A similar strike is Gammon Ura Uchi where the first hand pulls the defences out of the way allowing the back fist open access. This jumping strike does the same thing with the front arm combined with the dropping body weight clearing the way for the reverse strike.As we are off topic anyway......this technique is used sometimes to counter the argument that there is ' no first strike in karate' in Wado circles lol. It starts with a short left stance, left foot slightly in front of right and hands down though not like those in video, more naturally. The argument goes that because the hands are down it means it's an aggressive move more than the usual defensive ones. It may be worthy of a thread on it's own, I'm not sure but it's a little titbit of karate
I can remember seeing my former instructor, quite a small guy, using it in the world karate championships in Sydney in the mid 80s.