More from the "religion of Peace"

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once again, for the slow learners,
at worst, what i said could be summed up as "all are POTENTIAL fanatics"

and thats fair. in light of how many muslims have been caught trying to kill infidels that were by all outward appearances not radical.
once again, for the slow learners,
at worst, what i said could be summed up as "all are POTENTIAL fanatics"

and thats fair. in light of how many muslims have been caught trying to kill infidels that were by all outward appearances not radical.

Okay ... you use the term "Muslims" in place of "terrorists" and point out that it is Muslims who are taught to kill the infidel, then you back off your position by saying what you said above.

So here's the deal, John:

1. You try to shove your opinion down everyone's throats using tactics such as calling people liars, slow-learners and even trying to demean them based on gender-based stereotyping if they don't agree with your position.

2. The opinions you state, such as this one, don't have a basis in reality, rather your idealization of a group based on religion and race, ergo, you are a hate-monger. When this is pointed out to you, you go to tactic #1.

3. You sometimes come to some ******** cop-out like the one above when it is SO obviously NOT what you were trying to purport earlier. It would be one thing if you were to just graciously admit you were either a. wrong or b. being stone-headed, but you're not.

You. Are. Not. Worth. Debating. Any. Longer.

And I won't do it.

I will even go further, all christians are potential clinic bombers. but the odds are MUCH less since christians dont go around blowing **** up as often as muslims do

all dogs are potential biters, though by the numbers, collies are safer than chihuahua's. Course the bite of a chihuahua isnt often life threatening

all posters on MT have the potential to go off on histrionics and outright lie about what people say, but some are more likely to do so than others....
thats just it, it isnt easy. They could live here for YEARS and you would never know what they truely felt, since their book tells them that it is ok to lie to an infidel since they dont count as human anyway....

only smart thing you can do is stop ignoring the threat and look at the world through wise eyes
And those "wise eyes" say what?

treat every Muslim like a potential terrorist, despite the fact that so few of them are a real risk?

Tell me John. When I walk down the street, how can I tell a Muslim from say, a Jew?

Because I want to know which one to protect my *** from, and which one my wallet from.

I suppose I could ask them, call the cops all the time, have back ground checks done before I buy my produce (in case they snuck some poison in there you know).

But see, I really can't tell who they are.

Why can't we make it easier, require them to wear uniforms or carry signs or get tattoos of crescents on their foreheads?

Or, should we have the police round them all up, put them in special camps or "Muslitowns" and only allow them out with us civilized folks under special guard and by permission only? Can we get Home Depot to check on religion before selling fertilizer for example, since these trained by their faith to be terrorists who hate us Muslims are more likely to use it to make bombs, unlike say a Christian White Guy from NY.

Seriously here.

You are so concerned with this group, you must have some trained and educated means of identifying them.

If you were in an auto accident, would you quiz the paramedics, doctors and nurses about their faiths, so that they don't "murder you" for being a patriotic smart white Christian guy, their sworn enemy?

If you see someone with a turban, do you automatically check to ensure your piece is easily accessed with the safety off, you know, in case they suddenly make a sound or something and say something threatening like "hello"?

Seriously. Because, you seem to know so much about how evil these people are, how prone to violence, what their religion teaches and so on.

Have you actually read the Qur'an in it's entirety?

Have you taken the time to talk to any Muslims?
If you did, did you ask them why they hate you so much, and if a different aftershave might make you smell better after they blow you up?

See, I see a danger, but I don't see anything I need to panic about. Case in point, I drove home 6 hrs from Detroit last night. I found the weather, the fact that Ontario seems to not believe in salt for their highways, the lack of familiarity with winter driving displayed by Ontario residents (as shown by the 18+ vehicles in the ditch, often backwards and in 2 cases upside down), and the lateness of the hour of the trip to be a much more pressing concern than possibly getting blown up by an IUD by one of the billions of terrorists that hate me so much.

So, sorry if I seem to be making fun of your apparent paranoia here, but, math, more important and higher priority threats, a lack of mass bombings, cafes exploding, planes continuing to crash, and so on, make me rather skeptical of the "panic-worry-fear" mindset exhibited here, and by fans of certain wack job looney radio hosts.

Stern at least has hot strippers.

turbans are usually Sihks Bob.

And Bob, you and Georgia are doing the exact same thing, you are taking what i said, distorting it, exaggerating it, and doing so to ridicule.

you are better than that crap.

you want to think it isnt worth worrying about, just say so, no need to be an *** about it.
No need for you to be an *** in here either. You're coming across as a trolling hot head, and I know you're capable of a lot better. Talked to you enough to know that.

My points simple:
It's not something -I- need to put much worry into, other than my usual paying attention to things. I trust that despite the gaping holes in our border defenses, that law enforcement will take care of things, and that while there is the possibility of something happening, it's highly unlikely at this time, and therefore not worth the stress and time expenditure, when compared to other more pressing and likely concerns. That despite the uneducated and ill informed worries of some, and the bumbling's of others entrusted with our security (TSA) things like air travel are pretty safe and worry free. I will not let fear, uncertainty, doubt, panic or others stop me from going about my daily business, or reduce me to looking at everyone with suspicion. The terrorists haven't beaten me.
i fail to see how any rational person could think i was trolling.

And because the TSA are morons that WE the people need to be more vigilant.

sure it is a low % shot, but the danger IS real. How large a danger it is is open to debate, but it IS out there. Even you admitt that.

And this country didnt get to where it is by depending on the government to stop the threats. We have a history of citizen involvment.
Thread Closed! After numerous warnings, people still can't play by the forum rules. If you have nothing polite to say, say nothing at all!
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