Andy I can understand that certainly. I do think that you handled it perhaps as best as you were able to even if you did so in a childish manner. Do you do the same with all that are disrespectful of your wishes or all that have attitudes that you do not appreciate?
I usually do, although more recently I have tried to more selectively limit the occasions on which I use profanity.( Put it this way, I do it rarely enough now that when I ever *do* swear, people *know* that they should Stop Doing whatever put me to that point because its now rare enough they know the difference).
Perhaps it was on the childish side, but then, you keep a person in an unreasonable position long enough, eventually you will see less than reasonable reactions.
Some people have more tolerance for certain kinds of people( such as loud people, obnoxious people/people of certain beliefs or what-have-you) or for certain kinds of situations( such as those where alcohol and /or drugs might be present, large groups of people or what-have-you). And some will have more than others.
Even from the beginning I have never been what I guess nowadays would be called a "people person", and 4 years straight working with customers when younger burned much of my remaining patience with people out and I never got it back( this has changed to a *small* degree since I began training again).
I'm not there to be anyone's "friend". I'm there to show up for work, do my job, and go home. That doesn't mean I'll automatically be rude, or even unpleasant with people who do talk to me, but I am paid to work and not to socialize. Some people like to socialize and are boisterous and happy conversationalists just to make conversation and enjoy it. But I have never been one of those.
I have had coworkers express interest in shooting/firearms on rare occasions and when asked , Then, and ONLY then do I provide what info I can. And that's as far as it should go.
Me going loopy and preaching that every last person should be armed, and the company should change its policy because my point of view should be followed? That is most DEFINITELY a "not-do".
Same with this.
I try never to make things confrontational until it becomes obvious nothing else will work. It isn't that I have a fear of saying something, it's that i find such interaction distasteful.
In point of fact, apart from the handful of people who do actually earn my friendship, I find nearly ALL human interaction distasteful. That doesn't mean I don't or can't do it,I wouldn't get very far without getting gas or grocery shopping but i prefer, when I can, to limit it to what must be done and no more with the exception noted above.
I am ready to admit that I am wrong in this Andy, I was not there and you are, just my opinion based on what you wrote and my thinking how I would react if I were placed in either of the three positions ( you, her and a witness to the confrontations). A year and half friendly working relationship seems like it might be a shame to lose that just because poor communication skills and styles. Seems a waste to me.
There were no witnesses (I was looking).
Well, here it is 2 days later and there has been no more trouble. We have exchanged occasional "good mornings" and hellos once or twice in the day. I can cope with that. If the situation remains that way, that will be the end of it.
That you are considering having her hauled into the bosses office and perhaps fired especially these days where I am told jobs are hard to come by, seems overkill and petty to me. :idunno:
Again, if the situation remains resolved, that will be the end of it. I as a general rule don't do grudges, They're just additional stress I don't need.