So many questions so I will try to answer them all to the best of my ability.
First, the ATA is very helpful. We have a website that offers us quarterly material for camps, activities, seminars, new student specials and what not. Very similar to MAIA. You don't have to use the stuff but it's there, and done for you. You change the date/time to fit your school, print it off and you have posters for events.
Each quarter they break down marketing/instruction/management. It's helpful. If you have run a successful martial arts school it's a no brainer and a lot of it you would already be doing. If you're not as business savvy or just busy, it's a great resource. I use the banners/posters all the time. So much easier than reinventing the wheel.
Ok, instructors.
The ATA has an instructor manual that is given to students when they decide they want to start being an instructor. Students beginning to train in their collar are given a red collar to start with. This is considered an instructor trainee.
There are three levels after that:
Red/Black - Level 1
Black/Red/Black - Level 2
Black Collar. - Level 3 (Certified)
Students who test for red/black have to know all the curriculum from white belt-yellow belt. Level 2 is knowing everything from white to purple belt and level 3. certified is doing all of the color belt curriculum and up to what ever rank of black belt you are. To add on, not only curriculum but also class room management skills and teaching concepts.
Most of these tests are done nationally through the ATA. ATA does allow your instructor to certify you for the first 2 levels if they have done the proper training and have the proper rank. To be certified black collar you have to either do it at a national event or have it done by someone who is a master.
To be a level 3 certified instructor you have to be the minimum age of 18 and have completed the previous two levels. Again, every ATA school is different in what they allow and not allow to teach at their school. This is not only ATA as I can imagine.
Some schools may allow a red/black collar to teach some classes, some may allow a red collar. A lot of time students/instructors will know past the curriculum they are "collared" for but since you are only allowed to test one collar per time it takes a while to get Black.
After you receive your Black Collar you are supposed to recertify. This has to be done before you can test for your next rank.
I hope that clearly answers the question. Mainly, the ATA has training, a rank system, and a manual for instruction.