"Selling" Systema

If Systema becomes a focal point of your study -- then it is merely a matter of time before you meet the people you exchanged messages with. We are a small community, thankfully so.
I don't think we should be too harsh on Kyle, or anyone who asks polite questions after seeing the video clips. After all, when I fisrt saw Vladimir's hand to hand tape I thought his movement was great but that it might not work so well against a strong root. Of course that was put paid to at the first meeting, and I've been along for the ride ever since.

There is so much chicanery, trickery, hero-worship and downright deceit in the martial arts it can be difficult for a (perhaps rightly) cynical MA-ist to accept anything from a few video clips, especially ones showing soft / slow work. I don't think there is anything showing work against a "fully resisting" opponent, but then I don't recall seeing clips like that from any art. Some may argue sports fighting does, but to me "fully resisting" also includes the option of hitting with a chair :)

If the clips pique someone's interest enough to attend a seminar or get some hands on with a good instructor - what more can we ask?


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