Fictional example of a bad instructor


Senior Master
Here is an example from the show Home Improvement that shows some bad instruction.

Here is where I think things went awry.

1) The instructor showed what he was going to do in a demonstration he was performing - why were the students not performing it? Did the instructor just not mention the advanced students that were to be involved or was it just about HIM.

2) One of the students (Artie aka butterball) was bullying Mark but the instructor did nothing about it. The advanced students that were in the class should have put a stop to it either directly or indirectly by telling the instructor.

3) A physical altercation happened between the parents, resulting with Tim being struck by a purse, but the instructor did nothing about it. He should have taken the parents and Artie aside and explained that that kind of behavior would not be tolerated and that Artie would be asked to leave if he did not start to show some respect to the other students and stop acting like a thug.

4) A physical fight occurred in the class between Artie's father and Tim, resulting in Tim being punched in the face, after a heated and loud argument but the instructor did nothing to stop it.

5) Instead of banning Artie and/or his parents from being in the class the instructor just moved Mark to another class instead of dealing with the problem in the first place, if anyone should have been moved it should have been Artie.

Thoughts, personal experiences, opinions of the above? Have you seen anything like this in real life? What would you have done in the instructors,Tim's or Mark's place?
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