Since you did'nt indicate I'm assuming is a response in part to this question I asked--"Do you have any specific Goju method to get at pressure points - or can you demonstrate how they are built in and trained? That would make for great fodder, and likely productive, at least for someone even if we ultimately agree to disagree."
The basic tools of karate are common to all. Most are strikes and kicks. Emphasis depends on whether it is the original Okinawan karate or the modified Japanese form.
Thank you for the news flash oh wise one:
...As you only said Goju I have no idea where to begin discussion. As to them teaching their 'methods', again, what does that mean?
How about you start with the obvious-begin discussion with what
you do relating to pressure points (the topic of the thread), the context in which you choose to share that information is up to you. "Methods" could mean specific applications, movement drills, two person drills, forms, katas, etc.
Now, by your own admission, you say you don't claim to have a knowledge base or training in Goju Ryu and in your own system you don't teach forms.
Perhaps your reading comprehension is low

, but I already addressed this point -----"The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limits to both mechanics and physics. My only exposure to Goju Ryu has only been through private students who were GOJU instructors (both much older than I). They first had too teach me their methods before I could tweak, by demonstrating WHAT could be improved, WHY it needed to be improved, and of course HOW to make it better is taught along with testing ..."
Technically I have had private training in Goju Ryu from several sources, I don't remember of it, because I don't care too.
Then you talk about people as skilled as "Taira and/or myself".
Well, that is a vague reference without context, here is what I said...
"That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued."
It's ironic you talk about skill and good information, you have admitted that my teachers information is good, and you don't even own the VERY BEST books (the encyclopedias IMO) - which are currently sitting on my desk with a picture of Erle and I in it, (may he RIP). Who knows what vid's you have, and if there are better ones?
I have a number of Erle's Dim-Mak books, although not this one, and they are very good. The greatest value from a karate perspective is that you can determine the points that are being targeted in the kata and the kata gives you the sequence.
I also have some of Erle's video and, once again, I think it is really good information."
Well, then at the very least if you met over a decade ago you would very likely have thought I had good information as well. Below is a quote from 13 years or so ago (on my website), I took some of my students to Erles NJ seminar. The quoted student had 5 yrs in Matsubayashi-ryu before starting with me, (he was one of my first students, and verd dedicated and talented.) But there was some training to "undo". I'm come ALONG way in 13 yrs, and with the help of several people. So yes, I'll talk about "skilled people" whom I can reasonably judge in coorelation with myself, others, and an objective standard, from which we can discuss the methods, which you still refuse to do.
" ... ... I attended Master Erle Montaigue's NJ seminar earlier this year with Gary and other astute martial artists. As I watched I noticed Gary learned if not mastered the techniques almost instantaneously. While practicing with Gary and others it was "painfully" obvious Gary has mastered the ability to efficiently use his body. I was amazed at the attending talent but only Erle impressed me more for speed and potency. As good as Gary is, he admits he is just a beginner in the internal arts.
Submitted by Major DeWayne Nikkila- USAF" (
Dewayne is now a Lt. Colonel)
I can talk about skill all day long, I even provide SPECIFIC examples, I offered to exchange improvements / ideas with you via video, but even that didn't get you on any real topic-instead you decided to be an ***. See above brief explanation on the human body / motion, not to mention historical connections.
IThen you have been told by people above my skill level that you are sensational. :barf:
Throw up all your want, but judging from the students in that room, I likely wouldn't have to put my coffee down to deal with you, and maybe even your teacher. Taira a different story, but I could very likely tweak / teach him enough to have him by me a beer, and perhaps vice verse, but I don't know, I've only seen probably 40 min of his cooperative training/technique/Kata. Id be glad to not only explicate, but demonstrate too anyone friendly and willing to listen, try, and test, and engage in mutually beneficial constructive feedback. . I would also be happy to give people the LA tour (After Aug time provided). I have friends in Ozz, so I may be there some day again as well. :s33:
The full paragraph for context:
"That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued."
The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limits to both mechanics and physics.
You are incorrect, I have taught forms, and still teach forms in a way, but most very "short" forms-more like motion drills, and randomized sequences. But like I said before, movement is movement, skill is skill regardless. Heck I'd bet on a 2 year MMA student over a karate or kung fu black belt any day of the week on national average. I don't need a knowledge base at the moment re Goju to "talk about people as skilled as ""Taira and/or..anyone for that matter.
ISo, I'll let you into a little secret. I normally don't claim to have greater knowledge or ability than others who have been around for a while, especially some of the guys here on MT.
Thanks, for telling me your secret wisdom / strategy . :s441: I have said for years "always assume your opponent is greater than yourself". But when on a forum where you are presumably comrades, all at different levels with different skill sets, and not opponents. It should be about discussing a specific, skill, topic, technique,all movement can be broken down, even to the molecular level. Also, relating to your quote - your relative knowledge the audience / participants here at MT a not a concern of mine.
IBut, from what I have seen and what I have read, I have this strange idea that in the area of Goju Ryu and the Goju kata and bunkai you wouldn't even be carrying the drinks in the circle of people I train with.
It depends on
what you mean by "in the area of Goju Ryu and the ... you wouldn't even be carrying the drinks in the circle of people of I train with" - If this means I couldn't show you a single Goju Kata or method, you would be correct.
HOWEVER, I guarantee you I could reasonably replicate AND improve & tweak some and many goju methods. You would be incorrect to assert otherwise as I have done so in the past with similar material, and I can provide specific example of how and why the material could be improved --at least that I have seen of your teachers teacher. As I said before I will both demonstrate and explicate.
I'm willing to bet regarding most of your circle-I' could walk through them like a "ghost with a sledgehammer", :whip:. In person, this conversation would have been over a long time ago, after a friendly lesson, now you are just wasting my time...
Moreover, Taira, if a nice man, would likely be buying me a drink after a training session. But I also, I might be buying him a drink for some judo training swappage- if he and I (or someone similar to his skill level in Judo) were to meet.
While you continue to tell us all how good you are and how you are equal to the best in the world, even in an area that you admit to having limited knowledge, I doubt we can have any form of reasonable discussion.
I never said my Goju knowledge was even currently present, or equal to the goju instructors who are best in the world, however, see above arguments re body mechanics, movement skills. When it comes to combatives, if you think Taira is among the best in the world, then yes, I would agree, I am among them, I don't like to self-aggrandize, but you have seemingly made this thread about me.Like I said, In person a guy like you is silenced fairly quickly, you think you found the holy grail in the martial arts in your karate system, and 1+yrs in you think that you and the teacher are the best thing since sliced bread, I was young once, and new to different arts , I've been there. If your smart, you'll grow out of it, and be capable of productive discussion...
It is you who continues to incapable of reasonable discussion, I made specific critiques, offered to switch footage, offered to have you pick/perform & video a few methods of yourself for me to demonstrate with, etc. I think it unreasonable to be unwilling to do the above, you seem like a keyboard warrior hiding behind a screen-name (I'm not going to dig for your identity).
For example, there is no Dim Mak in karate. Pedantic I know, but in karate it is kyusho. :asian:
Gee, again :s441:bravo on sharing new information with me

. Did you know Ni Hao basically means konnichiwa?
Instead of pedantics /providing me with translations, you could contribute something of substance and get back on topic so I can do the same.
In short buzz off, or alternatively be helpful and productive in discussion and demonstration mate, as I said, your wasting my time. :whip::s31: