Once again different goals and a different time frame to teach soldiers compared to someone training weekly year round.

Yea, the goal is to take the light version of MMA (and probably Kali) to train the soldiers with so they don't get hurt and can't perform as soldiers in combat.

Once again you are insulting every marine and the marine instructors that came up with MCMAP. It is MCMAP and that is a unique martial system for the United States Marines.

I don't think so. Did you serve in the military?
Really, I just think you have very little clue with what you are talking about so I am trying to correct your misinformation during the course of this thread.

I train with many Marines and other soldiers. Our gym has over 300 students, on the books and current. How about yours?
Yes Fried Rice I have many former and current military members that I teach as well. Several currently being deployed overseas. That my friend is what is called "dick measuring" and really is unimportant to this thread.

What is important is that there is accurate information being put out there which is what you are not doing here.
Yea, the goal is to take the light version of MMA (and probably Kali) to train the soldiers with so they don't get hurt and can't perform as soldiers in combat.

So since USA combat arms have been taught to fight and survive one-on-one since Revolutionary War times, and you say they are using MMA techniques, ... Well, what are you saying?

I don't think so. Did you serve in the military?

I'm not sure what you intend to do with an answer to whether or not someone else has served in the military, since nothing you have said indicates you have.

But for what it is worth, I served in the military.

Simply put it doesn't help to let a martial art exist in a vacuum.

I'm really sorry, I am just not making any sense from your last two answers to me. Nor do I see in them any contrition for dissing a martial art different from your own. Maybe we should just not pay any attention to each other anymore. It doesn't seem to be a fruitful exchange of ideas.

@FriedRice - it seems the same with you. you have your ideas and in the end, they are yours as makes you happy. I have mine and based on experiences you don't have. But we aren't communicating.
I don't see where that is relevant to your misinformation here but I am former sworn officer of the law.

So I guess, no. If you asked me if I was ever in the Boy's Scout, I wouldn't answer that I was on the Hockey Team....irrelevant. And sworn officer of the law can range anywhere from Police Academy trained for big city police force to a deputy in Mayberry, USA. Like DropBear said, something like...."Marines seems to be very sensitive". Well here, you're not a Marine but you're being sensitive for them? We don't coddle people at our gym, we give them the truth; and the truth comes out during sparring where you can't hide from it.
I'm not sure what you intend to do with an answer to whether or not someone else has served in the military, since nothing you have said indicates you have.

But for what it is worth, I served in the military.

I'm really sorry, I am just not making any sense from your last two answers to me. Nor do I see in them any contrition for dissing a martial art different from your own. Maybe we should just not pay any attention to each other anymore. It doesn't seem to be a fruitful exchange of ideas.

@FriedRice - it seems the same with you. you have your ideas and in the end, they are yours as makes you happy. I have mine and based on experiences you don't have. But we aren't communicating.

I wasn't even talking to you, yet you chose to interject yourself into my conversation with someone else; then you say "Maybe we should just not pay any attention to each other anymore."?

I was already doing this.
So I guess, no. If you asked me if I was ever in the Boy's Scout, I wouldn't answer that I was on the Hockey Team....irrelevant. And sworn officer of the law can range anywhere from Police Academy trained for big city police force to a deputy in Mayberry, USA. Like DropBear said, something like...."Marines seems to be very sensitive". Well here, you're not a Marine but you're being sensitive for them? We don't coddle people at our gym, we give them the truth; and the truth comes out during sparring where you can't hide from it.

That you are a part of an mma gym has nothing to do with MCMAP.

In regards to MCMAP I am not being sensitive just trying to put out the correct information regarding what it is that counters information that is clearly false.
A little late to the game, but my opinion is that MCMAP is not MMA. MMA at this point is a well defined rule set. It's a sport and when you say MMA, it means something pretty specific to most people. MCMAP is not the same thing.

I'm not at all surprised to hear that Marines are less skilled in MMA than someone who trains in MMA. But, like other people who are fit, athletic and have a killer work ethic (pun intended... cause marines!), I think any marine would excel in MMA if they chose to devote the time to it.

And some do, as you know, @FriedRice.

Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about. I skimmed through the entire thread and if calling MCMAP MMA-lite is the extent of denigrating Marines, I think that's pretty mild. Bill's comment about the USAF was more harsh, but I know it was meant in jest, and didn't see it as any kind of big deal at all.
Just for shiggles:

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"As a student at the University of Illinois, 'Barney' Cosneck won two Big Ten wrestling championships. Later he served as Judo instructor in the armed forces, where he co-authored 'How to Fight Tough' with Jack Dempsey. In 'American Combat Judo' he has adapted the best of Japanese ju jitsu, French foot fighting, Chinese boxing and American wrestling to produce simple but effective techniques for defense and counterattack."

Peace favor your sword,
A little late to the game, but my opinion is that MCMAP is not MMA. MMA at this point is a well defined rule set. It's a sport and when you say MMA, it means something pretty specific to most people. MCMAP is not the same thing.

I'm not at all surprised to hear that Marines are less skilled in MMA than someone who trains in MMA. But, like other people who are fit, athletic and have a killer work ethic (pun intended... cause marines!), I think any marine would excel in MMA if they chose to devote the time to it.

And some do, as you know, @FriedRice.

Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about. I skimmed through the entire thread and if calling MCMAP MMA-lite is the extent of denigrating Marines, I think that's pretty mild. Bill's comment about the USAF was more harsh, but I know it was meant in jest, and didn't see it as any kind of big deal at all.

Nice comment Steve. Thanks.

But I did feel there was a comment that went just a little over the line about MCMAP, so I'm not so sure the reference to Bill is a good one. Although perhaps a little strong, he made sure it was known it was intended as kidding. And I think it was your response after that, about the airman questioning a tent in his room, that gave me a good laugh.
Nice comment Steve. Thanks.

But I did feel there was a comment that went just a little over the line about MCMAP, so I'm not so sure the reference to Bill is a good one. Although perhaps a little strong, he made sure it was known it was intended as kidding. And I think it was your response after that, about the airman questioning a tent in his room, that gave me a good laugh.
No problem. I only intended to say that MCMAP isn't representative of all Marines. It's a small part of what they do, and in the right context, we can all have a good laugh about weird things that occur within each branch of service. I could tell you stories!!!

Bottom line, I did not intend my comment as a criticism of Bill. I think his comments were perfectly fine.
No problem. I only intended to say that MCMAP isn't representative of all Marines. It's a small part of what they do, and in the right context, we can all have a good laugh about weird things that occur within each branch of service. I could tell you stories!!!

Bottom line, I did not intend my comment as a criticism of Bill. I think his comments were perfectly fine.

I thought you did. I didn't understand it any other way.
I'm really sorry, I am just not making any sense from your last two answers to me. Nor do I see in them any contrition for dissing a martial art different from your own. Maybe we should just not pay any attention to each other anymore. It doesn't seem to be a fruitful exchange of ideas.

Why does it constantly sound like I am discussing a religion. Not a martial art with you?
A little late to the game, but my opinion is that MCMAP is not MMA. MMA at this point is a well defined rule set. It's a sport and when you say MMA, it means something pretty specific to most people. MCMAP is not the same thing.

I'm not at all surprised to hear that Marines are less skilled in MMA than someone who trains in MMA. But, like other people who are fit, athletic and have a killer work ethic (pun intended... cause marines!), I think any marine would excel in MMA if they chose to devote the time to it.

And some do, as you know, @FriedRice.

Beyond that, I'm not quite sure what all the fuss is about. I skimmed through the entire thread and if calling MCMAP MMA-lite is the extent of denigrating Marines, I think that's pretty mild. Bill's comment about the USAF was more harsh, but I know it was meant in jest, and didn't see it as any kind of big deal at all.

In general, it takes around 16 months to become a Marine. They've even lowered the standards in order to recruit more women. What makes the Marines a top tier killing force, are the high tech weapons, including the bombs and missiles that they can call in. Not what they learn in that 16 months, which includes a slew of things, such as classroom training. MCMAP, is just for keeping up with some aggression, fitness and fun. That's why I say it's MMA Lite b/c they train very similar to MMA but stay away from most (to all) of the blunt force brutality of full MMA training & sparring.

The other guy was talking about Marines training with bayonets and rolling in the mud with them. Great, he got that from watch Full Metal Jacket.
That you are a part of an mma gym has nothing to do with MCMAP.

In regards to MCMAP I am not being sensitive just trying to put out the correct information regarding what it is that counters information that is clearly false.

You still haven't told me what rifle do the Marines attach their bayonets to in reference to your comment about how Marines roll around in the mud with bayonets as apart of their training.

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