Now let's look at the facts about Xanax. Firstly it is A benzodiazepine. It is a 'legal' (on prescription) drug which is subject to abuse. It should be only prescribed short term because it is addictive. Every drug has side effects. The secret is to balance the potential benefits against the potential risks.Unless, of course, it is a legally manufactured potion (such as Aility, Adderall, Ambirn, Antabuse, Aircept, Anafranil, Benperiodol, BuSpar, Benzodiazephiens, Celexa, Clorzaril, Concerta, Cymbalta, Depakote, Effexor, Elavil, Eskalith, Gabitril, Geodon, Haldol, Imipramine, INderal, Keeprya, Klonopin, ad nauseum on through to Xanax, Zoloft, Zyprexa, Zelepron, Zolpidem and Zopiclone) that a pharmaceutical company can make money off of, right?
Ever look at the list of adverse effects on some of these?
Let's take Xanax, for example.
According to Wikipedia:
"Possible side effects include:
- Disinhibition[SUP][35][/SUP]
- Hallucinations (rare)[SUP][38][/SUP]
- Ataxia, slurred speech[SUP][40][/SUP]
- Suicidal ideation (rare)[SUP][41][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP]
- Urinary retention (infrequent)[SUP][42][/SUP]
- Skin rash, respiratory depression, constipation[SUP][43][/SUP][SUP][44][/SUP]
- Anterograde amnesia[SUP][45][/SUP] and concentration problems
[edit]Paradoxical reactions
- Drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, unsteadiness and impaired coordination, vertigo[SUP][43][/SUP][SUP][44][/SUP]
Although unusual, the following paradoxical reactions have been shown to occur:
- Aggression[SUP][46][/SUP]
with alprazolam can lead to profound sedating effects."
(Hey but lets jail people for marijuana because pot is a DRUG (read, "illegal drug", because the above are the REAL drugs in the sense that they are manufactured from chemicals in a laboratory) and HEROIN is a drug so they are EQUAL IN BADNESS!!!
Really, Ballen?You really believe that? If somebody was able to influence politicians to list mother's milk as a drug, would it then be just as bad as heroin and pot? )
So let's look at two scenarios.
I need to go across the country quickly because a close family member is only likely to live another 24 hours. I need to fly but I have a phobia about flying. The doctor prescribes me a small supply of Xanax and off I go. I don't worry about the flying any more, I probably will feel a bit sleepy and I will get to see my dying relative. Short term, it's highly unlikely I will experience any other side effects.
Scenario 2.
Xanax is now legally available to anyone from the local supermarket. In fact they have a special price so you buy two packets and get one free. Nothing like a bit of free stuff to get you properly hooked! So now I can be off my face as much as I like and when I'm feeling ok I can drive my car, yeah? I can have a tolerance to benzos, like alcohol, but the difference is that Xanax stays in the system a bit longer. About 2 to 3 days normally (which is a lot better than Valium which can stick around for a week or more). So I feel ok but my reaction time is shot. Can't wait to be on the road with everyone able to legally use any drug they like, when they like.
Now you will probably say Xanax is different to pot but if we are going to legalise one, we legalise all, or how do you differentiate? :asian: