that's not actually a logical argument, its a thing with ma that' Some people think they are much better than they are, but Then its a thing with a lot of activities that people have an over optimistic view of there own abilities.Yes and no.
When a self taught schmuck who thinks he’s better than he really is runs his mouth at the golf course on Saturday morning, the worst case scenario is a bruised pride and losing a few dollars if he’s stupid enough to bet.
When a self taught schmuck who thinks he’s better than he really is runs his mouth at the pub on Friday night, a realistic scenario could be a bruised brain and losing a few teeth.
Fundamental difference. And a fundamental difference between a sport/exercise hobbyist MAist teaching himself and someone who actually thinks he’ll be capable of defending himself by watching some YouTube videos, dvds, books, etc. and trying to replicate it.
Obviously that doesn’t mean anyone who actually trains under a teacher won’t ever get stomped, but the odds are better when you have an actual teacher vs self taught.
i think its more a personality thing, than if they are. Self tought or or not.
there no reason why someone who is " self tought" should be more over optimistic than someone who is class tought.
if for instance someone has learnt tp punch properly from a vid and lots of practise, there seems no doubt that they are better prepared to defend themself than if they had not bothered, so its a net gain, even if you ( with out evidence) concluded that they would be better if they had an instructor, they are still better than they would otherwise have been