Michael Savage

I would hazard the generalization that anyone in this discussion who has said that it is easy to get an autism diagnosis does not have an autistic child. It took us nine years to get a diagnosis for my son, and that was after several misdiagnoses of other possible problems, and one doctor who flat-out told us our son was "faking it".

Savage lumped all autism cases together and bold-facedly proclaimed that 99% of all of them were fraudulent. This is as incorrect as it is indefensible. That is why the National Autism Association issued a press release condemning his statements, much as those with autistic relatives are condemning his statements on this forum.
Sheulsa: I think YOU are the one who is taking it out of context because it is a topic close to you. What is the main topic of this paragraph that you posted? It is talking about people trying to get money for a disability that doesn't exist. It is NOT talking about legitimate cases. I had not even listened to the blip on the radio, and it is what I first talked about...people TRYING to get labeled autistic to get money for it. He is right from that paragraph...because, as you have said Autisim can be VERY hard to diagnose it is easy for unethical people to take a child and get them labeled as such for their gain.

A person needs to seperate the two issues. In the paragraph you posted, he is not talking about true autism, he is talking about people claiming autism for money. He lays out his reasons for comparing it to the misuse of "asthma" by people to get money and then states that "autism" is the misuse of the day.

I would think that people would be more in an uproar over people trying to profit from a condition like autism and would want people better educated so that it would be harder to do.

The politics of the speaker influence the message I guess. Looking at that bit, I think I understand his point now. While it may have been over the top, hes a radio talk show host. Who wants to listen to boring, uncontroversial talk shows? Or read uncontroversial internet posts for that matter? ;)
Sheulsa: I think YOU are the one who is taking it out of context because it is a topic close to you. What is the main topic of this paragraph that you posted? It is talking about people trying to get money for a disability that doesn't exist. It is NOT talking about legitimate cases. I had not even listened to the blip on the radio, and it is what I first talked about...people TRYING to get labeled autistic to get money for it. He is right from that paragraph...because, as you have said Autisim can be VERY hard to diagnose it is easy for unethical people to take a child and get them labeled as such for their gain.

A person needs to seperate the two issues. In the paragraph you posted, he is not talking about true autism, he is talking about people claiming autism for money. He lays out his reasons for comparing it to the misuse of "asthma" by people to get money and then states that "autism" is the misuse of the day.

I would think that people would be more in an uproar over people trying to profit from a condition like autism and would want people better educated so that it would be harder to do.

So...... exactly how do you persuade doctors and specialists that your normal child is autistic just because you want the money?
In this country you get precious little for any illness/condition or disability and that's when it's genuine. Here you have to see endless doctors, fill in millions of forms and have to be seen by the govenment doctor to try and get anything. We've had people declare fit who've died days after seeing th official doctor and double amputees told they are fit for manual labour and no they didn't have artificial legs.
Now, having read all the posts in between...David and Punisher both bring up very good points about taking things out of context. So, I went in search of the full transcript of the show form July 16th...and I couldn't find it...not even on Michael Savage's own site...(although he did have his follow-up comments, right above a contribution request for his legal fund....hmmmm)

To compare his follow-up show on the 21st with the show on the 16th is really not a justified defense of what he "really" meant to say. As an educated man and a radio journalist, he meant exactly what he said or at least wanted to stir up controversy. Now, after rather large backlash, it is in his best interest to temper his comments. But the two shows have significantly different viewpoints and manner of presentation. So it really is up to the listener to determine what they see as truth.

His statements, not inferences of what he said, but his direct statements are overgeneralizations about a broad and diverse population, random comments that only homes with a man can create healthy children, and rhetoric only loosely based on facts. But...he's a shock-jock, and that's what he does. Now, he's trying to make his statements noble by linking them with big pharma and bringing in some personal pathos. I'm sorry...I'm not buying it. He got more than he bargained for...

The only thing I can say good about this..is that it DID get folks talking...and maybe SOME will learn a bit about the reality of Autism.

Shesulsa, I sympathise with your feelings on this issue. I don't have autistic children, but I have worked with a few as part of my education. While I don't believe in a one strike rule nor quick judgements, I do think Savage said what he meant at the time....fortunately...his opinions are as changeable as the winds of politics and opinion polls....
this is my daughter you can decide for yourself how mannish she is!

YAWZA!!!! er, sorry, that was probably inappropriate...

you have a lovely daughter. I am sure she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside...
YAWZA!!!! er, sorry, that was probably inappropriate...

you have a lovely daughter. I am sure she is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside...

LOL! You can take that up with her yourself lol! I will tell you she cracked a pro MMA fighter's ribs in flying guard though! (Jean Silva but I'm not naming names lol)she trains BJJ, MMA and kick-boxing and is only five foot.
My daughter is my pride and joy (she won't mind me posting up as shes on facebook) and I thank G-d everyday for her so I can understand the anguish of parents who find out their children have conditions like autism, it's heartbreaking for them but the bravery shown every day, the perserverance, the sheer gutsiness of these parents shouldn't be obscured by this discussion. I imagine too that with the tears there are also joyous moments and always great love. Shesulsa and Ninjamom....you rock!!
Sorry I'm late but I finally took a few moments to listen to the rant of Mr Savage... What he says...
"f I behaved like a fool, my father called me a fool. And he said to me, 'Don't behave like a fool.' The worst thing he said -- 'Don't behave like a fool. Don't be anybody's dummy. Don't sound like an idiot.

What I say...

Tooo late! Should've listen to Daddy there Mike!
Regardless of the result that he was trying to achieve, this man has caused real pain to people who are struggling with the reality of raising children with a heartbreaking disorder.
It is so hard to cope with judgemental people who accuse you of bad parenting when you are barely keeping your sanity together, trying to cope with a child that you love dearly and are doing everything you can to help them have quality of life.
There are so many people who are quick to judge and are of the opinion that a "a good whack" is all it takes to "Fix" any behavior. These are the sheep who will listen to these type of outbursts and nod their heads in agreement. Then the next time they are in the supermarket and see a parent trying to cope with a difficult child, will open their stupid mouths and repeat this crap like they are experts themselves.
Do you know how hard it is to be told you are a bad parent, in public, when you are feeling helpless. when you are feeling so sad for your child because they have this horrible disorder, when your heart is breaking because you wonder if it is your fault, was it something you did or did not do when you were pregnant. When all these things are going through your mind and you are screaming inside, then some bozo says something heartless and you wish it would all go away!
A few ill chosen words can do so much damage even if they are said for money or to shock.
So...... exactly how do you persuade doctors and specialists that your normal child is autistic just because you want the money?
In this country you get precious little for any illness/condition or disability and that's when it's genuine. Here you have to see endless doctors, fill in millions of forms and have to be seen by the govenment doctor to try and get anything. We've had people declare fit who've died days after seeing th official doctor and double amputees told they are fit for manual labour and no they didn't have artificial legs.

From my own experience (had a friend who worked in the welfare cash assistance program here in michigan), usually the sqeaky wheel gets the wheel. People doctor shop until they get what they want, or continually bug a doctor until he agrees with them. For a "learning disabled" child, the state pays about $600 a month. Many people take in 4 yr olds and show that they can't read and get them labeled, and there is NO required follow up. The parents/child get that money until they are 18 yrs old.

If you are caught defrauding the system, you are penalized a VERY small percentage to start paying it back, but you continue to keep getting money.

It is VERY easy to get here in Michigan since we have no cut off for welfare and there are many follow up measures done by the state.
The level of the idiocy in the 99% statement is enough to speak for itself. I know enough about Savage, have listened to his show from time to time and have had enough. If his point was directed at abuse of the system then he could have made his case more intelligently, more cogently. But this statement in and of itself points to an irresponsible business decision. Jocks have been fired for saying TRUE but SENSITIVE things because ... it was irresponsible.

The one-strike rule would be in effect only in flamingly wrong statements such as his - my comparison to my marriage was probably inappropriate (though I'm fairly certain - see I didn't say 99% of you would do this - that most people could come up with something their spouse could say that would make them decide to leave permanently).

For clarity: MY one strike on Savage doesn't have to be anyone else's, though at my last count six radio stations have dropped his show and I think he's lost a few sponsors but I haven't checked that fact personally yet.

His decision to say this was either stupidity or a business decision. Either way, he won't get a letter from me ... but his sponsors and the station sponsors will.
Savage Has Syndicator's Support

Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Michael Savage’s program to more than 350 affiliates, said Thursday that it had decided to reject critics’ calls to fire or suspend him over comments he made last week suggesting that most diagnoses of autism represented a “fraud” and “a racket.” In its first statement since Mr. Savage’s remarks on July 16 the company said that it was “satisfied that he did not mean any disrespect to autistic children or their families but was instead reiterating his longstanding concerns on public health issues.” The company added that it was “not appropriate to censor the opinions of its hosts on legitimate issues.”

This concerns me - that TRN would support such a misstatement because it was "reiterating his longstanding concerns on public health issues".
Savage Has Syndicator's Support

This concerns me - that TRN would support such a misstatement because it was "reiterating his longstanding concerns on public health issues".

I wonder how they'd react if Dr. Phil said 99% of the executives at TRN are fraudulent hacks whose souls have been sold for their cushy homes and shame on them because clearly they had no real man in their lives to tell them how to maintain financial ethics?

Geez ... you know when Oprah said she didn't want to eat hamburgers again, the meat industry sued her. Don Imus was fired for talking about nappy hair and basketball players. I wonder how many people in the autism community view the comment by Savage as prejudicial?

Ah well. Here is a commentary by an autistic adult, Bill Stillman.
This concerns me - that TRN would support such a misstatement because it was "reiterating his longstanding concerns on public health issues".

That's their cover. If they have a reasonable *** covering story and they don't get too much flack from it, then the more outrageous Savage is, the more money they make. They won't fire him unless they are convinced that the public blowback from something he said would be too great. That is why Imus was fired and Savage was not.
Have you guys heard about Michael Savages recent controversial comments about Autism? He said, "in 99 percent of cases, it's a brat who's parents haven't told him to cut the act out." As a person with Asperger's Syndrome, I'm very offended at those comments, just as I was with Jesse Jackson's comments about cutting off a certain part of Barack Obama's anatomy, and Al Sharpton's comments about Mitt Romney not being a Christian.
Hey Dustin,

My wife and I are also offended by Michael Savage as we have a 7 year old with Autism.
Hang in there brother.
I have a social group here on MT for families of people on the spectrum. And yes, there is a long thread on the travesty already. ;) Come join the discussion.
Yeah. Plus Mr. Savage doesn't seem to realize that there are many famous people that either have Autism, symptoms of Autism, or have been rumored to have Austism. Famous people that are real and fictional, including among others, Erik Per Sullivan, (fasely rumored to have Aspergers, although his alter ego on Malcolm in the Middle Dewey might) Keith Olbermann, (left-wing MSNBC host that nobody watches lol) and Lisa Simpsons

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