NATO Air Strike Kills Civilians in Afghanistan could go over to Afghanistan yourself and meet with the taliban...sort of convince them that they should trust might want to put your will together first though...
You seriously think that they would have accepted ANY evidence? That was a tactic...not an offer.

We'll never know, but I seriously don't think the government was interested in negotiating with the Taliban. The Neocons wanted to go into Afghan before 9\11. Unocal pipeline negotiations broke down and ambassedors were telling the Taliban to "accept our carpet of gold or accept our carpet of bombs. Ambassedors to India were informing that government that, "we would have boots on the ground before the snow flies," in August of 2001.

Bush was going to kill two bird with one stone and it didn't matter what they offered.
How do you know they were stalling? What if they were sincere? What if they simply wanted to have the case layed out because they distrust the West?

if they were sincere they would have captured him held him and then said ok show us what you got or we will release him. Not show us what you got and then we will go find him.
if they were sincere they would have captured him held him and then said ok show us what you got or we will release him. Not show us what you got and then we will go find him.

Charming how trusting he is though isn't it? could go over to Afghanistan yourself and meet with the taliban...sort of convince them that they should trust might want to put your will together first though...

A good friend of mine did just that. He went after the Soviets left and he said you'd never meet a nicer people. They took him into their homes, fed him, and treated him well. Here's a total stranger on a backpacking trip around the world and here are your "monsters" acting very humanely.
There is a difference between the average Afghani and the Taliban. The difference being the Taliban is a political faction formerly within Afghanistan and now primarily in Pakistan. Your friend was probably there before the Taiban came to power.

The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban, [7] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread into Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001,

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There is a difference between the average Afghani and the Taliban. The difference being the Taliban is a political faction formerly within Afghanistan and now primarily in Pakistan. Your friend was probably there before the Taiban came to power.

The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban, [7] is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread into Afghanistan and formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until December 2001,

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My friend traveled through Pakistan as well. He traveled through India, Tibet, and China. Essentially, he walked from northern Africa to Korea late 80s. Simply amazing, I wish he would write a book.

The government propagandists like to draw distinct lines between people in order to make the "enemy" distinct for political purposes. The truth is that humanity is fluid and borders are ephemeral.
No argument from me.

Agreed. Sadly, as nice as it'd be, I highly doubt we would ever see that happening.

I haven't been fond of any president in my lifetime... and that's been a long time LOL. [/qute]

LOL! Well, some have been better than others, thats for sure.

I just continue to vote for people that don't have a [D] or [R] in front of their name, continue to put information out there in hopes that if just one more person wakes up it will help make a difference, continue to be active in my local government through the LPGA... and that's all I can do at the moment.

My friend traveled through Pakistan as well. He traveled through India, Tibet, and China. Essentially, he walked from northern Africa to Korea late 80s. Simply amazing, I wish he would write a book.

The government propagandists like to draw distinct lines between people in order to make the "enemy" distinct for political purposes. The truth is that humanity is fluid and borders are ephemeral.

The only thing I was making a point about was that your friend probably didn't meet the Taliban. I agree, the Afghan people are good people as a whole. We have the largest US population right here in Fremont, Ca. We are not at war with them. We are at war Al Queda which resulted in going to war with their protectors the Taliban and currently they want their country back. Those good people will likely be losing all the freedoms they currently have. That part of the world isn't easily understood. :)

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The only thing I was making a point about was that your friend probably didn't meet the Taliban. I agree, the Afghan people are good people as a whole. We have the largest US population right here in Fremont, Ca. We are not at war with them. We are at war Al Queda which resulted in going to war with their protectors the Taliban and currently they want their country back. Those good people will likely be losing all the freedoms they currently have. That part of the world isn't easily understood. :)

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I don't think it's that simple. Both the Taliban and AQ are creatures that the US government created and fed. When the Soviets left Afghanistan, the creatures continued to be fed, but had little direction. Then, the monster turned on us and on they people who live there.

I think this kind of reckless foreign policy has to end. Nothing the US does here can be viewed as good, IMO. The government can fight the monster it created and kill innocents in the process, but none of this needed to happen in the first place. The war will eventually end and I think it will just be another black eye for the US, unless the US can pivot on it's current course and change the foreign policy that created this situation.

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