Martial arts in High School?

Something else to keep in mind:

You would have to go before the PTA and School Board with tangible proof that what you do will benefit the students as a whole. Otherwise, you will come off as just another self serving opportunist looking to expand his number of students. There is a difference between truly wanting to make a difference in the lives of the students and just trying to get your school into the curriculum to build up your enrollment. Parents, teachers, and administration are going to be very wary of that.
Even if you have testimonials from present and former students, you run the risk of looking like you are just using the students to build up your school and make yourself look good ("My organization has the exclusive rights to teach martial arts in _____ Public Schools!").
MichiganTKD said:
Something else to keep in mind:

You would have to go before the PTA and School Board with tangible proof that what you do will benefit the students as a whole. Otherwise, you will come off as just another self serving opportunist looking to expand his number of students. There is a difference between truly wanting to make a difference in the lives of the students and just trying to get your school into the curriculum to build up your enrollment. Parents, teachers, and administration are going to be very wary of that.
Even if you have testimonials from present and former students, you run the risk of looking like you are just using the students to build up your school and make yourself look good ("My organization has the exclusive rights to teach martial arts in _____ Public Schools!").
This is what I have been saying as politics
in my old highschool, we had a martial arts class (jujitsu) but they labled it a culture class, as the students were also reaserching eatern culture. i don't know to much about it, as i did not take this class. but i think it is a good way to add variety to the other wise boring school system.
mj_lover said:
in my old highschool, we had a martial arts class (jujitsu) but they labled it a culture class, as the students were also reaserching eatern culture. i don't know to much about it, as i did not take this class. but i think it is a good way to add variety to the other wise boring school system.
Please, I beesech to ask-Where was this?
mj_lover said:
ok, must make a correction, it is classified as art. this is in canada
Yes, I kinda figure non-US. Americans want to be PC and love gunds, but cnnot allow martial arts in school. Now no one go out a vamp here....I am Amercian and I do not apply ALL Americans.