ok fine, but can we at least all agree that scientology is silly?
No sillier than any other man made belief system.
That is to say: Buddhism, Hinduism,Taoism, Confucianism, Zorastrianism, B'Hai, Sikh dharma, Islam, Christianity in all its sundry forms, and a few forms that the others say aren't Christianity, and a few other forms that say they aren't Christianity that probably are, Jehovah's Witnesses, Momonism, Catharism, Druze, Sufism, Wahhabism, Mithraism, Judaism, reconstituted Odinism, Aryanism, Wicca, Satanism, Babaism, Krisna Consiousness, TM,Peyotism, shamanism, Sundancing, etc., etc., etc.,
ad infiniteum ,ad nauseum
but, most especially, Christianity, christianity, and Xtianity...:lfao:....and Judaism.....:lfao:......and Islam....:lfao:.....and, well, you get the idea...:lfao:
It's really none of my business.
Of course, Scientology, or at least,
Scientologists have been responsible for acts of terrorism like bombings, and leaving snakes in mailboxes and such. Guess that means we shouldn't watch any more movies with John Travolta in them, never mind Tom Cruise-most of whose movies I won't see anyway, but Travolta's pretty cool...Scientologist or not....:lfao:
so we can hold the present day atrocities of Muslims, done in the name of islam, learned from the teaching of islam and blessed by the clerics of islam against islam?
How about we hold them against the Muslims that commit them-ignoring, as we do with most crimes, what they're done in "the name of"?And, how about we blame the clerics that teach them that way, rather than say, all of the clerics of that faith? Wouldn't that at least be.....more productive? I mean, more productive than saying that nearly 15% if the world's population need to change their ways, in order for the rest of us-
who, incidentally,
can't agree on a goddam thing within a single faith,
let alone with other faiths-to live with them peacefully?