I'm not sure how this somehow migrated to a perception of me knocking on Systema. The original intent of this thread was to present the idea that Systema videos do not appear "realistic" to those who practice more orthadox methods of MA training, and as such I was wondering how Systema people overcame this potentially missleading truth. I never intended to say Systema was bad. I'm sorry if I gave that impression.
I never complained about Systema being slow...if you look at my previous posts you will see that I am an advocate of slow training as I do it myself. What I did say was that the videos seem unrealistic. But this is an issue of perception, not the System. My whole argument is that Systema can be PERCIEVED poorly through the videos on the web, but I am not saying that it is at all.
I stand by the notion that the knife attack as executed was not pristine example of knife skill. However, if you'll note, I DID SAY that the Systema response seemed to be very good. And as far as my interest, man, I am clearly interested. I would not have started this thread if I was not interested. That clip was posted for a reason. It is public. I gave a critical analysis from my own limited point of view but I do not see that as being rude. Why post something to a public discussion forum if it should not be discussed?
Your bleachers analogy is not very strong because I am not heckling you in practice man. I am simply asking my questions about Systema so that I may learn. I do want to see it first hand, and I try every day to locate an instructor in my area but I am unable to find any at all. So I am religated to asking my HONEST questions in hopes that I will get honest reponses and that I may learn a little. I am sorry if I have been rude, that was not my intention.
I am sorry that I was missunderstood and I am sorry if I offended you in any way. If you'll note in my post, I was never critical about your skill, but rather the skill of the technique as it was executed in the video that I saw. I don't question that you may be skilled, and may certainly posess far greater skill than my own. This is the very reason that I only critiqued what I saw in the video, and that is all. I stand by my analysis of the technique, and I applaud you for your efforts in training and would never presume to know anything about you.
You apear to be guilty of the very thing that I attempted to avoid. You took the limited detail given about me (that I was stabbed once) and presumed to know the greater detail of my life. This is errant. You don't know of the scars I carry, the bats or guns that I have faced, where I have lived and what I have seen. But that's ok, I certainly would not expect you to, given that I did not tell you anything about me =)
Don't fault me for being "an arm chair quarterback". One can learn a lot by analyzing the actions of others. Indeed real life quarterbacks often review game footage of others for this very reason. You presume to know that I do not train hard? You presume to know that I do not "get into the water" myself? I try, as hard as I can, every day. But that does not matter to you or anyone else, because we train only for ourselves.
This thread was meant to help me understand a little about Systema, an art that I am very curious about and wish I could train in myself. Somehow things got turned around. But please see that I did not presume to know about you're skill as a fighter, only the skill of what I saw on video. Please accept my apology for not clearly communicating that.
I see no wrong in expressing my analysis of the video posted, and unless the mods ask me to cease such activities, I will continue to do so when I come across videos in the future. However, I will make a better effort at not coming across as personally attacking an art form or the individuals in the video.
It is clear that my line of questioning into the Systema clan on this board is not apprecitated and I will retreat back to what I know. Indeed, back home where I can mend my pulled lat muscle and train with my friends.