Senior Master
You hear the arguments about the difference between 'Free Trade' and 'Fair Trade'. And many of us, perhaps, think it is the 'other' guy who is not trading 'Fair'. Alas, at the expense of foreign farmers, and American laborers, it is not so.
So-called 'free trade' and the so-called 'free market' are myths. They have no reality outside the minds of conservative ideologues and neo-classical economists.
What actually happens in a truly 'free market' is that when certain individuals and organizations acquire wealth and power through entrepeneurship, they essentially 'fix' the playing field so that they maintain this wealth and power, thereby making it more difficult for others to acquire said wealth and power. This kind of thing happened earlier in American history, when a government-mandated 'trust busting' campaign was required to break up the monopolies certain companies had on industry.
The great ideal of the free market is competition. However, once corporations and companies maintain a monopoly, competition essentially becomes non-existent. If you're not part of the conglomerate, you become bankrupt (because, as in this case, there is no way your little ma' n' pa' store can compete with the low-low prices of The Walmart; not if they want to pay the bills, that is).
This is clearly the case in the oil industry today, where as Lou Dobbs recently pointed out on the Daily Show, corporate profits are higher than they've ever been while worker wages per capita are as low as they have been in decades. And that's not even counting the thousands of American jobs that are outsourced each year to deplorable working conditions in developing countries (i.e., the Malaysian adolescent working for ten cents an hour). These corporations are getting away with this kind of stuff because they can. There is no real competition forcing them to do otherwise.
If an economy starts out with a 'free market', it won't stay that way for long, as our own history can attest. Not unless the government intervenes and starts imposing standards and regulations on how things are done.
Just something to think about.