Mystic Guidebook

jellyman said:
It means, if you must be slavic and ROC to be a top-notch systema person, then Sasha falls short on one count. He cannot be top-notch.
I hate talking about other people. But since I will spit out only few facts and since they are nothing but the thuth I am sure that he will not object.

- Try to have this personal conversation with him again when he comes back to TO, but this time all the way
- Avatar I am using is designed after his instructions. It is a sign ouf our school. Wolf on the warrior shield and everything is UNDER the OC cross. Wolf is a totem animal of us, sourthern slavs. All things related to warrior shield as a symbol are in our blood and are important for us. But, everything is channeled through ... existentialism and anarchism? :-) look at the sign for few minutes and think again.
- Last night after the class he asked us if we want to go with him to mountain next weekend since there will be series of lessons in organization of OC youth
- His phone is off on sunday morning (liturgy time)

Anyhow, since I know almost nothing about existentialism and anarchism this might be it?
And the thread keeps spinning!

Lets see....Hmmm, Our MVP Sonny P. asked the assembled if any have asked about ROC and its influence on their thinking, life - and even their expressed combative movement. I have discussed this, to a greater or lesser degree, with some mentioned...and the masters VV and to a very small extent with MR himself ( and that was because MR 'time' with him has been so limited...and I have so much more basic to learn from him, when together).

All discussion was very educational and satisfying....and the deeper discussions found that there were many paralells between ROC and other 'beliefs' that I am abit more familiar with, and many differences as well. These shared words ADDED to my life - and never detracted. TRUTH is TRUTH - as I am known to say, to the point of nauseum.

And the wolf. Fascinating creatures. I have worn a ring for over a decade, that has a wolf prominent as its center, a handmade 'gift' from a Native American shaman of the Shinnecok tribe.When in Moscow in 2001, I also curiously received a military patch from a group known as 'The Flying Wolves'...and I still consider that what a good friend in Seattle, Washington; would call a 'wink from God'. I must admit also, I find the mentioned avatar an inspired piece of design, I like it, alot.

Just two comments from the sidelines, lets all keep it respectful...where respect is given, it should be received. Let 'The Golden Rule', apply.

Ya know - that 'Rule' exists in many languages/cultures/religions/beliefs -- but the meaning and its inspiration, remains the same.
I am interested in where this thread weaves next.
Why is it that someones opinion, free of agenda (unlike tichoks) is instantly labeled as something else?

Not that I remember throwing those words around Sonny (in fact, I avoided using them like the plague), and maybe you weren't speaking to me when you said that, but have you ever looked them up to see what they actually mean?

In a class full of Slavs, the notion of Slavic superiority is moot. Everyone's a Slav, so they're all in the same boat.

BUT if it's a mixed class like what can happen in North America or Western Europe, the situation can easily arise that one person, feeling he is "superior", will not allow himself to be "beaten" by a "meer" foreigner - if he is struck in slow play, he will go faster, if he is thrown, he will try to use strength, things escalate, and next thing it's a fight. I have seen this happen, among many types of people, and it is my fondest hope that in fact it is nothing personal, they "just" hate to be "beat" be anyone, their ego won't allow it until they are shown their ego has no effect on the outcome. However, if it's fueled by ethnocentric pride, it's an extra problem - it means that that person may always be a problem for non-slav to train with, because the ego drives him to cheat. How someone can think that simply being a Slav makes you better than someone, yet have no ego attached to that notion, is something I can't get my head around. Maybe others can explain how this can be.

As for Vlad's non-slav non-ROC top guys, like Scott etc. well, really, in my mind that pretty much settles the whole arguement.

One last little thing:

When I went to Moscow in 2000, I got to work out with a variety of MR's students. Many were more skilled and taught me a lot without reservation, so that i saw my own skill increase and acquired new skills. In a couple cases, I found myself being the teacer. In one particular case, I found a fellow very much in tune with me, and we spent a lot of time sparring, fast, slow, whatever, for hours, after the classes were over, and other people were drinking. There were no thoughts of pride, no egos, no score-keeping, no words, there was just the flow interspersed with an exchange of occasional mischevous grins and the odd laugh as we shared inside jokes through motion - we had no common spoken language, bt we communicated anyway. To me, that is systema; a universal language that any human can understand.
I am sorry, this is like a terrible badmitten game and I've lost score. There is the proposistion that learning a martial art of a prticular country and mastering it is contingent upon being a memeber of that martial arts countrys population, its blood line?:erg: Does the System have a blood test for rank advancement?I would think language over bloodline would add to ones understanding to the study of anything.

Religion and martial art training? This is a little more intersting inquiry. Not being a member of a particular franchise, I don't know that I myself will be able to contribute to that discussion but, let's not skirt it. How does religion play in ones martial art training? I suspect that the more one adheres to ones religion, things like pride, ego, selfishness and such diminish and that is good for the person and society as a whole. If someone has had a conversation with the masters perhaps their insights to you may be shared with us all? It doesn't do much good to tell us that truth is truth without telling us what that truth is. If you think ths topic is ridiculous, why bother indeed?:nuke:

Sniper said:
I suspect that the more one adheres to ones religion, things like pride, ego, selfishness and such diminish and that is good for the person and society as a whole.
If you mean 'I suspect' in positive way, like 'I think' or 'it might be' then you said with this sentence EXACTLY what I ment. Thank you for the missing formulation.

Now I am left only with two "stinky" statements to explain. One down three to go.

Let me try that thing about the blood line. It is not related to genetic predispositions or something. Again, don't look at it in pragmatic and generalistic way. By speaking of blood I ment remembering your ancesstors, where they fought and how did they die. How did they behave. Sistema as a whole is very similar to Slavic culture. Both old pagan and OC. You must admit that if your grand-grandpa, and your grandpa died in a tranch fighting with empty carabine with bayonett, and that their ancestors were in all major battles with swords and spears, and if they were dreseed like - you most probably would have special feeling and connection to systema. It might be easier for you to accept some Systema things that might be NEW to the person from Malasya for example. Nothing more than that.
Many ancestors of many cultres blood has been spilled in battles that echoes in the halls of history, maybe this is why there is such familiarity with many of the movements in Russian Marital Arts?

Maybe it is not so much that Russian Marital Arts are "different" as they are presented differently (less structrue, less formal, more freedom)?

I think the baseline here is Systema, today, is geared towards unlocking human potential, not solely unlocking Russian human potential. Best cheeseburger I ever had was made from Japanese beef. Go figure.
Methinks that a lot of one-time or new posters in this thread are indeed the same person, and one we least expect at that. Perhaps the moderator would be so kind as to do another IP check?

WFB, is there an ongoing problem with single multi posters?

If I sound like someone else on this forum, by all means, let me know about it. If I have posted something which hasn't added to, clarified or questioned something here, then I think there is a problem. :erg:

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