I think that alot of us online are quickly and unnecessarily harsh on people who talk down on our art, calling them idiots, losers & so-forth. Let me clarify quickly before I'm lynched.

People who make videos, like the one posted, do so because they genuinely believe the Bujinkan to be a scam. They do so for the same reason that any one of us laugh our asses off when the K***g*n, Ashida Kim, or Nintaijutsu folks come around.
That's not to say that those arts are just misunderstood, quite the opposite actually. However, think about how it makes you feel to know that so many people believe that they're receiving traditional or effective techniques when we know the truth about it.
Now imagine that even one of those organisations had the numbers that we have. I know, for myself anyway, that I would almost feel it my duty as a martial artist to make sure that everyone I could come into contact with, knew what I know. Don't you?
Honestly, if youtube was filled with vids of shinken taijutsu, and skilled randori, instead of beginner learning vids, this really wouldn't even be an issue. Sure, there would still be people petty enough to make fun of it, but it would be a hell of alot fewer.
Couple that with how fervently people defend something that really doesn't need defending, at least to those who've chosen to give such a thing a chance, and you've got a recipe for prime trolling.
If you guys honestly want these things to go away, at least from our boards anyway, stop responding to people as soon as it becomes clear that they're not sincerely seeking info. As well as try to have a bit more patience with those, caught up in believing so much hype.
I can't remember what forum I read it on(MT, MAP, E-Budo etc.) But someone posted something I found poignant..."Should we cut down everyone who throws a fake punch at us?"
I like to think of it as a lesson in Fudoshin.