- Even several states in the US theoretically allow marriage as young as that proposed by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia.
No one came up with a state that allows marraige at 10, now today.
From wikipedia.
- United States: Usually 18. Most states, however, allow marriage at a younger age with parental and/or judicial consent. Some states allow marriage at a still younger age if the female is pregnant. There are a few states that have a higher age. Note that violation of the law occurs at the moment of physical contact (before pregnancy), and so most men are imprisoned before any marriage takes place, leaving marriage de facto illegal.
- Alabama: 18, 16 with parental consent. (statute).
- Alaska: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Arizona: no statutory minimum, under 18 with parental consent, under 16 with approval of a superior court judge and parental consent. (statute)
- Arkansas: 18, 16 for females and 17 for males with parental consent.[35]
- California: no statutory minimum, those under 18 must receive approval of a superior court judge, or parental consent.
- Colorado: 18, 16 with parental consent, no minimum with judicial approval.[35][36]
- Connecticut: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- District of Columbia: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Delaware: 18, 16 for females with parental consent.[35]
- Florida: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Georgia: 18, 15 with parental consent, 16 without parental consent if pregnant.[35]
- Hawaii: 18, 15 with parental consent.[35]
- Idaho: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Illinois: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Indiana: 18, 17 with parental consent, 15 in the case of pregnancy with both parental and judicial consent.[37]
- Iowa: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Kansas: 18, no minimum with parental consent.[35]
- Kentucky: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Louisiana: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Maine: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Massachusetts: 18 for first marriage, 16 with parental and judicial consent [38].
- Maryland: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Michigan: 18, 16 with parental consent, 15 and under with parental consent and probate judge approval.
- Minnesota: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Mississippi: 21, 17 for males, 15 for females, with parental consent.
- Missouri: 18, 15 with parental consent.[35]
- Montana: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Nebraska: 19, 17 with parental consent.[35]
- Nevada: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- New Hampshire: 18, 14 for males and 13 for females, in cases of "special cause" with parental consent and court permission.
- New Jersey: 18, 16 with parental consent.
- New Mexico: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- New York: 18, 16 with parental consent, 14 with parental and judicial consent.[citation needed]
- North Carolina: 18, 16 with parental consent, unlimited in case of pregnancy or birth of child with parental consent.
- North Dakota: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Ohio: 18 for males, 16 for females, less with parental consent.
- Oklahoma: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Oregon: 18, 17 with parental consent. The consenting parent or guardian must accompany the applicant when applying for the marriage license.
- Pennsylvania: 18, 16 with Birth Certificate and written consent of parent or guardian, under 16 with parental consent and under 14 with the approval of a Judge of the Orphans Court.
- Puerto Rico: 21, 18 with parental consent.[35]
- Rhode Island: 18, 16 for females with parental consent.[35]
- South Carolina: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- South Dakota: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Tennessee: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Texas: 18, 16 with parental consent. 14 with judicial consent or if person under 18 had previously married and divorced.
- Utah: 18 for first marriage, 16 with parental consent, 15 with court approval.[39]
- Vermont: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Virginia: 18, 16 with parental consent.[40]
- Washington: 18, 17 with parental consent.[35] May be waived by superior court judge.(statute)
- West Virginia: 18, 16 with parental consent, under 16 (unspecified limit) with parental and judicial consent[41][35]
- Wisconsin: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]
- Wyoming: 18, 16 with parental consent.[35]