New Grandmasters

Bravo Jay Bell. Very well put. Many beginners think they know a better way to do things than the established way. To me a beginner is anyone with less than 5 yrs training. And a beginner instructor is someone who as been teaching for less than 5 yrs. It takes atleast 10 yrs of teaching to be proficient enough to even consider modifying your curriculum.
If the gov't tries to regulate what I do they'll find me in my garage training in secret.
Sca-rew them!

I would like to hear what you think of the act of self promoting oneslef to Grandmaster and/or those who go befor a bord for an hour or so and then claim the rank of Grandmaster.
Myslef, I think that most of these people have very little skill and really have little respect for the arts that they may have studied in the past. If they truly have come up with something new let them teach it for 10 or more years truly developing it, if at that time other high ranking people say the rank should be awarded So be it. But to study 2 or 3 arts and get disapointed because you can not run the whole show and make your own system up out of ones little experence is belittleing your instructors and the arts you learned because the world dosn't revolve around you or you didn't get that promotion you wanted.
My opion,
aka Shadow
In my art (San Soo), the highest black belt is 8th degree, and generally occurs, if at all, towards their 11th year. Those who reach it are awarded their "Master" certificate. A master who has promoted a student to master is a "Grandmaster".
I think the key phrase here is ‘self-promoting’. Warning bells of McDojo fakery should ring clear in ones ears when you hear of such a thing. Titles of honour should bestowed by ones peers, and one should be a reluctant recipient, declaring ones unworthiness!
I think the key phrase here is ‘self-promoting’. Warning bells of McDojo fakery should ring clear in ones ears when you hear of such a thing. Titles of honour should bestowed by ones peers, and one should be a reluctant recipient, declaring ones unworthiness!
Oh please no. No no no no no….but no.
(When does my new certificate and fancy belt arrive?)
I think so, thought I saw it on MT a while back
I cannot find anything that explicitly reports his passing, but there were some postings made in one of the non-public areas. He had been given a bad diagnosis and has not logged in here since then.
I cannot find anything that explicitly reports his passing, but there were some postings made in one of the non-public areas. He had been given a bad diagnosis and has not logged in here since then.

I do not remember where I saw it, but a few weeks prior he was in my area and wanted to meet. However I could not make it because I had to get my daughter someplace. I remember feeling rather sad when I read he had passed and I w snot able to meet him first. If I am wrong, I am happy, but I think I am right. Hopefully he posts soon and tells me my memory is very wrong
I remember many years ago someone asked what his avatar name meant: Tshadowchaser. He said it is actually the name of his cat, Thunderfoot Shadowchaser. As a cat parent myself, I immediately understood where that name came from. I still think about that sometimes, when playing with my cats.
Considering this website has been around since 2001-06-23 21:29:15, and so is not yet 21 years old, I'd imagine you're correct here.
@_Simon_ I win.
@_Simon_ I win.
Hahahahahaha well played sir!

Had a real good laugh at that one.. thank you 🤣