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Discipline vs. Religion
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:50:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I wish to bring this subject Discipline Vs. Religion because this is important to understand why the FMA has gone far away from the center of the physical and the metaphysical world of concept and belief that made the culture hidden almost wipe out by the changing of generation from the old to young ones. For nearly 330 years of Spanish dominance in the Philippines, the family who lived in the first 100 years from the beginniig of Spanish presence in the country brought with them the intention to dominate the people who were living in an environment of peaceful harmony where discipline in terms of respect for the elders, love for the young , concern and care for all the members of the village and the expression of hospitality that made the entire population of the 7,100 Islands became one as Filipino. When the Spaniards saw the goodness of Filipino discipline being peace loving people, the Spanish friars being the instrument of Catholism took their job to influence every filipino that to be a catholic believing in the image of God will serve them three meals a day without working so much in the field and that more children will come out from the community as beautiful as a Spanish complexion. In the sweet promises of heaven the priest were successful to bring in young boys into the Seminarian school for free education to study and become a priest.Filipina women were entice to become NUNS, A Profession of chastity that selected women must live like Mary Magdalene and that world of lust must not be found in them.
Religion under the Spanish influence brought so many abuses to the entire Filipino population. For every Island, the priest became the dominant person that whatever the priest command it was done. When the priest stood at the pulpit on Sundays and start the sermon on Latin, all who were inside the cathedral listen not knowing what is the Latin words that made them believed about God except to follow the sign of the cross. Religion had separated the filipino families from the realities of culture that previous generations of filipino enjoyed most. Past the 100 years and comes the second wave of generations of new personalities. Children looks Spanish looking at their flesh, the true Malay race was erased. Purposely filipina women were impregnated by the Spanish soldiers and those who were in authority including priest having hidden chamber inside the cathedral prepared for priest special session with filipina women. The new bread of Filipinos could hardly be recognized as true filipinos but more of mestizos and that the names were changed from Filipino names as Sumakwil to Salcedo, from Silang to Salvatiera and etc. The entire Islands of the Philippines was known as PERLAS DE ORIENTES-Pearl of the Orient because for every piece of stone and every piece of plants were different than what the Spaniards found in Latin American countries including Spain just as the Philippines became Philippines because King Philip found that as Pigafetta described the Islands after returning from Cebu bringing the news that Ferdinand Magellan was skilled in the Island of Mactan, when asked by King Philip what was present in the Island and Pigafetta ( Historian and Chronicler) of Ferdinand Magellan responded, the Island was filled with PINES, the only tree found in Spain is Pine Tree. This is the reason why Philip-pines became the Philippines.
Just as the trees and the sea witnessed the presence of the Spanish abuses among the filipina women and the killing of the filipino men who oppossed to the Spanish atrocities, Spain titled all the lands in the name of Queen Isabela that made the entire Island owned by Spanish Government.The atrocities of the Spanish soldiers and the abuses of the Spanish priest brought rebellion that sparked the Filipino Spanish revolution.The revolution in the Philippines was caused by the oppression of the peoples will to exist under the pretext of Catholism as a means of conquest. But the filipino culture was still present in their blood stream that for the third last century of the Spanish presence in the Philippines, the filipinos won driving the Spaniards out of the Philippines through the negotiated sale of the 7,100 Islands to the American at $ 3.00 per head of each Filipino in the Treaty of Paris of 1898. The defeat of Spain was in paper but Spain had their victory present in the Philippines for the fact that almost all filipinos became Spanish in names,the presence of catholic influence as a religion, the presence of Aristocracy as a Spanish supreme pride and but more to the destruction of the flipino discipline and its philosophical values. Religion brought fanatism, bigotry, greed, indifference and apathy,crimes derived from materialism and love for money,family feud and destruction of family units, jealousy and social disfunction, selfishness created by cravings for others progress.
In total summary, the discipine in the practice of its culture, the culture of kali and its philosophical values inherent in the true filipino environment were silenced by the changing of generations replacing the old traditions and customs that even the word Kali was denied since the supremacy of religion prohibits even the use of the term expressed in Malay language.
Since then what is left to the Filipino life style practices was the aftermath of religious influences from catholism to Baptist, Adventist,Evangilical, Pentecostal,El Shaddai, Dating Daan , Inglesia ni Kristo,Mormons in the Philippines and so many segments of religious dramatist. But worst are those who practice FMA and had religious fanatism that by pretext appears to be religious on Sundays but the character is a Spanish character as found among the religious fanatics, lying, cheating, stealing, greed and intrigues, false pretenders. These are not the discipline of a true filipino character, if he is a filipino with these practices then you name it TANGA SA KATANGAHAN ( TK) in good health.
In the other hand the Philippine Government ever since had not take a foot step to enhance the filipino culture in terms of supporting the program of FMA in the Philippines. In the early 70's when the movement of the art was inspired by then President Marcos, the practicioners of the art were more visible with the coorperation of those whose efforts were dedicated to continue the legacy of what is Filipino, but then politics had changed and now the art became commercial with little or no value at all since the art of commercialization had creeped into the selfish thinking of the FMA to make money under the pretext that Americans and non-Filipinos will buy every movement of the stick as a style and it is a filipino. This commercialization of the FMA accepted also by many is an open book that what is real and unreal yet there is an acceptance of defeat by accepting what is unreal making the time spent in obtaining education in High School and colleges useless. The question on the use of intelligence what is an FMA in reality , edged weapon or empty hand ? if someone teaches how to catch the blade as how to catch a samurai or how to block a knife and how to disarm , then be careful you might be influenced by religion not by discipline.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:50:10 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
I wish to bring this subject Discipline Vs. Religion because this is important to understand why the FMA has gone far away from the center of the physical and the metaphysical world of concept and belief that made the culture hidden almost wipe out by the changing of generation from the old to young ones. For nearly 330 years of Spanish dominance in the Philippines, the family who lived in the first 100 years from the beginniig of Spanish presence in the country brought with them the intention to dominate the people who were living in an environment of peaceful harmony where discipline in terms of respect for the elders, love for the young , concern and care for all the members of the village and the expression of hospitality that made the entire population of the 7,100 Islands became one as Filipino. When the Spaniards saw the goodness of Filipino discipline being peace loving people, the Spanish friars being the instrument of Catholism took their job to influence every filipino that to be a catholic believing in the image of God will serve them three meals a day without working so much in the field and that more children will come out from the community as beautiful as a Spanish complexion. In the sweet promises of heaven the priest were successful to bring in young boys into the Seminarian school for free education to study and become a priest.Filipina women were entice to become NUNS, A Profession of chastity that selected women must live like Mary Magdalene and that world of lust must not be found in them.
Religion under the Spanish influence brought so many abuses to the entire Filipino population. For every Island, the priest became the dominant person that whatever the priest command it was done. When the priest stood at the pulpit on Sundays and start the sermon on Latin, all who were inside the cathedral listen not knowing what is the Latin words that made them believed about God except to follow the sign of the cross. Religion had separated the filipino families from the realities of culture that previous generations of filipino enjoyed most. Past the 100 years and comes the second wave of generations of new personalities. Children looks Spanish looking at their flesh, the true Malay race was erased. Purposely filipina women were impregnated by the Spanish soldiers and those who were in authority including priest having hidden chamber inside the cathedral prepared for priest special session with filipina women. The new bread of Filipinos could hardly be recognized as true filipinos but more of mestizos and that the names were changed from Filipino names as Sumakwil to Salcedo, from Silang to Salvatiera and etc. The entire Islands of the Philippines was known as PERLAS DE ORIENTES-Pearl of the Orient because for every piece of stone and every piece of plants were different than what the Spaniards found in Latin American countries including Spain just as the Philippines became Philippines because King Philip found that as Pigafetta described the Islands after returning from Cebu bringing the news that Ferdinand Magellan was skilled in the Island of Mactan, when asked by King Philip what was present in the Island and Pigafetta ( Historian and Chronicler) of Ferdinand Magellan responded, the Island was filled with PINES, the only tree found in Spain is Pine Tree. This is the reason why Philip-pines became the Philippines.
Just as the trees and the sea witnessed the presence of the Spanish abuses among the filipina women and the killing of the filipino men who oppossed to the Spanish atrocities, Spain titled all the lands in the name of Queen Isabela that made the entire Island owned by Spanish Government.The atrocities of the Spanish soldiers and the abuses of the Spanish priest brought rebellion that sparked the Filipino Spanish revolution.The revolution in the Philippines was caused by the oppression of the peoples will to exist under the pretext of Catholism as a means of conquest. But the filipino culture was still present in their blood stream that for the third last century of the Spanish presence in the Philippines, the filipinos won driving the Spaniards out of the Philippines through the negotiated sale of the 7,100 Islands to the American at $ 3.00 per head of each Filipino in the Treaty of Paris of 1898. The defeat of Spain was in paper but Spain had their victory present in the Philippines for the fact that almost all filipinos became Spanish in names,the presence of catholic influence as a religion, the presence of Aristocracy as a Spanish supreme pride and but more to the destruction of the flipino discipline and its philosophical values. Religion brought fanatism, bigotry, greed, indifference and apathy,crimes derived from materialism and love for money,family feud and destruction of family units, jealousy and social disfunction, selfishness created by cravings for others progress.
In total summary, the discipine in the practice of its culture, the culture of kali and its philosophical values inherent in the true filipino environment were silenced by the changing of generations replacing the old traditions and customs that even the word Kali was denied since the supremacy of religion prohibits even the use of the term expressed in Malay language.
Since then what is left to the Filipino life style practices was the aftermath of religious influences from catholism to Baptist, Adventist,Evangilical, Pentecostal,El Shaddai, Dating Daan , Inglesia ni Kristo,Mormons in the Philippines and so many segments of religious dramatist. But worst are those who practice FMA and had religious fanatism that by pretext appears to be religious on Sundays but the character is a Spanish character as found among the religious fanatics, lying, cheating, stealing, greed and intrigues, false pretenders. These are not the discipline of a true filipino character, if he is a filipino with these practices then you name it TANGA SA KATANGAHAN ( TK) in good health.
In the other hand the Philippine Government ever since had not take a foot step to enhance the filipino culture in terms of supporting the program of FMA in the Philippines. In the early 70's when the movement of the art was inspired by then President Marcos, the practicioners of the art were more visible with the coorperation of those whose efforts were dedicated to continue the legacy of what is Filipino, but then politics had changed and now the art became commercial with little or no value at all since the art of commercialization had creeped into the selfish thinking of the FMA to make money under the pretext that Americans and non-Filipinos will buy every movement of the stick as a style and it is a filipino. This commercialization of the FMA accepted also by many is an open book that what is real and unreal yet there is an acceptance of defeat by accepting what is unreal making the time spent in obtaining education in High School and colleges useless. The question on the use of intelligence what is an FMA in reality , edged weapon or empty hand ? if someone teaches how to catch the blade as how to catch a samurai or how to block a knife and how to disarm , then be careful you might be influenced by religion not by discipline.
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