More from the "Religion of Peace"

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you said "he admitted to defrauding"

that isnt true. He admitted to taking work looking for treasure.

subtle difference

and lost on you apparently.

You're right. He confessed to the crimes he was convicted of, but didn't confess to fraud....of course, just because he committed and was convicted of a crime, doesn't mean he didn't have a legitimate religious experience, or found a legitimate religoin.....subtle difference, and lost on you, apparently...:lfao:

me and elder are being friendly, sure, he is being a little mean about it, but i dont mind, if that much of my forehead was visible, I would be testy too.........

Huh? I'm sure all of your forehead is visible, just as all of mine is-or anyone else's....please try to make a litle more sense. I realize it's difficult while you're trying to keep up, but do it anyway.....:lfao:
yeah, but few people have quite that much forehead visable..........

Dude, I've got a big head-like size 9. Have to have all my hats custom made. Pretty much all of me is big, but my head is BIG. Of course I have more forehead visible than most people.....still don't get what you're's okay though, most of what you've posted on this thread hasn't made much sense..:lfao:

Wait a minute, I've got just the thing for you somwhere around here....there it is!

Here ya go:


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Actually, I said he was convicted, and what it was for. Those would be, you know, what's that word you like so much? Oh, yeah! FACTS!

Fact is, Joe Smith from N.Y. was a convicted con man-and prophet of the LDS.

But we can't even use what the Bible does say, because, according to you and others, "past atrocities of Christianity" don't count, or something, never mind the simple facts of what the book actually says......:rolleyes:

...funny how easy it is for everyone else to be "wrong" when you're the one making the rules :rolleyes:.....

....let's take a look at what the Bible does say, and we'll just restrict it to those patriarchs and prophets that might be comparable to Muhammad....

Abram tells his wife, Sarai, to lie about being his wife, and at Genesis 20:2, Abram, now called Abraham for his "just actions," he himself lies about "Sarah" being his wife. When Abraham is caught in his fib regarding Sarah not being his wife, he continues the lie and doesn't even bat an eye at the incestuous implications, as he tells the king of Gerar--who, thinking Sarah is Abraham's sister, has nearly had sex with her--that Sarah is both Abraham's wife and his sister, but not by the same father. And at Genesis 16:3, Abraham continues his godly behavior and commits adultery and bigamy with Hagar the Egyptian (not to mention treason, since Egypt is an enemy of the Lord's chosen). Remember, this is the behavior of one of the Lord's greatest prophets.

Who was Abraham? An insane barbarian patriarch who married his sister, denied his wife, and seduced her handmaid; who drove one child into the desert to starve, and made preparations to butcher the other.

The pious prophet's son, Isaac, has also learned his father's trick of lying, and he too plays it upon the king of Gerar at Genesis 26:7. The king finds him out when he catches Isaac fondling his wife, but Isaac, not as good a liar as his papa, tells him the truth. For his high moral character, Isaac is eventually made very wealthy by the Lord.Of course, Abraham is not the only pious person who displays behavior which would be unacceptable by today's moral standards but which is considered perfectly fine and virtuous because it is committed by a biblical character. At Genesis 20:32-36, the divinely chosen Lot is made drunk and then seduced by his daughters. This immoral act is done, one assumes, with the blessings of the Lord, because it serves to continue the Hebraic lineage.

Who was Jacob? Another patriarch, who won God's love by deceiving his father, cheating his uncle, robbing his brother, practicing bigamy with two of his cousins, and committing fornication with two of his housemaids.

Who was Moses? A model of meekness; a man who boasted of his own humility; a man who murdered an Egyptian and hid his body in the sand; a man who exterminated whole nations to secure the spoils of war, a man who butchered in cold blood thousands of captive widows, a man who tore dimpled babes from the breasts of dying mothers and put them to a cruel death; a man who made orphans of thirty-two thousand innocent girls, and turned sixteen thousand of them over to the brutal lusts of a savage soldiery.

Who was David? "A man after God's own heart." A vulgar braggadocio; a traitor, desiring to lead an enemy's troops against his own countrymen; a thief and robber, plundering the country on every side; a liar, uttering wholesale falsehoods to screen himself from justice; a red-handed butcher, torturing and slaughtering thousands of men, women, and children, making them pass through burning brick-kilns, carving them up with saws and axes, and tearing them into pieces under harrows of iron; a polygamist, with a harem of wives and concubines; a drunken debauchee, dancing half-naked before the maids of his household; a lecherous old libertine, abducting and ravishing the wife of a faithful soldier; a murderer, having that faithful soldier put to death after desolating his home; a hoary-headed fiend, foaming with vengeance on his dying bed, demanding with his last breath the deaths of two aged men, one of whom had most contributed to make his kingdom what it was, the other a man to whom he had promised protection.

And so on and so on throughout the "Holy" Bible. Which "should be taught in every school" but definitely would have a hard time making it to our movies screens or would be V-chipped out of our TVs. :rolleyes:

Well you can't say these guys weren't human can you? don't forget in Judaism, free choice is given, just because the laws are there doesn't mean people chose to follow them. Each person is the architect of his own life.

"A man came to a Polish magnate and asked him " What do you think of the Jews?" The answer was "Swine, Christ-killers, usurers, not to be trusted." "But what do you think of of Isaac?" " A man after my own heart. An honourable man. A kind man. He saved me from bankrupcy" And what do you think of Berl? " I have known Berl all my life. He's one of the best" And of Shmuel? "Shmuel is a saint as everyone knows"
The same man went to a rich and pious Jew and asked him "What do you think of the Jews?" The pious man answered " A kingdom of priests and a holy nation, the elect of the Eternal, blessed be his name" And what do you think of Isaac? "That thief? That scoundrel? may his bones be broken. he looks at you and you are robbed" And of Berl? " A fellow of the same kind, without truth or justice" And of Shmuel? "Do you think I'm taken in by his piety? A pretentious idiot"

Ludwig Lewisohn
ok Elder, NOW you are annoying me

The mufti isnt just some guy.

grand Mufti:
Senior cleric, voted in my all the other clerics in Saudi, the homeland of islam

the Pope:
senior cleric, voted in by all the other clerics in the vatican, the heart of the catholic church

that makes him considerable more than "some guy" and you know full well it does.

what I actually said:
Islam is a religion
islam was founded by a pedophile
islam tells it's followers to go out and kill infidels
there is no excuse for these actions
it is BS to compare christianity 500 years ago to Islam TODAY
I think the world would be better without Islam (just my opinion)
Islam is a religion, not a race, so my feelings cannot be described honestly as racist.

every single one of these statements are true (or an opinion, not a statement of fact)

none of them are NICE, but they are all true.

what I didnt say:
kill all muslims

i said, explicitly that the problem isnt the people, the problem is the religion itself.

now thats an opinion, and can tbe proven or disproven in any real way. But it is in fact my opinion.

I'm jumping back in a bit late here, sorry for the time lapse. My point with Luther was this; one of his major contentions with the Catholics was that God was not some heavy handed father figure watching every move you made just waiting for you to slip up so he could haul you off to the woodshed for a good smiting, but a king loving soul who wanted to help you live and enjoy the paradise he had created.
Of course the only people who really knew what Luther's original vision was were those who could read Latin! ( And that was the Clergy and some nobility.) Everything else was a translation, an interpretation. The only way to know what the authors real meaning was is to read the Original source in the original language. The masses relied on what was told to them, how would ever know different?
You Can NOT know if the original intent of the Islamic faith was to kill all non-believers as you can not access the original document, only nth removed bastardized versions. Just like the Bible.
Thus I say it IS the men who propagate the violence and do so in the name of the religion that are to blame. The religion is an excuse for violence, just as it seems to be an excuse for all sorts of ****ed up things like child brides, multiple wives ( if he can have 3 wives why can't I have 3 husbands?) bride burnings ect.
Well you can't say these guys weren't human can you? don't forget in Judaism, free choice is given, just because the laws are there doesn't mean people chose to follow them. Each person is the architect of his own life.

"Judaism" didn't exist in the time of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses or David. Judaism didn't exist until the fall of Jerusalem, in 70 A.D. Prior to that you had the tribe of Hebrews and later the nation of Israel, who, at various times, performed animal and human sacrifice, worshipped graven images, committed cannibalism, participated in pagan temple sex rites, and raised and worshipped groves of trees.....

.....of course, we can't hold you or them responsible for any of that, either-it's in the past.....:lfao:
"Judaism" didn't exist in the time of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses or David. Judaism didn't exist until the fall of Jerusalem, in 70 A.D. Prior to that you had the tribe of Hebrews and later the nation of Israel, who, at various times, performed animal and human sacrifice, worshipped graven images, committed cannibalism, participated in pagan temple sex rites, and raised and worshipped groves of trees.....

.....of course, we can't hold you or them responsible for any of that, either-it's in the past.....:lfao:

I was meaning more the relevance of your post about Abraham etc in todays society rather than in their times. We don't have to follow what they do but we can learn from their behavior which is why it's in our history I believe.
.....of course, we can't hold you or them responsible for any of that, either-it's in the past.....:lfao:

so we can hold the present day atrocities of Muslims, done in the name of islam, learned from the teaching of islam and blessed by the clerics of islam against islam?

lemme guess.............

ok fine, but can we at least all agree that scientology is silly?
so we can hold the present day atrocities of Muslims, done in the name of islam, learned from the teaching of islam and blessed by some the clerics of islam against islam?

lemme guess.............

ok fine, but can we at least all agree that scientology is silly?

A scam from the word go. :roflmao:
Well We do agree on some things.:cheers:
ok fine, but can we at least all agree that scientology is silly?

No sillier than any other man made belief system.

That is to say: Buddhism, Hinduism,Taoism, Confucianism, Zorastrianism, B'Hai, Sikh dharma, Islam, Christianity in all its sundry forms, and a few forms that the others say aren't Christianity, and a few other forms that say they aren't Christianity that probably are, Jehovah's Witnesses, Momonism, Catharism, Druze, Sufism, Wahhabism, Mithraism, Judaism, reconstituted Odinism, Aryanism, Wicca, Satanism, Babaism, Krisna Consiousness, TM,Peyotism, shamanism, Sundancing, etc., etc., etc., ad infiniteum ,ad nauseum:rolleyes:

but, most especially, Christianity, christianity, and Xtianity...:lfao:....and Judaism.....:lfao:......and Islam....:lfao:.....and, well, you get the idea...:lfao:

It's really none of my business.

Of course, Scientology, or at least, Scientologists have been responsible for acts of terrorism like bombings, and leaving snakes in mailboxes and such. Guess that means we shouldn't watch any more movies with John Travolta in them, never mind Tom Cruise-most of whose movies I won't see anyway, but Travolta's pretty cool...Scientologist or not....:lfao:

so we can hold the present day atrocities of Muslims, done in the name of islam, learned from the teaching of islam and blessed by the clerics of islam against islam?

How about we hold them against the Muslims that commit them-ignoring, as we do with most crimes, what they're done in "the name of"?And, how about we blame the clerics that teach them that way, rather than say, all of the clerics of that faith? Wouldn't that at least be.....more productive? I mean, more productive than saying that nearly 15% if the world's population need to change their ways, in order for the rest of us-who, incidentally, can't agree on a goddam thing within a single faith, let alone with other faiths-to live with them peacefully?
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