My new religion


Black Belt
I'm not sure if this belongs in the Study, but I'm not sure if it belongs in the Comedy Cafe or the Rec Room either, because it appears to be a real movement. I kind of think it holds as much merit as a religion as some other religions do, though, so maybe it should be accepted even though it's pretty obvious that the guy was just trying to be funny. Well, he is funny and I think I'm going to convert. Seriously. Heaven has a stripper factory and a beer volcano. I can't think of much more heavenly.

All I can do at this point is post the link.

Ramen!!! (get it, it's like Amen!)
From what I can find on the definition of "religion", this article has as much validity as any other. I guess if followers of the FSM had been around earlier we might all hold Chef Boyardee in higher regard.
A friend in grad. school was working on his Ph.D. in Religion. He told me they had a whole course that was just a seminar on what 'religion' means.
Sam's tag line:

I have been touched by his noodly appendage

Rejoice ye lady, for ye hath been graced by divine pasta contact.
arnisador said:
I ate there once. Great fettucine alfredo.

lol Yep, good food.

... A new Chinese restaurant just opened here. It's called "Feast of the Dragon". ... Something sounds ominous about it to me. .. I mean, why is the dragon getting a feast and what or who is he feasting on??

Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone coming out of there.