MartialTalk and the COVID-19 Pandemic

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most people recover all on their own

They do not let people in the hospital unless you are very sick, mostly based on your O2 level. Basically people who need Oxygen to live.
you may find reading about population limits and exponential growth interesting.

thr UK govenment dealt with this issue by buying a lot of beds and putting them in exhibition halls, 7 in total, so far non of them have been used, because the hospitals never filled up, mostly as they cancelled all non essential procedures, its just about the only sensible thing they have done so far, even if they havent been needed so far
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They do not let people in the hospital unless you are very sick, mostly based on your O2 level. Basically people who need Oxygen to live.
yiou said the most recovered from covid, that is not at all dependent on hospital admissions for 90 odd % of those infected

even then more cases will result in more recovered in hospital as well
hospital are deemed full when there are no beds left, they are clearly not full at that point
did you take my advice? If you did, I think it would help you understand how short sighted your statements are.

I originally said "misguided" but short sighted is more accurate.
did you take my advice? If you did, I think it would help you understand how short sighted your statements are.

I originally said "misguided" but short sighted is more accurate.
no mate, i know all i need, I seldom take advice of extremists, try actually disagreeing in a cogent manner is stead of the passive aggressive manner you've got,

put more beds in, you can house more people, that is clearly a fact, do you have any thing to refute that ? even the uk government caught on to that one as above
no mate, i know all i need, I seldom take advice of extremists, try actually disagreeing in a cogent manner is stead of the passive aggressive manner you've got,

put more beds in, you can house more people, that is clearly a fact, do you have any thing to refute that ? even the uk government caught on to that one as above
Not trying to be passive aggressive. I just don't have the bandwidth right now to put more into explaining things to you than you put into understanding it. It's cool, but I'm just going to count on you to do some of the heavy lifting. Or not. It's fine with me if you don't.

For example, if you looked into population limits and exponential growth, you'd understand that simply adding beds in a period of exponential growth is short sighted. It's a pretty straight forward point, so I think if you want to understand it, you could.
Not trying to be passive aggressive. I just don't have the bandwidth right now to put more into explaining things to you than you put into understanding it. It's cool, but I'm just going to count on you to do some of the heavy lifting. Or not. It's fine with me if you don't.

For example, if you looked into population limits and exponential growth, you'd understand that simply adding beds in a period of exponential growth is short sighted. It's a pretty straight forward point, so I think if you want to understand it, you could.
i didnt say " simply add beds" i said add beds to provied a bed for all the sick people, that isnt short sighted its absolutly essential ..., if you also have to add otherthings thats fine, but first you need beds
Not trying to be passive aggressive. I just don't have the bandwidth right now to put more into explaining things to you than you put into understanding it. It's cool, but I'm just going to count on you to do some of the heavy lifting. Or not. It's fine with me if you don't.

For example, if you looked into population limits and exponential growth, you'd understand that simply adding beds in a period of exponential growth is short sighted. It's a pretty straight forward point, so I think if you want to understand it, you could.


  • queen.webp
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Extremists can only see two categories of people: those who agree with them and everyone else. It's no surprise to me that when one's view of conservatism is rigid and severe, everyone else will appear to be a liberal. It's all relative. Ronald Reagan was a liberal by today's measure.
It's crazy how that is. It's has basically turned into a movement of "Who can be more." When a Bill says he's more "A" then Jan says she's "AA", then Bill follows up with he's "AAA". stuff like that is a fast track to insanity.
If you do not wish to believe the total number of deaths that is your right.
You believe the numbers are to high and I believe the numbers they are to low.

A number we can agree on is hospitalization.
You can not argue about whether a hospital is full or not.
Use the hospitalization numbers as an indicator as how bad the virus is hurting Americans.

Like I said, I do believe this thing is real. And a lot of people are suffering because of it. But I challenge you to parse out the stats for death from Covid-19, the cold, flu, pneumonia and such. It cannot be accurately done.
There is a Great deal of fear mongering that is understandably encouraging people to go to the hospital. I have no idea how you reconcile facts like this into meaningful data.

Today I was at a funeral for a 79 year old cousin of my wife. She had advance heart and lung disease and had been in and out of the hospital for years, on the brink of death for as long. Her COD was ruled Covid-19. Naturally no one can say she did not have the virus. But it is quite backwards to say the virus was the COD.
Conversely, another cousin of my wife who lived with the deceased was at the funeral home. She is 84 years old and just recovered from the virus. Said she would not have known she had it had she not been tested. She felt fine the whole time. And her health status is about as bad as the deceased.
Go figure.
Extremists can only see two categories of people
It is good to see you have a health dose of self-realization.
I acknowledged I am a conservative. Never made any secret of the fact. And what, this makes me a bad person in your eyes? Would be no surprise at all to find this to be true. But like I have said many times before, as usual you are consistent with your diatribe.
Again, I will clarify the use of the word liberal was as a description of Jowga's comments. Never did I say he was a liberal or that being a Liberal is explicitly a bad thing. I had no idea of his political position until he mentioned it. And as it turned out it is as a conservative. So you see, I don't give two sheet's what party a person is relative to a conversation like the one Jowga and I were having. Which you felt compelled to insert yourself into.
As usual you are reading into someone else's comments what you wish to hear. A really dixk move you seem to enjoy doing a Lot. So who is the one being rigid and severe here?
I imagine by your standard every conservative is rigid and severe.
But like I said earlier, run with it if you wish. Astounds me how much some people enjoy creating petty drama.
Welp, looks like Don Jr is positive. Now I guess we will learn whether cocaine is an effective treatment. :)
IMO Texas especially Houston has the best hospitals in the country.
We also have most infections than any other state.
We also have the most recovered from covid.
Our death rate per million people is one of the best.
Had our hospital have not been so good, our number of dead would have been more like New York.

This is why hospitalization rate is a better indicator as to how we are doing.

I believe the medical field says Boston has the best hospitals in the country.

No big whoop, just saying.
It is good to see you have a health dose of self-realization.
I acknowledged I am a conservative. Never made any secret of the fact. And what, this makes me a bad person in your eyes? Would be no surprise at all to find this to be true. But like I have said many times before, as usual you are consistent with your diatribe.
Again, I will clarify the use of the word liberal was as a description of Jowga's comments. Never did I say he was a liberal or that being a Liberal is explicitly a bad thing. I had no idea of his political position until he mentioned it. And as it turned out it is as a conservative. So you see, I don't give two sheet's what party a person is relative to a conversation like the one Jowga and I were having. Which you felt compelled to insert yourself into.
As usual you are reading into someone else's comments what you wish to hear. A really dixk move you seem to enjoy doing a Lot. So who is the one being rigid and severe here?
I imagine by your standard every conservative is rigid and severe.
But like I said earlier, run with it if you wish. Astounds me how much some people enjoy creating petty drama.

Saying you are a conservative means you don't understand the situation.

Because the all encompassing term of conservative is basically not a definition of anything.

So a conservative in one area might be liberal in another a conservative in one country might be liberal in another. Although people like to think they have the rule book for conservative/liberal. They don't they are making things up.

For example Pro monarchy is a conservative trait. Exept in America where it isn't. Pro gun is a conservative trait Exept everywhere but America where it isn't.
Regarding freedom.

Ok. Consider road rules and stuff. If we look at the greater effects of road rules and car safety standards and all the other things that go in to getting you from point A to point B in a car. There is a greater net effect of freedom created.

People get to their destination quicker, faster, easier and safer because of limitations placed on travel. If we tested freedom by some pretty intuitive concepts like freedom to travel. Freedom of information. The ability to change professions. The ability to vote or protest or to participate in government decisions. And those sorts of things. Having roads that work because we don't allow some guy to drive a tank over cars in peak hour traffic really contributes to that.

But ideologically that is an attack on freedom because the concept is that everyone should be able to do what they want and screw the consequences.

And why ideological freedom is a terrible farce and mostly used by powerful people to screw less powerful.

If I own a tank then I should have the freedom to drive wherever I want. If I own a Honda civic then Mabye we should have a few rules in place.

Same with with covid, sensible rules will create greater freedom for everyone as a net result but ideological freedom will just screw people who are in certain age brackets or unable economically to protect themselves.

So for example. I don't wear a mask. I don't have a restriction on gathering i don't have much of a restriction on travel. And this is because we basically don't have a covid problem.

So I also don't run the risk of getting sick and dying and don't run the risk of anyone else getting sick or dying. And so they have more freedom there as well.

But we don't have covid because we locked down hard and stuck to it. So we were ideologically denied our freedoms but as a practical effect have more freedom.
Saying you are a conservative means you don't understand the situation.

Because the all encompassing term of conservative is basically not a definition of anything.

So a conservative in one area might be liberal in another a conservative in one country might be liberal in another. Although people like to think they have the rule book for conservative/liberal. They don't they are making things up.

For example Pro monarchy is a conservative trait. Exept in America where it isn't. Pro gun is a conservative trait Exept everywhere but America where it isn't.

Fully, fully agree. I did not start the liberal/conservative discussion but @Steve seems to want to keep it going and create and elevate tension.
For me, my political affiliation does not define me a great deal. I make most decisions like this based on my business/economic success or failure and not so much on an individual basis. Manufacturing, engineering, construction, and farming build the country and keep it going and fed. These sectors employ over 60% of the country. This resonates with me and just makes sense. From my intimate interaction with decision makers in theses industries I understand and agree with the train of thought which is almost completely conservative in political affiliation. This completely jives with building industry, which is largely the kind of work I do. I hope this explains my logic a little.

But again, this is only one qualifier of a person which doesn't automatically make them a great humanitarian or conversely a total dixk. Those dynamics go much deeper than conservative or liberal and would be for another conversation.

Another industry I am deeply involved in is the legal system. Since my wife is an attorney and I provide legal counsel quite often I see it a lot. And I see how completely different this industry and thus the mentality works. Very bureaucratic and difficult to follow and find the concrete result, by design. Counterintuitive more often than not so a person has to learn how to navigate a Lot of BS. Layer upon layer of red tape. To what end is often the hardest thing for figure out.
A completely different mentality.
So I see and am involved in both extremes. Can drive me crazy sometimes.
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