ted Buot, who is also my Balintawak instructor.

(Assuming you are one of Chris's guys) I was wondering what you guys are doing Saturday November 16th? Datu Tim Hartman will be at my school in Rochester Hills, and that would be a great day for you guys to experience Modern Arnis. I've posted some info here, and I believe I mailed Chris a flyer. It should be a blast!

If you guys want to come, contact me on this forum, e-mail, or call me.

Thanks! Hope to see you soon! :D
Originally posted by Toasty
In regards to anyone teaching Pekiti Tirsia in the Detroit area - I can recommend Guro Chris Malgeri at the Kali Academy in Madison Heights, he is with Tuhon Bill Mcgrath's group. He is also an Associate Instructor in the Inosanto/Lacoste system of Filipino arts as well as Jun Fan/JKD.

Thanx very much. This has been quite the search so far. Very interesting. I will check these guys out.
Hello Paul, just saw your pic at Manong's.
I used to train with Chris in Kali, but switched to just Balintawak with Nong Ted over 2 years ago.
Have tried to keep training with him in Muay Thai &
Silat but have become so busy at work in the last several months that I only have time for Manong.
How do you like Balintawak so far? The first few months were the hardest for me (coming from a Kali background). Now its just a matter of not "returning it back to him" that gets me...LOL.

train well
see ya around i'm sure
Originally posted by PAUL
Call me or e-mail me before your come to MI.;
I live only a few miles from Chris' school.

I have not had the chance to contact him to see what is up. But you know that if I head down there I will be contacting you.

Mostly just to drive you crazy.

I've been doing pretty well for my first few months, I think. I got to cuintadas (sp?) right away.

I have Tim Hartman, Jaye Spiro, and Rich Parsons to thank for my speedy progress. Just talking to them and getting info and advise before my 1st lesson helped tremendously.

I still make about 1,000 or more mistakes every session though! :rofl: I think Manong keeps me around purely for his own amusement! :D


You can call me and drive me nutz anytime! :cool:
Paul, I think the spelling your looking for is Cuentada,
But I'm pretty sure what you meant is that you got to Corridas fairly quickly in as much as no one is to the Cuentada level out of Ted's group yet.
Although as I understand it, our Corridas is (are?) fairly advanced and in depth.

see ya around