I dunno what it says about that, but what does it say about my alcoholic father who left his children hungry and penniless for weeks at a time? Are you saying because he was born that way, he couldn't be held responsible?
It means that he didn't mean to hurt you. It means that some things are beyond the human ability to control right now. It means that you have to just accept that and move on. Maybe even find it in your heart to love what you have.
I grew up with a self medicating mentally ill father. My grandfather taught me things that he did in order to survive the Depression because I was the oldest.
Ultimately, it means we cannot totally hate them and must learn to seek a little forgiveness.
We're humans, after all, the brightest and best that could be randomly come up with.
How do you know? In our little corner of this universe it seems like an incredible conceit to assume that WE are the brightest and best.
Please allow me to put it into perspective...
Pale Blue Dot.