How do you handle those annoying people in class?

I'm glad that you had a good night of training - from another female BB, no less. Camaraderie at the dojo definitely helps with the training; too much tension tends to be counterproductive. I hope that you can work things out with the other BB. Especially because males tend to outnumber the females at the dojo. It's nice when the women can stick together. :)
Tarot said:
Last night was my first class at the new dojang I'm trying out. One of the black belt students ran the warm up of the class. When we got to the part where we stretched, she was obviously pretty flexible. I haven't been taking TKD very long (I started it in June, then stopped in Nov. while I looked for a new school) but I am a dancer so I'm pretty flexible too. When she saw me able to do the same stretches as her without much difficulty, she gave me an obvious disgusted look.

Then the Master took over and we did some forms. He told me to just do the form I knew, which is the Palgwe Il Jong form (I know the first three). It wasn't the same form he used for white belts but told me it was fine for me to do. So I did it. The black belt student was behind me during forms. She called the Master over and said something along the lines of, "Are we switching forms and I don't know about it? What's with that? (cue pointing to me)" The Master told her I am coming from another school and that it's fine. Not to worry about it and if changes happen he'll be sure to tell her.

Now she was right behind me, so she had to have known I could hear her. Plus she knew it was my very first class because she asked me. Why in the world would someone act like that? I would think current students would be more welcoming of new students and not give them such a cold environment.

Other than her my first night of TKD + Hapkido went really well. :D

Looks like you've got some advice. As difficult as it may be, try not to let this person get to you. Keep things strictly business, being friendly, but not going out of your way to strike up a conversation with her. The head inst. apparently has no issue with what you're doing in the class, so I would not worry about this BB inst. If you find that she is giving you problems though, I'd address it with the head inst.

Good luck in your training!

terryl965 said:
I would just ignore her responses the Master is the one to make the rules of the school, I would never address a BB about there behavior it is not your place. Any more problems from her just have a sit down with the Master and voice your concerns.
Actualy confronting her may end the problem. If she is going to make life complicated for you, you may see this through.
Touch Of Death said:
Actualy confronting her may end the problem. If she is going to make life complicated for you, you may see this through.

Good advice touch of death, the reason I said ignore her it was his first class at that school and maybe she was having a bad night also he made have done something without really knowing what he did. In a couple of classes together things may just come together without any hard felings between a Instructor and a student.
Thanks everyone! :D Terryl965, just for the record, I'm a chic. :) Hopefully next week will be excellent at well!
shesulsa said:
I'd be as nice as pie - polite and respectful as though nothing had happened and otherwise ignore her. Sounds like the master has things under control. Just pay attention to master and to your own training.

Keep us updated.

What she said. Just be nice, polite, and respectful. Don't say anything about to anyone. I'm sure the master and other students will see the issues.

She is intimidated by you and doesn't want anyone threatening her "position" in class. She has a lot of maturing to do. Just keep doing what you're doing. It sounds like the master has things under control. Your presence in class could be a real test for her, and I believe the master will be aware of what's going on and act accordingly for both of your training.
So women just get jealous of girls who are somewhat more attractive they are. I just some how got the feeling that this was the case...It was the first thing that came to mind
Tarot said:
She wasn't at class tonight, so I'll have to wait till next week to see her again. However class tonight was awesome! I was the only student who showed up and that meant I could ask anything I wanted and go at my own pace. The Master wasn't there, it was another BB who instructed me tonight. She was very nice and friendly. Exactly how I expected a BB to act towards a new student. After class she asked me when I was going to be testing for my yellow belt. This is the first time she's met me and watched my moves, so I took that as a positive sign that I'm performing well. :D Wheee!

Sin, I don't have too much to tell really. I started TKD in June of last year and stopped in Nov. because I was looking for a new school. I wanted a place where I could train more than twice a week and I wanted to learn weapons. I don't have a
lot of training which is why it seems so odd that particular BB would be intimidated by me. I do dance (ballet, no performing anymore just classes) but I wouldn't call myself a girlie girl by any means. :p

Awesome! That's a good sign for the school and for you.
Good Show going back for that next class (glad you had a good time). Enojy the training...Hapkido is a lot of fun (TKD too as long as you get to hit some one...:jedi1:

Glade your next class was a good one and that you got some quality instruction.
As for the other lady in class i agree with the others ingnor her as much as possible but don't go out of your way and make it seem you are being impolite or rude. If you work with her do the best you can and be respectful while doing so. If the situation continues you may need to approach a senior instructor in private about it.
Yeah...some people think they DESERVE respect...that is never true..unless it is to your parents...maybe the next time you are practising HKD..ask her what her problem is when you got her in a standard pretzel position...LOL...dont do that, ignore her....and just a bit off topic...isnt hapkido like the best!

*bows respectfully*
FearlessFreep said:
"I want you to be nice...until it's time to not be nice."

"You won't...I'll let you know[when]"

Great film! And yet, no Oscar? Go figure.

Tarot, I agree w/ Terry & the other folks who have said, "She might be getting nervous." Let the master handle her. She's got issues, but they're not you. It's not your problem.

Who knows, y'all might be friends once she lightens up.
Sin said:
So women just get jealous of girls who are somewhat more attractive they are. I just some how got the feeling that this was the case...It was the first thing that came to mind

That is not always the case...believe it or not some of us do have self esteem :)

I would agree with most that she may be concerned that her 'position' in the dojo is inder old is she? she may just be a little immature, and is acting up to get attention from the instructor?

Good luck with your classes, keep us informed of how it goes.
Sarah said:
That is not always the case...believe it or not some of us do have self esteem :)

I would agree with most that she may be concerned that her 'position' in the dojo is inder old is she? she may just be a little immature, and is acting up to get attention from the instructor?

Good luck with your classes, keep us informed of how it goes.

I was totally miss understood from a typo...Instead of So I ment
If the girl in question is feeling threatened by you that is her problem dont let it be your problem. Just do your best and try not to worry about her!!! You are training for yourself not her, her attitude will probably bite her in the bum at some stage. I would suggest as a few people here have suggested is to ignore her and take advise from your instructor.
SAVAGE said:
Yeah...some people think they DESERVE respect...that is never true..unless it is to your parents...maybe the next time you are practising HKD..ask her what her problem is when you got her in a standard pretzel position...LOL...dont do that, ignore her....and just a bit off topic...isnt hapkido like the best!

*bows respectfully* is :D
Tarot said:
Last night was my first class at the new dojang I'm trying out. One of the black belt students ran the warm up of the class. When we got to the part where we stretched, she was obviously pretty flexible. I haven't been taking TKD very long (I started it in June, then stopped in Nov. while I looked for a new school) but I am a dancer so I'm pretty flexible too. When she saw me able to do the same stretches as her without much difficulty, she gave me an obvious disgusted look.

Then the Master took over and we did some forms. He told me to just do the form I knew, which is the Palgwe Il Jong form (I know the first three). It wasn't the same form he used for white belts but told me it was fine for me to do. So I did it. The black belt student was behind me during forms. She called the Master over and said something along the lines of, "Are we switching forms and I don't know about it? What's with that? (cue pointing to me)" The Master told her I am coming from another school and that it's fine. Not to worry about it and if changes happen he'll be sure to tell her.

Now she was right behind me, so she had to have known I could hear her. Plus she knew it was my very first class because she asked me. Why in the world would someone act like that? I would think current students would be more welcoming of new students and not give them such a cold environment.

Other than her my first night of TKD + Hapkido went really well. :D

Maybe you are really hot and she is jealous, that has happened with a couple of the girls from my tae kwon do class,


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