Before I say anything, I have a disclamer first. One moron tried this (my Great Grandfather) and survived, but don't try this at home.
Now the rest of the story to steal a line. The idiots you know may just be in for the ride of a shortened life. My Great Grandfather was very allergic to Posion Ivy and would get a couple of really bad cases every summer, sometimes from just working close to it and the minute droplets in the air would cause him to break out. He tried everything, until he talked to an old Indian healer and she told him to make a tea out of the posion Ivy leaves and drink the whole cup. Well, Mr. 15 Watt Bulb took this idea and ran with it. One cup of Posion Ivy tea later and the fool almost died. He had a very long recovery, and eventually did come back to full strength. That was in his stomach, I don't even want to think what is going to happen when it hits lung tissue. Side note: he never got another spot from Posion Ivy for the rest of his life, and I can literally roll around in it and I have never been bothered by it, makes you think huh?