Michael Savage

Do you lead those organizations? if not, can you get similar pledges from those that do? Of course not! it would be ridiculous for them to turn away money that they need so badly to help kids who need help.
So perhaps you can clarify for me here ... either you're gonna say it outright or you're not ... are you saying there will be a ton of people who will donate to autism organizations out of guilt because of what Savage said?
It appears Mike Savage has it hands down over all liberal whackos and all the studies on exactly what autism is.

That's right, folks! Mike Savage has discovered what autism is.

Listen for yourself.

This kind of infantile, asinine tirade should escort the SOB off the air. What a hack!

It's loud mouthed knuckle dragging morons like Savage that give "conservatism" a BAD name!!!!!
I hate it that he has a platform where he says increadibly hurtful, untrue and idiotic-opinionate CRAP like this....and that he calls himself "Conservative"!!!!!!

Hack indeed....

Your Brother
if 99% of the cases of diagnosed autism were MIS-diagnosed simply because a large population of poor people WANTED their child diagnosed....

that'd mean that pretty much ALL psychiatrist who DID the diagnosis were routinely engaged in FRAUD. Their professional organizations and ((MOST OF ALL)) the insurance industry would come down on them like 50 ton of bricks!!

And WHY would these people who spent 12+ post grad years fighting for their license RISK incarceration just to get SO MANY kids misdiagnosed??
Who's going to influence them to risk their career, license and reputation??
The "Poor"????
....with what? Money? a nice warm feeling that they've helped the underprivileged??


what a Friggin MORON!
The very fact that M. Savage is EMPLOYED is a SHAME on society!

Conservative, Brother
Now that's using semantics to defend the tactics - and I'm sorry, but I'm sick and tired ... no matter the cause ... of the use of this kind of tactic to incite emotions to sway opinions and bring about neglect. You're a mathematician and surely you would loathe to prove that 99% of the people who show up at the welfare line with children they want labeled autistic 1) actually want the diagnosis and/or 2) have a child who doesn't fit the diagnosis.

I don't understand the relevance of this, but no, it surely is not a matter of mere semantics. Do we now agree that he was speaking of non-autistic children and that we're merely disagreeing over percentages? Obviously, his number was far off and made up on the spot, though that's a question for statistics which is a separate science from mathematics (including that asking for some one to ""prove" something of this sort is a logical impossibility--statisticians estimate). I also think that to accuse him of an attempt to "bring about neglect" is hyperbolic. He was trying to bring about increased ratings. He did so via an outrageous statement. Is this your first experience with talk radio?

There are, quite unfortunately, many people who still feel very much the way Savage put it, Arni ... that "there's nothing wrong with that kid a good spanking wouldn't cure."
Again, it's clear that he was referring to the non-autistic when he said that. It's still ignorant and insensitive, he was explicitly and specifically referring to non-autistic but troubled children and the parents seeking what he deems an easy answer.

I suppose it's hard to comprehend the damage the Savage blathering actually does to people, their families, chances for recovery and support unless you're walking in autistic moccasins.
I don't doubt that it's difficult, and I sympathize. But, you're guilty of twisting his words to your benefit. If you think you have the moral high ground I must tell you that I think you lost it when you decided to intentionally misconstrue his statement.

And how exactly were his hateful comments about autism taken out of context? You still haven't explained that to me.

Since his "hateful" comments were not about autism, I've abandoned the effort.
So perhaps you can clarify for me here ... either you're gonna say it outright or you're not ... are you saying there will be a ton of people who will donate to autism organizations out of guilt because of what Savage said?

guilt? over what??? I think your anger is clouding your thoughts. See my post form 7/29 for another example of your cloudy thinking :(

not guilt, but sympathy.

Do you really believe that there are large numbers of people out there that actually think that 99% of autisitc kids are just misbehaving?

because of the public outcry against Savage's comments, somebody does some reasearch into autism and autism support groups, and feels moved to contribute. whereas if Savage had not made these statements, they would not have done so. Therefore autism support groups directly benefit from Savage's controversial statements. Your feelings are hurt but their bank accounts grow. And the longer these groups can milk your anger, the more donations they will get.
Look, people. Regardless of wether you agree with Savage's comments or not, it doesn't change the fact that this man is nothing more than a SMEAR MERCHANT. Is that pithy enough for you?!
People like Savage do nothing more than promote hate and shock value. And there's plenty more like him: Howard Stern, Don Imus, Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell, Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, David Duke, and Henry Rollins among others are good examples of that. Hatred of blacks, gays, Mormons, Christians, Conservatives, well meaning Liberals and anybody else they disagree with is a target for many of these people. By well meaning Liberals, I mean people like Alan Colmes who can acutally argue their points without using personal attacks towards their opponets.
People like Savage do nothing more than promote hate and shock value. And there's plenty more like him: Howard Stern, Don Imus, Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell, Randi Rhodes, Al Franken, David Duke, and Henry Rollins among others are good examples of that. Hatred of blacks, gays, Mormons, Christians, Conservatives, well meaning Liberals and anybody else they disagree with is a target for many of these people. By well meaning Liberals, I mean people like Alan Colmes who can acutally argue their points without using personal attacks towards their opponets.

I have to respectfully disagree with your including Keith Olberman in this list. It's true that his show has a blatant liberal bias and he has a few choice opponents, but he normally relies on facts and direct quotes, and I wouldn't call him a shock-jock.
You've got to be kidding me, RandomPhantom700. Keith Olbermann doesn't and has never used facts at all on his stupid show that nobody watches. He gets his show's content off of Liberal hate websites such as The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Media Matters for America who attack Conservatives, the Bush Administration, and Fox News on a daily basis. He also posts on the Daily Kos himself. Even one of his shows contributors, Dana Milbank resigned yesterday because Keith thought one of his columns about Barack Obama was unfair.
Even though this controversy has sort of blown over, I still think that Savage should be fired. The comments he makes are bigoted, racist, reckless, moronic, and irresponsible. And I take back what I said earlier about Alan Colmes. The man's becoming more unhindged every day. Just listen to what he said on Thursday after the Vice Presidential debate when Dick Morris accused him of reading Democratic talking points. "Morris: Listen to what I have to say, or have another guest on. Hannity: Dick Morris, thank's for joining us. Colmes: Hope anger management works out for you, Dick." What a lovely thing to say. Calling anybody who disagrees with you angry. Pitiful. I could just as easily say the same thing about, I don't know, Colmes himself, or the beforementioned, Keith Olbermann or even Chris Matthews.

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