Sam, I think that's wonderful. I also have a degree to teach grades 5-college but fate took me in a different direction.
I think many of the qualities that make us true martial artists also lend themselves to teaching in general. The development of self, refusal to accept boundaries, and ability to alter perspective to approach a situation with confidence are all abilities young people need.
My sensei, in his role as my social studies teacher, was the very first person to regard me as a vital human being. After 13 years of being hated by those who were obligated to raise me, friendless and alone, he spoke to me with dignity and a keen perception.
It took me 2 years of fighting with those who raised me to pay the $10 a month (yeah, that's right; they didn't want to part with 10 dollars for me) to allow me to take karate. I wanted to work a job or something to get the money but they refused that too and I was too beaten down at that point to fight for anything.
But, from the very first class I knew I had found a family at last. If I had not had the encouragement of my social studies teacher I never would have him as my sensei and my life would have been so terribly dark and different.
If you are dedicated to being a true teacher, not of lesson plans but of life's lesson, then you are a wonderful person. I hope you too can reach many young people in your lifetime and make their world a better place too.