How to Kill - Pressure Points in Unarmed Combat

You are arguing the semantics of the word "OK", but, in the end we are in agreement. Walk into a Marine bootcamp graduation and ask any one of them if killing is OK. You may not like the answer, but they keep you safe; so, you accept that they exist, and in fact think they are OK.

Yeah, "OK" is pretty nebulous. That's why I prefer "justifiable."
You are arguing the semantics of the word "OK", but, in the end we are in agreement. Walk into a Marine bootcamp graduation and ask any one of them if killing is OK. You may not like the answer, but they keep you safe; so, you accept that they exist, and in fact think they are OK.

And hat is the reason we are having to fight the "Veteran Dis-armament bill" that some memebers of our gov. are trying to get passed.

We really do need to start using justfiable in place of OK and educate the public about what we do. The OP is just like many I run into on a daily basis, they think that the stuff they see advertised and in the movies goes on every day in the MA world. Sad, but true.
In case you haven't figured it out the first post on this thread was nothing more than spam disguised as a post. Mr. Bond has posted this on several sites and it is obvious that he is simply attempting to direct folks to his site. Although it did lead into an interesting discussion. Enjoy.

Your worried that a VIDEO you watched did not give enough detailed information on how to kill? Well thank some higher power for that I guess.

WTF is wrong with you? I was trained how to do this and I'll probably still get my *** kicked in a real street fight since that is all I know of martial arts fighting. I know exactly six ways to kill a person, but I would never use any of them. Seriously, NEVER, beat me unconcious in the street, kick me while I'm down, fine, I still won't kill you.

The techniques I was taught all are sudden and forceful, there is no going halfway or any such thing as a partial attack. If someone with training has to defend against you then you are a dead man if he has insuffcient self control to not retaliate in the first place.

I wish I had recieved more martial arts training but apparently that was seen as unnecessary, personally I would have liked to be able to respond to a threat in some way other than killing the percieved perp.

Maybe someday when you do actually kill someone it will have been absolutely necessary, I hope so for your sake. Killing someone is not quite like on T.V., you won't get high fives from your teammates, in fact they will avoid you. I have seen it happen.
Uhm, since discussion addressed of killing being OK or not OK, I think I have something to add, with changing it to "hurting, maiming or killing being OK or not OK".
I've said elsewhere in this forum that I have a light case of psychopathy, which helps quite much with the moral problems. (vermin is vermin, human is human, someone threatening me or mine is definitely not a human, damaging a vermin is not a moral problem) I and mine always do what the laws allow as some of us may be slightly mentally ill but we're not idiots. This means that we've broken bones, lowered attackers' IQ much, cut into their bodies - always using level of force justifiable in the situation (not seeing them as humans allows for a far more calculative and cooler behaviour) and always regretting not having the justification to kill them as one who attacks young men with enough strength (visible), tools and speed (not visible but they find it out) won't have problems with attacking less prepared or able people. And allowing a vermin to hurt others is a moral problem for me, but as I said - we might be psychos but we aren't idiots, so no breaking the laws here.
I was often labelled inhuman or monster, which may or may not be true, but even if it's true I don't feel it's a problem as long as I use this for the safety of those around me.

Now this is not really true for those who are considered "normals". I do understand that only relatively few on the "good side" think the same way, which is not a problem. But please keep in mind that there are more psychos on the "bad side" than here - most of them with more serious cases. I know all too well what a psycho is able to do and I hope that only the very well armed and extremely prepared ones here will have to ever deal with one on the "bad side". Never assume that a mentally ill person will respond as you think, we and them have sometimes totally different mental processes than you.
Personally, I think that it is not so much the morality of killing as it is making the information so readily available to the public. You are almost encouraging people to go out and learn to kill. Then again, it is far easier to buy a Knife and run it through someone or go to a department store and purchase a "hunting" rifle. There are also far more dangerous people running around in society than woefully mislead martial artists and they have access to far deadlier methods than pressure points DVD's. I think that the most dangerous aspect of these DVD's is that it gives the individual a false sense of confidence that can, and more than likely will, be fatal to that individual. As to the morality of killing, killing is an everyday thing. For us to live and survive, some poor innocent animal with a heart and mind just like us had to be killed and put on a table as food. For us to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy and for our nations to still stand, men and women of ill repute must be put down, lest they do the same to us in pursuit of their own violent and often times irrational goals. I am not trying to say that killing is always acceptable, I am trying to say that there is a time and a place for everything and that sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do or you and your loved ones won't be making it home that night. Thankfully, it is not often that a civilian finds him or herself in such a situation. However, it is not impossible, either. I don't like killing, and luckily a few warning shots and the meanest commands that I have ever yelled were more than enough to show potential enemies that it was a bad day to screw with an armed man in uniform. However, should the need arise, I am ready, willing, and able to squeeze and empty a few clips in defense of both myself and my comrades. If I end up killing a homicidal individual who had already made up his mind that he was going to do the same to me and my comrades first, then I would like to think that I am not a monster for doing what any man would've done had he been put in that very situation. If I refuse to kill him because it is "wrong" or "immoral" and he ends up killing me, my comrades, and some innocent witnesses for good measure, would that be the moral thing to do? Would that make me the "good guy"? The reality of killing is something that our civilzation has not had to confront very often in recent times, and it makes most people uncomfortable. I know of men who have done the very thing and I have come quite close to doing it myself, and it is a horrible thing to fathom. However, there are times when what must be done - must be done - and the social construct of moral/immoral goes right out of the window in favor of the very real issue of whether or not you are going to survive the moment. It is one thing to debate the morality of killing, it is something entirely different to be put in a situation where killing is the only option that you have if you want to continue living, yourself.

Don't get overwrought over a DVD on pressure point's that kill. In a real fight, things move so fast and unpredictable that using that fancy pressure point by an experienced martial artist will be difficult. To do it by some kid watching the DVD will be nigh impossible. People fight back, and if you try to grapple with them and apply such a technique, expect a very extreem and violent reaction.

Long time ago, Master Chu said to us, "If you came here to learn how to kill, you are wasting your time. Go buy a gun." BTW, he owned and shot guns. He was trained in the Korean Airforce and was no dummy about firearms.

So that DVD on killing methods of pressure points, well I'm not all that impressed. I find a 2x4 gives quicker results, and a Glock even faster results.

And with this may it end once more

And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," and he started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL." And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me, sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."………

You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant
Excepting Alice
I have studied Kyusho (pressure point) and I have to admit that while you can kill someone with pressure points, it's most affective when done to disable. To be able to k.o. your attacker with a movement is all you need to get away from the situation. killing is always a last resort. If you wish to further your understanding in pressure points go to and they should point you to a qualified instructor in your area. Trying to study this on a video doesn't show you the connection in the points you are trying to work on. Please don't do this from a video, it's a dangerous thing when you don't know what you are actually doing.

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