More from the "Religion of Peace"

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the fact that you referre to this person as "the first...." says there have been more...

you know, if billy doesnt like susie, it might be susie, it might be billy. If billy, freddie, jack, joe, larry, shemp and curly dont like susie, it's prob susie

Hmmmm. After reading your stuff for the last 10 months, I have a funny feeling it was just because me met you, not cuz you were a jew......

sgtmac, the first ****er who tried to kill me was a Christian. It was because I was a Jew, was happy to be a Jew and didn't want to chew crackers and guzzle grape juice on Sunday. He tried to stick a ****ing knife into my guts for it and threatened to come back with a gun.
No one came up with a state that allows marraige at 10, now today.

Arizona, California, Kansas, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Although in all those cases, you would need to find a judge to go along with it.

BTW- using words like Fallacious? makes you come across as a nancy boy book nerd.

I have a Bachelor's and Master's Degree, and have nearly completed my PhD. I've been in school of one form or another for 26 years. That makes me a nancy boy book nerd, I guess. I'm not going to throw away my hard earned education to sound like and earn the approval of a herd of yokels.

No one like those guys. In fact, those guys? they get swirly's. For a reason.

No one has accomplished it yet. You can try if you like...
Where Christianity is less powerful is in the belief that salvation is freely given, and paid for by the blood of Christ.......hence all that is required is acceptance of that sacrifice.

That is a highly contentious issue among Christianity, actually, and is far from settled. The Catholic church for one posits (or at least they used to) salvation by works. This was a major issue of the Protestant split, who generally believed in salvation by grace.
I agree. When you can paint a picture (or was it a sculpture, it escapes me now) of Christ made from Fecal matter, and everyone attacks the Christians who condemmed the "art" but then calls making a Muslim watch someone wiping ones backside with pages from the Koran "tasteless" and "torture"... It astounds me. It goes back to what I have always said, everyone claims to want Equality amongst men (and women) but what they really want is "Special"

I agree. I could care less about which religion has more skeletons in the closet. My issue is with the various forms of blatant inequality like those that you have pointed out. The reasons for which I think Sgtmac is probably hitting close to the mark.
that nancy boy book nerd thing?

you're doing it again.With an added bit of "i am better than you"

Dont be that guy. it just invites swirly's

I'm not going to throw away my hard earned education to sound like and earn the approval of a herd of yokels.
You're getting desperate here TF. You've spouted your megachurch propaganda and had it ripped to shreds. You've dutifully repeated Party talking points and found out they don't stand up to facts and history. You've tried to tell convince of us of the personal moral superiority of you and your tribe. It hasn't worked. In fact, it turns out you know less about it than the people you're trying to browbeat.

So now you're reduced to calling people names if they know more than you, casting aspersions about their heterosexuality and threatening to stick their heads in the toilet.

If that's the quality of Spiritual Warrior your sort throws up to combat the forces of Evil, Satan, Science, Islam, Communism, Evolution, Homosexuality, Women, Negroes, Sinister Orientals, Trade Unions, Freemasonry, Atheism and Four-Eyed Nancy Boy Intellectualism you might as well pack it in now.

Color me extremely unimpressed.
tellner, sorry to hear that a supposed Christian tried to stab you for be of the Jewish faith. I am part Israeli(1/16th), but I am also a Christian and I assure you, I will never condone the stabbing of a person for their spiritual belief.

Now I wish to make a statement about Islam in comparison to Jewish or Christian beliefs. I will allow for more tollerance of Islam when I stop seeing them having their believers strap bombs onto themselves and blowing up innocent people. I find it quite hypocritical that the clerics of Islam tell others to kill themselves, but they are to cowardly to do it themselves. Not that I want to see themselves blowing themselves or anyone else up. And the marrying of a child of 10 is quite disgusting, they are babies andneed to be allowed to grow up and make decisions for themselves.

OK, let me have it.
Islam is about as old now as Xtianity was at the time of the Inquisition.

Islam just has the advantage of better weapons and transportation.

Just saying..
You know, this is a good debate topic, and it'll be a damn shame if you (generic you here) get kicked out of the party because you let your passions get the better of you. Calm down, stop trying to kick each other in the junk and Vulcan up a bit already. As much as I think a few of you are a bit thick sometimes, and maybe in need of some electroshock treatment, I enjoy reading what you write, even when I disagree, and even when I want to jump in and stir up some ****, but now's not the time for that. Not unless you want to piss off the boys with the axes. Cool it with the personal shots and all that huh?

Because if you don't, I'll go cook that bunny with the pancake on his head. You wouldn't want him to get hurt now, would you? :pirate:
read what i wrote in context...twin fist is holding up christianity as superior to islam, which it isn't.
Yeah, well, i'm not.....i'm holding up secularism as superior to Islam, and the secular Western world as superior to the Islamic world.
I agree. When you can paint a picture (or was it a sculpture, it escapes me now) of Christ made from Fecal matter, and everyone attacks the Christians who condemmed the "art" but then calls making a Muslim watch someone wiping ones backside with pages from the Koran "tasteless" and "torture"... It astounds me. It goes back to what I have always said, everyone claims to want Equality amongst men (and women) but what they really want is "Special"

And I think granting the Islamic world this status is fundamentally dangerous! The same standard should apply which is, if you want to LIVE in the western world, you've got to get over this 'Lets KILL anyone who blasphemes ALLAH!' mentality.

Yet, in the interest of wanting to APPEAR 'Tolerant' too many folks are actually endorsing special protective status on Islam, that doesn't apply to any other major religion.
sgtmac, the first ****er who tried to kill me was a Christian. It was because I was a Jew, was happy to be a Jew and didn't want to chew crackers and guzzle grape juice on Sunday. He tried to stick a ****ing knife into my guts for it and threatened to come back with a gun.

So don't give me that self-righteous crap about how your tribe's taboos and rituals are better than any other tribe's. At least the Muslims have some place for people who don't stick their butts up in the air five times a day.
I don't have a tribe, Champ, I'm agnostic.....but thank you for playing! ;)

Again, you folks seem stuck on the notion that ANYONE who criticizes Islam MUST be a Christian.....and it's looking sillier and more ridiculous every time!

Quite frankly I don't want to convert to ANY religion......but at least the Jehovah Witnesses leave when I shut the door!

So don't get so superior and sanctimonious. There's at least as much innocent blood on Christ's hands as on Mohammed's.
Well, assuming Christ actually existed, there is no evidence he was a WARLORD! So your statement is asinine on it's face....again, thank you for playing. ;)

There's SOMEONE superior and sanctimonious (with the wrong idea) in this conversation, but it AIN'T ME!
That is a highly contentious issue among Christianity, actually, and is far from settled. The Catholic church for one posits (or at least they used to) salvation by works. This was a major issue of the Protestant split, who generally believed in salvation by grace.
It's all irrelevant, as I pointed out, since you have to go in the INCREASINGLY distant past to find larger numbers of folks killing each other in Christian religious wars.......the western world has become SECULARIZED!

So the 'Oh yeah, well Christianity, blah, blah, blah' continues to be exposed for the canard that it really is.
In fairness, Islamic terrorism isn't all of Islam, just some sects.
By most rational estimates the Fundamentalist Islamic population is roughly 10% of the 1 Billion Muslims worldwide......or roughly 100 Million muslims.

Now, that entire 100 million certainly isn't militant, perhaps......10 percent of that......perhaps 10 million muslims worldwide qualify as MILITANT Islamic Fundamentalists.

'Tiny' sect. ;)
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