ok Elder, NOW you are annoying me
Good! :lfao:
The mufti isnt just some guy.
grand Mufti:
Senior cleric, voted in my all the other clerics in Saudi, the homeland of islam
the Pope:
senior cleric, voted in by all the other clerics in the vatican, the heart of the catholic church
that makes him considerable more than "some guy" and you know full well it does.
Well, is he considerable more than the Grand Mufti of Yemen? Or the Grand Mufti of Australia? I think Australia has more people, so he must be greater than that one.....of course, they've
both issued
fatwa agianst terrorism, and yet there are still fundamentalists willing to carry out "
jihad" against the U.S., so it must be someone even greater than them...let's see....the population of Saudi Arabia is about 27 million, the population of Iraq is also about 27 million-but wait, they're mostly
shia, and the shiites don't have a
mufti. I know! The population of Russia is about 140 million.
It must be the Grand Mufti of Russia...:lfao: you've been barking up the wrong mufti...:lfao:
I posted and quoted what you
"actually said." Do you deny saying those things?
islam was founded by a pedophile
"Christianity was founded by a cannibal."
"Buddhism was founded by a spoiled rich kid."
"The Fransiscan order was founded by a schizophrenic."
"Lutheranism was founded by a drunkard."
"Mormonism was founded by a con-man."
Of course, Muhammad had
already "founded Islam" when he took his 10 year old bride, so that's not exactly true anyway.....better to say that Islam was founded by a guy who
became a pedophile, but that's not quite right either, any more than any of that other nonsense I just posted....
Context is everything.
Today he'd be a pedophile,
in our culture. 700 odd years ago, in the Arab world, just not that unusual, I'll bet. And it's not like the Mufti-any of them-could say that the "prophet was wrong," and it's not like their culture forbids it (unlike, say, in
Russia), so of course the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia said that it's okay to marry a 10 year old-not desirable, not necessary, but acceptable.This brings up a few questions, though, but the primary one would have to be:
How many men are going to give their 10 year old daughters in marriage anyway, do ya think? :lfao:
Even in as bass ackwards a place as Saudi Arabia? :lol:
Where the average marriage age for a woman is 20.1 years? :lol:
Where, not incidentally, women are getting more rights, bit by bit,dowries are going up, and the divorce rate is going up.....
(Not to mention that by
your own logic mentioning the "Prophet's pedophilia" 700 years in the past is no more a valid argument than bringing up past "Christian evils." :lfao: So, I won't even bother mentioning that the Old Testament doesn't give a lower age limit for marriage, either, and that some of those "Biblical babes" were kinda young when they got married. Oops, I did mention it, didn't I? :lfao
I think the world would be better without Islam (just my opinion)
Islam is a religion, not a race, so my feelings cannot be described honestly as racist.
No, you're right. They're not "racist"

-it's just hard to see how you
aren't calling for some sort of genocide, though-albeit one that wipes out most of the Arab world, parts of Asia, parts of Europe, and a few million U.S. citizens.
Don't know what you'd call that...."
Theobigotry?" I know!
And, at this point John, while not a moderator, I should remind you of a few rules here-otherwise, you might just get removed from the sandbox, leaving me without such an inadequate and amusing "punching bag" as yourself..... (I'd say "sparring partner," but you're not even decent a moving target on this one...) :lfao:
Rules can be found here
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