Very interesting article Bruce. It talked about how Taiwan has a plan and sticks to the plan but I did not see where it talked about the plan specifically. The exception being in regards to travel.
It is worth noting that Taiwan is about 3 times smaller than New York. Each US state has or should have plans of some sort in place and there are federal mandates in place so it is always confusing to me when people think there are no plans in place here in the US.
Why are our numbers higher? I cannot say but it clearly tracks with areas where the population is heavily congested.
Is Taiwan one of the countries where people have regularly worn masks for years?
Taiwan 23.78 million (2018) New York State 19.45 million (2019)
Taiwan (13,976 sq mi) New York State 54,555 sq mi
Taiwan population density is 4 times New York State.
I have lost the article with Taiwan's plan, when I find it I will post it.
Best I remember and my memory is not the best they tested and quarantine everyone coming in to the country.
Tested everyone in the country and did contact tracing.
Everyone wore mask from day one.
Schools did not close, but they put up clear plastic cubicles on the desk.
Students had to eat at their desk.
They improved the ventilation of the buildings.
Had large stock piles of PPE
They did more things I can not remember off the top of my head.
I read the article sometime in the summer.
My understanding is they started developing the plan 10 years ago.
They activated the program as soon as they learn China had a virus.
They have not had a death in over 200 days.