New Drug Craze Hits Streets!

No, CuongNhuka, you must stop these fools before they get very sick or kill themselves. Hopefully you can tell them about this before they can find any poison ivy.

They're probably inhaleing as we speak. It's too late, assuming they went through with it.
If they do try they are truely idiots
Talk them out of it. I know most people that experament with drugs do not research the effects of what might happen but this one is a BAD idea

The evolutionist in me says let them do it and prove Darwin right.

The Christian and protector in me says stop them and prevent them from harming themselves and anyone who happens by.

Oh, what to do, what to do...

I really doubt that they will acctually go through with it. Are they druggy idiots? Yes. But, I don't think they are that stupid.
Inhalation of the smoke from burning a pile of poison ivy could be life threatening. Smoking it directly, as you would a joint, would be a suicide attempt. The possible reactions to inhalation of PI smoke are so dangerous that in many states it is illegal to burn poison ivy. If these guys truly are friends of yours then you will stop them. If they insist then do as Tellner suggested and get documentation as I'm sure the medical community will be interested in what happens.

Thats intresting. I might have to remember that, incase they decided to reschedule.
Stop them if you value their lives.

If they won't listen to you, tell them that hundreds of people probably died for every one person that found something worth smoking. Most probably figured out something was fun to smoke by inhaling it by accident during a fire or such.

(Somebody probably found out about Mary Jane when a rope factory caught fire or something.)

Ask them to take the time to ask a specialist at the very least before they try anything like that if they have any doubts at all about the matter.

From what I know, the other posters here saying it is a bad idea are right on the mark. The danger is that the stuff that causes the swelling and such will also hit the lung tissues the same way and they will not be able to absorb enough oxygen.

They have to be idiots to even think about trying this sort of thing, so maybe you should also talk to them about having surgery so that they can never have kids. People this stupid should not be allowed to pass along their genes.

Again, don't care about there lives. They also think they know everything, so they wont be going to a specialist for anything. Next time I get a physical I might mention this to my doctor, let him get a laugh out of it.
Hey Cuong,

I see you're 17. I suppose your friends are about your age. One of them grabbed your backside and you can chalk that up to immaturity. As far as the threatening goes, I don't know anything about their character. They could be real dirtbags or just immature.

I'm concerned about your attitude, your disregard for their lives. Are you still angry with them? Do they continue to make your life miserable? If not, maybe you can just pretend they don't exist.

I'm concerned about your attitude, your disregard for their lives. Are you still angry with them? Do they continue to make your life miserable? If not, maybe you can just pretend they don't exist.

Yes. The fact that I was nearly expelled for the event, doesn't make me feel any better about it.
Kudos to Lynne on this one. They are young and dumb. They don't deserve to die for it.

True. But, two of them are in a gang. Assuming they live, they will learn a valuable lesson, and probably clean up there act. If they die, others will probably clean up there act.
Besides, they probably wont do anything. They aren't dumb enough. And if not, I'll find out when my mom tells me that three kids form school died form smoking posion ivy.
True. But, two of them are in a gang. Assuming they live, they will learn a valuable lesson, and probably clean up there act. If they die, others will probably clean up there act.
Besides, they probably wont do anything. They aren't dumb enough. And if not, I'll find out when my mom tells me that three kids form school died form smoking posion ivy.
Not the mischievous kids that live next door I see.

Most criminals are dumb but they may not be dumb enough to try smoking poison ivy. If not, they'll probably do something else dumb.
Before I say anything, I have a disclamer first. One moron tried this (my Great Grandfather) and survived, but don't try this at home.

Now the rest of the story to steal a line. The idiots you know may just be in for the ride of a shortened life. My Great Grandfather was very allergic to Posion Ivy and would get a couple of really bad cases every summer, sometimes from just working close to it and the minute droplets in the air would cause him to break out. He tried everything, until he talked to an old Indian healer and she told him to make a tea out of the posion Ivy leaves and drink the whole cup. Well, Mr. 15 Watt Bulb took this idea and ran with it. One cup of Posion Ivy tea later and the fool almost died. He had a very long recovery, and eventually did come back to full strength. That was in his stomach, I don't even want to think what is going to happen when it hits lung tissue. Side note: he never got another spot from Posion Ivy for the rest of his life, and I can literally roll around in it and I have never been bothered by it, makes you think huh?

Well, it wasn't necessarily a fool idea-it's the same thing in principle as allergy shots; small amounts of the allergen adminstered to build up immunity-Chinese herbal medicine often follows the same principle for allergies. Unfortunately, the brewing of medicinal herbal teas, especially with something as toxic as poison ivy, is a matter of trained skill, and the healer should properly have prepared it for your great-grandfather; he obviously made it way too strong-and who knows how weak it had to be?
In any case, this is likely why it seemed to work-though it's just as likely that after that experience, he just avoided the heck out of poison ivy for the rest of his life.....
In any case, this is likely why it seemed to work-though it's just as likely that after that experience, he just avoided the heck out of poison ivy for the rest of his life.....

Nope, he was a farmer and there really is no way to avoid the stuff in the area he farmed. As for calling him foolish, I was referring to him thinking he could do it himself, and darn near killing off that side of the family tree.
Not the mischievous kids that live next door I see.

Most criminals are dumb but they may not be dumb enough to try smoking poison ivy. If not, they'll probably do something else dumb.
Bad assumption there...

Plenty of criminals are not dumb. It's bad thinking to assume that gang bangers or any other criminals are dumb. They may be ignorant, in the literal sense of the word, because plenty of them are dropouts... but they're often frighteningly intelligent. In fact, if some of them would just turn their minds to something productive, instead of destructive... They'd be a powerful force in our society.

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