Michael Savage

Two-His statements implies that it's mainly little boys and families without dads that are diagnosed with Autism, which is complete bunk and demeaning.
I think that this is the underlying theme to his tirade on all the 'diagnosis du jour' mentality of the gen pop. He attacked allergies as well with the same basic premise - that these kids getting over-diagnosed with the current popular disorder MUST be the result of having no 'real man' in their lives to smack them upside the head and tell them they're being whiny little brats and to straighten the hell up.

Because ... ya know ... that works SO well ....

*edited to add*

It's all about agenda and this agenda is to demean people who have no say in their lot - the typical bullying of the GOP Right.
prolly all that partying before those all-night cram sessions to pass his college exams

speaking of broad, uninformed over-generalizations... maybe that's how YOU got YOUR PhD, but to assume that everyone did it the same way is... ignorant, LOL!


Shesula, how many sons have you raised? if the answer is zero, and you were not yourself somebody's son, then how much insight do you really have on what works and what doesn't? Raising girls and raising boys is night and day different...
speaking of broad, uninformed over-generalizations... maybe that's how YOU got YOUR PhD, but to assume that everyone did it the same way is... ignorant, LOL!
Bingo! :D :D :D
"They scream and they're silent..." That's all Mr. Savage thinks autism consists of? Does he have any clue what all autism entails? Or perhaps even what variety of household types autistic children come from?

Not only is his radio show more attention then this ignorant, heartless whack-job deserves, these two pages of forum space are too much. Like with any other child with a tantrum (in contrast to bona fide autistic children), ignore him and he'll shut up.
speaking of broad, uninformed over-generalizations... maybe that's how YOU got YOUR PhD, but to assume that everyone did it the same way is... ignorant, LOL!


Shesula, how many sons have you raised? if the answer is zero, and you were not yourself somebody's son, then how much insight do you really have on what works and what doesn't? Raising girls and raising boys is night and day different...

Raised a girl and a boy and to be honest there isn't much difference in the way you raise them!!
Raised a girl and a boy and to be honest there isn't much difference in the way I raise them!!

I fixed your post for you.

IMHO their needs are quite different, what types of communication they best respond to is very different, the roles they are expected to fill in society as adults are different.

So did you end up with manly women or girlish men? Just teasing LOL.
On the other hand of "bratty kids" (which can be the case at times) it's not always easy to diagnose, either. So many can go on without being diagonsed, or misdiagnosed with some other disorder. I know a lady that is 38 years old, and was diagnosed with Aspbergers (not sure of the spelling), which is a form of high functioning autism. I had known her for 2 years prior, and knew she had some "quirks," but never really thought much of it. I have a cousin with the same form of autism, and she's much younger.
I fixed your post for you.

IMHO their needs are quite different, what types of communication they best respond to is very different, the roles they are expected to fill in society as adults are different.

So did you end up with manly women or girlish men? Just teasing LOL.

In Britain we raise our kids the way we raise our dogs and horses lol!
I think in America you worry too much about these things, kids are kids, they need fresh air, good food, lots of love and just the right sort of discipline. Also a bit of neglect doesn't do them any harm, they don't need to be occupied every minute of the day with organised activities designed to make them into the ideal adults. They don't need counselling or channeling, or adults worrying about them or trying to understand them.
My kids are adults now, both working, both doing well and both causing me no worry at all. The dogs and horses are okay too.
Shesula, how many sons have you raised? if the answer is zero, and you were not yourself somebody's son, then how much insight do you really have on what works and what doesn't? Raising girls and raising boys is night and day different...

I have raised one and am currently raising another. One is autistic - Bona Fide, I assure you. The other has some sensory issues but not enough for me to want to hang a label on him - he's extremely well-adjusted.

And before you ask, I am also raising a teen daughter.

How many autistic children have you raised? DavdCC?
No autistic kids over here. But I do believe that boys do need to be told 'they're being whiny little brats and to straighten the hell up' and more. i would never tell my daughter that, at least not in that way
No autistic kids over here. But I do believe that boys do need to be told 'they're being whiny little brats and to straighten the hell up' and more. i would never tell my daughter that, at least not in that way
And so ... you think, I guess ... that this is a way to prevent autism in boys? Is that what you're saying? And, BTW, I think some girls absolutely need to be told they're being whiny little brats and to straighten the hell up. But again - last I checked - nope, still not an effective treatment for autism.
Preparing children for the "real world" is a challenge whether they're boys or girls. Life ain't fair and candy-coating things will only hurt them in the long run.....anyway....

I have found that sites (left and right leaning) tend to print or post things to make folks say "Oh My GOD! How could they say that!?!!" In order to support their particular view.

In a lot of cases it's taken out of context because you were not privy to the entire converstaion or discussions on the subject being addressed.

At first glance (or listen) this sounds down right insane, but having not listened to the entire show leading up to this point may leave a gap in understanding.

I'm not defending the right wing whackos nor am I endorsing the left leaning loons....I'm just saying in this day and age, you gotta take things with a grain of salt (or whole shaker as the case may be) and not be so quick to join the lynch mob.

Has anyone bothered to check that particular show's transcripts? If something sounds down right ridiculous, chances are it may have been taken out of context.
nope, you have completely mis-read me, again.
Actually, no. I'm trying to connect your statement on parenting with the outrageous statement by Savage who DOES think that it IS a preventative against autism.
michaelsavage.com said:
the autism controversy
my comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as "autistic."
just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed "add" and "adhd" to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing "autism, for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!
many children are being victimized by being diagnosed with an "illness" which may not exist, in all cases. Just a few weeks ago doctors recommended dangerous anti-cholesterol drugs for children as young as 2 years of age! Without any scientific studies on the possible dangers of such drugs on children, corrupt doctors made this controversial, unscientific recommendation.
increasingly, our children are being used as profit centers by a greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical establishment. As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a new york "snake-pit" of a "mental hospital," i know first-hand what true disability is.
to permit greedy doctors to include children in medical categories which may not be appropriate is a crime against that child and their family. Let the truly autistic be treated. Let the falsely diagnosed be free.
michael savage
Originally Posted by michaelsavage.com
the autism controversy
my comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as "autistic."
just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed "add" and "adhd" to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing "autism, for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!
many children are being victimized by being diagnosed with an "illness" which may not exist, in all cases. Just a few weeks ago doctors recommended dangerous anti-cholesterol drugs for children as young as 2 years of age! Without any scientific studies on the possible dangers of such drugs on children, corrupt doctors made this controversial, unscientific recommendation.
increasingly, our children are being used as profit centers by a greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical establishment. As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a new york "snake-pit" of a "mental hospital," i know first-hand what true disability is.
to permit greedy doctors to include children in medical categories which may not be appropriate is a crime against that child and their family. Let the truly autistic be treated. Let the falsely diagnosed be free.
michael savage

Sorry, but that doesn't wash. 99% is way to high a percentage to attribute to intentional misdiagnosis. Besides, in the first tirade he was blaming it on irresponsible parenting; this was somehow supposed to awaken people to a conspiracy in the medical field?

It's back-paddling on Savage's part, plain and simple. Maybe he realized that he pissed off the wrong crowd.
Preparing children for the "real world" is a challenge whether they're boys or girls. Life ain't fair and candy-coating things will only hurt them in the long run.....anyway....

I have found that sites (left and right leaning) tend to print or post things to make folks say "Oh My GOD! How could they say that!?!!" In order to support their particular view.

In a lot of cases it's taken out of context because you were not privy to the entire converstaion or discussions on the subject being addressed.

At first glance (or listen) this sounds down right insane, but having not listened to the entire show leading up to this point may leave a gap in understanding.

I'm not defending the right wing whackos nor am I endorsing the left leaning loons....I'm just saying in this day and age, you gotta take things with a grain of salt (or whole shaker as the case may be) and not be so quick to join the lynch mob.

Has anyone bothered to check that particular show's transcripts? If something sounds down right ridiculous, chances are it may have been taken out of context.
Listen to the radio show yourself at the link I provided. Seek out the transcript.

You know, his response you posted doesn't excuse his tyrade on autism and the overdiagnosis. His follow-up actually proves that he was 1) eliciting anger, outrage, apathy and judgementalism towards people who accept the autism diagnosis and alludes to children without fathers with misogynistic leanings to forward his agenda and 2) makes gross assumptions about medication and who is and isn't placed on medication and why.

I firmly agree that it appears that there is an over-eagerness to diagnose and medicate children - hell, I've stumped that here many times over my four plus years here. But you will *NEVER* read me say "99% of all conservatives are all dittoheads who were never taught love and compassion for the needy by their mothers because they were too busy with their fathers shooting things and blowing things up." Why? Because it would be an irresponsible and incorrect thing to say. Plus ... I have no political agenda nor do I make any money off of posting my opinions on MartialTalk.com.

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