Michael J Fox - Commercial & Foundation

I understand the Dickey Amendment says that embryos can not be created for research purposes. It is my understanding that the Dickey Amendment does not apply to the hundreds of thousands of embryos created, and stored, and eventually to be discard in the fertility labs across the country.

I have no qualifications in science. But, I do know that a vast amount of scientific research in this country takes place in college universities. Because those colleges receive federal funding, coupled with Bush's executive order, they can not perform the types of research that would be possible in absence of that executive order. Currently, they have to build a financially clean lab - completely free of any federal monies - to perform this research. Such requirements and inefficiencies make the research close enough to impossible as to prohibit it completely, in my uneducated opinion.

As for Mr. Fox's statement, I see clauses such as "chance for hope" and "opposes expanding" and they seem clear to me. Maybe those words mean something different in Missouri.

But, where I come from, 'expanding' means making bigger, doing more. It does not mean nothing, never. I don't see that as a distortion of any kind.

Also, 'chance' indicates clearly there are no guarantees. It tells me we aren't sure where this will lead, but we believe that it may lead somewhere. I think that is part of the nature of science; sometimes we aren't even aware of the breakthroughs when we hit them. Certainly, we shouldn't be restricting science based on our fear of how that science might be used. That way leads us right back to the 13th century.

P.S. - I'ld love a tour of your facility. But, I'd pass on the microbrews, I'm alcoholic.
Unproven claims of Michael J Fox.


This is all about politics and nothing about science.

The writer of this article is a consultant to the California Association for Natural Family Planning. Forget about stem cells...they don't even believe in condoms. They're a major proponent of the "just say no" approach to teen sexuality. In other words...she's a flak.

I don't think Fox claimed that embryonic stem cells are a panacaea. He just favors it as another promising area of research. If you're opposed to it on religious or personal grounds, that's fine. But you don't have to convolute the science to express that view.
Am I missing something?

Did President Bush, today, give Rush Limbaugh an exclusive interview?

Wasn't Rush Limbaugh the guy who insulted a person with Parkenson's disease?


You have to hand it to Ann Coulter...when she depanties disingenuous liberal hypocrisy; nothing is left to the imagination.

In chapter five of her bestseller, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, Coulter lays out the liberal “Doctrine of Infallibility”. As Coulter explains it, “Finally, the Democrats hit on an ingenious strategy: They would choose only messengers whom we’re (Conservatives) not allowed to reply to”. Coulter continues that, “All the most prominent liberal spokesmen are people with ‘absolute moral authority’—Democrats with a dead husband, a dead child...a terminal illness....”
And so, after the death of famed liberal stem cell research expert Christopher Reeve, Spin City’s Michael J. Fox became the infallible Hollywood twit-turned-academician propagandist to lead the liberals’ embryonic stem cell disinformation campaign. Like Reeve, Fox can lie but Conservatives can’t tell the truth because the liar is an infallible “victim".
In a very poor imitation of Ronald Reagan

Well, there you go again ... proving my point.

michaeledward said:
You have not questioned Michael J Fox's words or actions. You keep saying that "you can't question him' ... but you haven't question him. You've attacked him, with language like "Its troubling."
Democrats unfairly hide their faulty arguments behind people whose authentic pain is so deep that you can't really debate policy with them.
Democrats unfairly hide their faulty arguments behind people whose authentic pain is so deep that you can't really debate policy with them.
Republicans unfairly hide their faulty arugments behind a president who's authentic ineptitude is so deep that you can't really debate.... well, anything.

/sarcasm off

Mudslinging sucks. :asian:

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