Yellow Belt
Yes you are.RachelK said:I judge people by what they do, not who they are. By descent I am entirely Slavic but culturally I am American and we are well-known for this attitude.
According to CNN nothingRachelK said:Your ancestors might be the greatest warriors in the world but here in NYC, we want to know, what have you done lately?

Are they 'russian' as you are slavic in NYC?RachelK said:I haven't noticed my Russian classmates are any more proficient than the Americans
Yes, but there you count 1, 2 and 3 as some special or rare attributes - and then those are something in very base of slavic customs, domestic education and orthodox christian religion. This is how Systema came to this world. Then, you forgot LOVE. I agree with you on this, I just wanted to explain where is start adventage. This is at the same time why don't you see that adventage with NYC domestic russian students.RachelK said:Individual personality, open-mindedness, and diligence are much greater factors than ethnic heritage.
Same here.RachelK said:I've never felt as if I have to work harder because I am not Russian.
I didn't mean culture related, I ment in your family. In your bloodline.RachelK said:Maybe we don't have thousands of years of heroics behind us, but heroics are not unique to one culture.
Next time you see Mikhail Rybko ask him about this.RachelK said:As far as the Orthodox beliefs, I have not found this to be a huge advantage in my fellow practioners who happen to be Orthodox. Fighting skill doesn't appear magically when one has the right heritage or adheres to a specific religion.
Ok, then you can ask your teachers if they ever heared Mikhail answer to the questions like: "How do I learn this relaxed punch ...." like this: "To do that you have to be good person but mostly only orthodox christian people can do that". (this was not a quote)RachelK said:I learn from my teachers, who learn from Vlad and Mikhail.
NO NO NO, THIS IS NOT WHAT I MENT, PLEASE. What I mean is that people of the same origin as Systema has some adventage and prepareness for things waiting along the way. That is all. Take your time and watch, better systema practicioners the students are, they will be more similar to what I wrote in the list you dislike so much.RachelK said:it strikes me as a shame that aspiring students should be taught that they can only go so far because of their ancestry.
Please do not persist in missinterpreting my words. Systema is inclusive, I only gave you the 'tips' where your attention should be.RachelK said:I hate to see this attitude within the Systema community. It seems the very opposite of all I have learned about Systema and its inclusiveness.
No it cannot. Not by anyone for sure. It might be mastered by more people than today and some of them might be westerners or far easterners of african by origin.RachelK said:I'll continue to believe that Systema can be mastered by anyone.
Hvala, ako ikad odlucis da posetis Srbiju, vezbas sa nama i obidjes manastire i mesta velikih bitaka - dobro dosao.RachelK said:*Vsego nailuchshego* (best wishes),
Thanx, if you ever decide to visit Serbia, train with us and take a tour to monasteries and places of big battles - you are welcome.