Martial Arts Based on attacking pressure points

I'm glad my post wasn't too garbled or misinformed so as to paint myself in a less than ideal light though. I realised also I never actually said welcome to MT so "Welcome to MT!". Hope you enjoy yourself here and find some more stimulating and informative conversation/discussion such as this one :)

Thank you! Good times!

I recognize my limitations as well, nobody is perfect, as a martial artist one is forever a student.

What "quick search" revealed that I anywhere claimed to be an expert in all styles? That is ridiculous. Its a statement with reckless disregard for the truth.

The posted description of what I teach is only the extent of this bit which has been on my site for a decade or more (the site hasn't been updated in that long as well.): I teach "manly Taijiquan principles and applications, but also includes some principles and techniques taught in its "sister arts" of Baguazhang and Xingyiquan."

The description of what I do on my profile here says I teach a "Mix of Neijia arts, dim-mak & Military Unarmed Combat".

I would say those two descriptions are consistent and definitely doesn't contain any claim to be an expert in all arts.

Your baseless and anonymous defamation won't cut the mustard anywhere. Your won't even share your real name in public. Nor did you take my offer on the video exchange, or address specific points in kind. On the other hand,I am offering to give / giving specific critique and observation to improve your teachers teachers training clip/method/body mechanics-which I'm guessing is "light years" ahead of you. Which means, you should be grateful that I would take the time to discuss and share such info. The tweaks I could offer to Taira in the "seipai" 7 concept vid alone would be well worth their air molecules in gold to someone like him who seeks to (and does i'm sure-"travel world wide") teaching "amazing insights."

As I have said before, and I'll say again (although I saw nobody else of teacher caliber in those clips)--he is excellent. Plus uses at the very least what looks to be the foundation of a realistic approach. For all I know I could teach him my "secrets" and he could come back a week later and kick my ar@# with my own material, that would be wonderful. If we are not going to help one another what good are these forums? These global mediums?
Gary, you are claiming to be the equal of a man acclaimed by his peers as the best in the world? That is abject nonsense and saying that is not defamatory as you legal background will attest. As in Bullshido and the other forums you have posted on, whenever your credentials are questioned you revert to this silly nonsense of defamation and anonimity. If anyone has three fifths of five eighths of bu@&$r all of a brain they can easily identify me from my previous posts so don't lay that on me please.

I am willing to accept that you might be well versed in a couple of arts at age 32, and that you may have taught some self defence to your air force mates but do you recognise the quote below?

7. Ive taught guys with between 2-25 years in the following arts and they were amazed at my skill and happy to learn what I had to offer them -Krav maga, Muay thai, Kenpo, Aikido, wing chun, bagua, tai chi, xingyi, Liu he ba fa, boxing, wrestling, shorin ryu, TKD, and American Kickboxing, and shootfighting/jj off the top of my head.

8. I freely admit I lack the skill to teach ALL ranges of fighting, particulary groundfighting, I have some basic skills I have learned to save my own butt, however I suggest students seek qualified instruction elsewhere in that area.

Or this ..

"Are you ready to learn one of the most fluid, dynamic and powerful self-defense systems in existence? For the last few centuries these methods have all been hidden in forms, cryptic Chinese terms and only understood by a handful of people throughout the world.
These arts have been streamlined to offer a more focused combative based curriculum oriented to the needs of 21st century street realties. Flowing Combat is taught in a way that is conducive to western understanding using the latest advances in training methodologies."

And this ....

Flowing Combat is a system derived, by Gary Romel, from methods of the internal Chinese arts.

Focussing on techniques and applications, rather than forms or kata, Flowing Combat teaches mainly Tajiquan principles and applications, but also includes some principles and techniques taught in Baguazhang and Xingyiquan. Flowing Combat uses an approach intended to teach self defence applications quickly, and avoids much of the terminology used in traditional methods of teaching Chinese martial arts.
Pity I couldn't get onto the website. I'm sure it contains some interesting material. I would say that prima facie these claims are pretty much suggesting that you are one of a handful of people I'm the world capable of understanding, let alone teach, such a dynamic and powerful system. And, at the time of making the claim you were, what ... 24?

Besides that you said; Well, you can "promise" all you like, certitude does not equate to truth, knowledge or experience. I am sorry if you are in a different "solar system" than Masaji, but I am not.

That to me says you are claiming to have similar knowledge of Goju Ryu karate as Masaji Taira Sensai and it is not even an area you have even claimed to have knowledge of. If Taira Sensei is acknowledged by his peers as the best in the world and you are claiming to be up with him, you must indeed be a phenomenal martial artist. :asian:
Sorry for the delay in response, I've been busy.

Gary, you are claiming to be the equal of a man acclaimed by his peers as the best in the world? That is abject nonsense and saying that is not defamatory as you legal background will attest.

Putting aside for a moment what I may or may not be saying --- I don't see how that has anything to do with defamation? the defamation was reffering you asserting I claimed to an expert in all styles, when in fact, I never have. Your below quotes do not reflect any claim of such.

As in Bullshido and the other forums you have posted on, whenever your credentials are questioned you revert to this silly nonsense of defamation and anonimity. If anyone has three fifths of five eighths of bu@&$r all of a brain they can easily identify me from my previous posts so don't lay that on me please.

Wow, you will have to remind me when I last posted on bullshido, I don't think there has been a thread on me in a decade, and then a BULLSHIDO member visited me, touched hands with me, and said I was cool, thereafter i think any conflict was put to bed there.

I dislike 1) people hiding behind anonymity (I asked who you were, you wouldn't answer - if it's so easily discoverable man up and at least tell me your first name, I shouldn't have to dig.. and 2) posters making about the people rather than the methods or discussions themselves.

I don't care about my "credentials" being threatened, I do what I do, you either like it, or you don't. asserting false statements against ME (such as I've claimed to be an expert in all styles)--that is defamation, and it does bother me, as it should anyone. If someone thinks that I suck in their opinion, or one of my methods is inadequate, etc, fine, just don't put out outright lies.

I am willing to accept that you might be well versed in a couple of arts at age 32, and that you may have taught some self defence to your air force mates but do you recognise the quote below?

Sure, I am well versed at my age in several arts, my birthday is in march feel free to send a card. And yes I have taught my Air Force mates, along with numerous other military and civilian personnel at Tinker AFB in OKC, (and at other locations). I was formally contracted to do so. I'm not sure how the quotes below are relevant to that fact, but i'm sure you meant them in connection with another paragraph...

Yes the quotes you listed are copy from my website: the "are you ready to learn" paragraph is part made into "marketing copy", there is literally probably more than a handful of course that can use IMA for real world self defense (nobody can literally hold anyone in their hand), many on rumsoaked fist for example. I know several people who could provide the same corrections to your teachers teacher, maybe even more corrections than myself. The first quote re training different people of different arts is also a fact, what is problem there? There is no assertion or statement, nor has there ever have been there that I am an expert in all styles.

Pity I couldn't get onto the website. I'm sure it contains some interesting material. I would say that prima facie these claims are pretty much suggesting that you are one of a handful of people I'm the world capable of understanding, let alone teach, such a dynamic and powerful system. And, at the time of making the claim you were, what ... 24?

See above on the "handful of people" -plus, note the people who can apply Tai Chi etc. in combat is slim in comparison the # of practitioners. I could have been 24, I don't remember, being young does not equal a lack of skill. I have a few (I think related) natural abilities to both absorb and perform things, especially involving coordination etc. For example; I was playing the piano by ear around the time I could talk, and playing in jazz bands/competitions with drummers years ahead of my most. So, yeah, it was probably around 24, maybe earlier. People have different skills in different areas, and different types of intellect.

So long as I'm providing extra info; The first website ( --(hence why I'm in this thread)-- was done by a Karate instructor (ironically I think he was one of the Goju instructors) --who wanted to trade it for private lessons. My later site (flowingcombat) was done via a deal with a Russian friend who lives in canada for DVDs, etc. He went a bit overboard with the style (its LOUD and RED), but it's functional and the online lesson templates are a cool feature.

I haven't updated the site in nearly a decade, but just put it back up since I'm teaching again and done with school. I did'nt provide a link because 1) I'm not here to market, but to share info, and 2) Before it gets traffic - I wanted to re-do the copy, my free online lesson, and re-do the instructional DVD's before selling- my material and approach has of course changed over the years... It's not relevant to this discussion, but the new site is not a .com anymore, its, and is up for your viewing pleasure. You might get a kick out of the rest of the home page copy, and the lot, although you quoted much of it already. The video demo's are a bit cheezy as well in retrospect, we can have a good laugh at them together.

Besides that you said; Well, you can "promise" all you like, certitude does not equate to truth, knowledge or experience. I am sorry if you are in a different "solar system" than Masaji, but I am not.

That to me says you are claiming to have similar knowledge of Goju Ryu karate as Masaji Taira Sensai and it is not even an area you have even claimed to have knowledge of.

The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limts to both mechanics and physics. My only exposureto Goju Ryu has only been through private students who were GOJU instructors (both much older than I). They first had too teach me their methods before I could tweak, by demonstrating WHAT could be improved, WHY it needed to be improved, and of course HOW to make it better is taught along with testing After awhile most give up trying to change / compare and just stick to the IMA, this is of course relevant to the quality of their prior training. I will not and have not claimed to speciically have a knowledge base or training in Goju Ryu beyond the above instances, and I don't remember any of it.

Like I said, and it was a great compliment - Masaji obviously has the skill and quality training to be in the same "solar system", I couldn't say the same about any others in the video's depicted barring any additional in person, video demonstration, photo's or at the very least detailed explaination. I also have no clue ( beyond what's in your posts on this thread) how your teacher (and you) perform relative to Masaji. It is you whom is not choosing to not provide information, identify yourself outright, or provide substantive response to my points raised about the Goju application / karate application of Dim-mak.

If Taira Sensei is acknowledged by his peers as the best in the world and you are claiming to be up with him, you must indeed be a phenomenal martial artist. :asian:

That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued.

I would rather discuss ideas, methods, and not make it about the people specifically--Now perhaps we should get back to the topic? Do you have any specific Goju method to get at pressure points - or can you demonstrate how they are built in and trained? That would make for great fodder, and likely productive, at least for someone even if we ultimately agree to disagree.


The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limts to both mechanics and physics. My only exposureto Goju Ryu has only been through private students who were GOJU instructors (both much older than I). They first had too teach me their methods before I could tweak, by demonstrating WHAT could be improved, WHY it needed to be improved, and of course HOW to make it better is taught along with testing After awhile most give up trying to change / compare and just stick to the IMA, this is of course relevant to the quality of their prior training. I will not and have not claimed to speciically have a knowledge base or training in Goju Ryu beyond the above instances, and I don't remember any of it.

Like I said, and it was a great compliment - Masaji obviously has the skill and quality training to be in the same "solar system", I couldn't say the same about any others in the video's depicted barring any additional in person, video demonstration, photo's or at the very least detailed explaination. I also have no clue ( beyond what's in your posts on this thread) how your teacher (and you) perform relative to Masaji. It is you whom is not choosing to not provide information, identify yourself outright, or provide substantive response to my points raised about the Goju application / karate application of Dim-mak.

That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued.

I would rather discuss ideas, methods, and not make it about the people specifically--Now perhaps we should get back to the topic? Do you have any specific Goju method to get at pressure points - or can you demonstrate how they are built in and trained? That would make for great fodder, and likely productive, at least for someone even if we ultimately agree to disagree.
The basic tools of karate are common to all. Most are strikes and kicks. Emphasis depends on whether it is the original Okinawan karate or the modified Japanese form. As you only said Goju I have no idea where to begin discussion. As to them teaching their 'methods', again, what does that mean? Now, by your own admission, you say you don't claim to have a knowledge base or training in Goju Ryu and in your own system you don't teach forms. Then you talk about people as skilled as "Taira and/or myself". Then you have been told by people above my skill level that you are sensational. :barf:

So, I'll let you into a little secret. I normally don't claim to have greater knowledge or ability than others who have been around for a while, especially some of the guys here on MT. But, from what I have seen and what I have read, I have this strange idea that in the area of Goju Ryu and the Goju kata and bunkai you wouldn't even be carrying the drinks in the circle of people I train with. While you continue to tell us all how good you are and how you are equal to the best in the world, even in an area that you admit to having limited knowledge, I doubt we can have any form of reasonable discussion. For example, there is no Dim Mak in karate. Pedantic I know, but in karate it is kyusho. :asian:
I dislike 1) people hiding behind anonymity (I asked who you were, you wouldn't answer - if it's so easily discoverable man up and at least tell me your first name, I shouldn't have to dig..

Just one thing.
This is not Facebook, Good Sir :)

*Swiftly leaves the conversation.
Since you did'nt indicate I'm assuming is a response in part to this question I asked--"Do you have any specific Goju method to get at pressure points - or can you demonstrate how they are built in and trained? That would make for great fodder, and likely productive, at least for someone even if we ultimately agree to disagree."

The basic tools of karate are common to all. Most are strikes and kicks. Emphasis depends on whether it is the original Okinawan karate or the modified Japanese form.

Thank you for the news flash oh wise one: :rolleyes:

...As you only said Goju I have no idea where to begin discussion. As to them teaching their 'methods', again, what does that mean?

How about you start with the obvious-begin discussion with what you do relating to pressure points (the topic of the thread), the context in which you choose to share that information is up to you. "Methods" could mean specific applications, movement drills, two person drills, forms, katas, etc.

Now, by your own admission, you say you don't claim to have a knowledge base or training in Goju Ryu and in your own system you don't teach forms.

Perhaps your reading comprehension is low :confused:, but I already addressed this point -----"The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limits to both mechanics and physics. My only exposure to Goju Ryu has only been through private students who were GOJU instructors (both much older than I). They first had too teach me their methods before I could tweak, by demonstrating WHAT could be improved, WHY it needed to be improved, and of course HOW to make it better is taught along with testing ..."

Technically I have had private training in Goju Ryu from several sources, I don't remember of it, because I don't care too.

Then you talk about people as skilled as "Taira and/or myself".

Well, that is a vague reference without context, here is what I said...

"That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued."

It's ironic you talk about skill and good information, you have admitted that my teachers information is good, and you don't even own the VERY BEST books (the encyclopedias IMO) - which are currently sitting on my desk with a picture of Erle and I in it, (may he RIP). Who knows what vid's you have, and if there are better ones?

I have a number of Erle's Dim-Mak books, although not this one, and they are very good. The greatest value from a karate perspective is that you can determine the points that are being targeted in the kata and the kata gives you the sequence.

I also have some of Erle's video and, once again, I think it is really good information."

Well, then at the very least if you met over a decade ago you would very likely have thought I had good information as well. Below is a quote from 13 years or so ago (on my website), I took some of my students to Erles NJ seminar. The quoted student had 5 yrs in Matsubayashi-ryu before starting with me, (he was one of my first students, and verd dedicated and talented.) But there was some training to "undo". I'm come ALONG way in 13 yrs, and with the help of several people. So yes, I'll talk about "skilled people" whom I can reasonably judge in coorelation with myself, others, and an objective standard, from which we can discuss the methods, which you still refuse to do.

" ... ... I attended Master Erle Montaigue's NJ seminar earlier this year with Gary and other astute martial artists. As I watched I noticed Gary learned if not mastered the techniques almost instantaneously. While practicing with Gary and others it was "painfully" obvious Gary has mastered the ability to efficiently use his body. I was amazed at the attending talent but only Erle impressed me more for speed and potency. As good as Gary is, he admits he is just a beginner in the internal arts.

Submitted by Major DeWayne Nikkila- USAF" (Dewayne is now a Lt. Colonel)

I can talk about skill all day long, I even provide SPECIFIC examples, I offered to exchange improvements / ideas with you via video, but even that didn't get you on any real topic-instead you decided to be an ***. See above brief explanation on the human body / motion, not to mention historical connections.

IThen you have been told by people above my skill level that you are sensational. :barf:

Throw up all your want, but judging from the students in that room, I likely wouldn't have to put my coffee down to deal with you, and maybe even your teacher. Taira a different story, but I could very likely tweak / teach him enough to have him by me a beer, and perhaps vice verse, but I don't know, I've only seen probably 40 min of his cooperative training/technique/Kata. Id be glad to not only explicate, but demonstrate too anyone friendly and willing to listen, try, and test, and engage in mutually beneficial constructive feedback. . I would also be happy to give people the LA tour (After Aug time provided). I have friends in Ozz, so I may be there some day again as well. :s33:

The full paragraph for context:

"That's great for Taira, he is indeed skilled. I have been described as phenomenal by many people (a few of whom I would consider more skilled, and/or at least as skilled as Taira and/or myself). That is of course a subjective opinion, but I have also been told that by people likely above your experience and skill level the same..but like I said, I haven't seen footage of you, so I'm guessing based on the others in the room in the video clips I critiqued."

The body only moves in so many directions, only produces power well in so many ways,etc., plus there are rules and limits to both mechanics and physics.

You are incorrect, I have taught forms, and still teach forms in a way, but most very "short" forms-more like motion drills, and randomized sequences. But like I said before, movement is movement, skill is skill regardless. Heck I'd bet on a 2 year MMA student over a karate or kung fu black belt any day of the week on national average. I don't need a knowledge base at the moment re Goju to "talk about people as skilled as ""Taira and/or..anyone for that matter.

ISo, I'll let you into a little secret. I normally don't claim to have greater knowledge or ability than others who have been around for a while, especially some of the guys here on MT.

Thanks, for telling me your secret wisdom / strategy . :s441: I have said for years "always assume your opponent is greater than yourself". But when on a forum where you are presumably comrades, all at different levels with different skill sets, and not opponents. It should be about discussing a specific, skill, topic, technique,all movement can be broken down, even to the molecular level. Also, relating to your quote - your relative knowledge the audience / participants here at MT a not a concern of mine.

IBut, from what I have seen and what I have read, I have this strange idea that in the area of Goju Ryu and the Goju kata and bunkai you wouldn't even be carrying the drinks in the circle of people I train with.

It depends on what you mean by "in the area of Goju Ryu and the ... you wouldn't even be carrying the drinks in the circle of people of I train with" - If this means I couldn't show you a single Goju Kata or method, you would be correct.
HOWEVER, I guarantee you I could reasonably replicate AND improve & tweak some and many goju methods. You would be incorrect to assert otherwise as I have done so in the past with similar material, and I can provide specific example of how and why the material could be improved --at least that I have seen of your teachers teacher. As I said before I will both demonstrate and explicate.

I'm willing to bet regarding most of your circle-I' could walk through them like a "ghost with a sledgehammer", :whip:. In person, this conversation would have been over a long time ago, after a friendly lesson, now you are just wasting my time...

Moreover, Taira, if a nice man, would likely be buying me a drink after a training session. But I also, I might be buying him a drink for some judo training swappage- if he and I (or someone similar to his skill level in Judo) were to meet.

While you continue to tell us all how good you are and how you are equal to the best in the world, even in an area that you admit to having limited knowledge, I doubt we can have any form of reasonable discussion.

I never said my Goju knowledge was even currently present, or equal to the goju instructors who are best in the world, however, see above arguments re body mechanics, movement skills. When it comes to combatives, if you think Taira is among the best in the world, then yes, I would agree, I am among them, I don't like to self-aggrandize, but you have seemingly made this thread about me.Like I said, In person a guy like you is silenced fairly quickly, you think you found the holy grail in the martial arts in your karate system, and 1+yrs in you think that you and the teacher are the best thing since sliced bread, I was young once, and new to different arts , I've been there. If your smart, you'll grow out of it, and be capable of productive discussion...

It is you who continues to incapable of reasonable discussion, I made specific critiques, offered to switch footage, offered to have you pick/perform & video a few methods of yourself for me to demonstrate with, etc. I think it unreasonable to be unwilling to do the above, you seem like a keyboard warrior hiding behind a screen-name (I'm not going to dig for your identity).

For example, there is no Dim Mak in karate. Pedantic I know, but in karate it is kyusho. :asian:

Gee, again :s441:bravo on sharing new information with me :rolleyes:. Did you know Ni Hao basically means konnichiwa? :eek:

Instead of pedantics /providing me with translations, you could contribute something of substance and get back on topic so I can do the same.

In short buzz off, or alternatively be helpful and productive in discussion and demonstration mate, as I said, your wasting my time. :whip::s31:


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Using Bullshido as credibility. Now that's funny. No, don't get up. I thought I smelled crap, had to look, and sure enough, there it was. You all get back to the chest banging. Just be careful you don't dim mak yourself to death. :roflmao:
Using Bullshido as credibility. Now that's funny. No, don't get up. I thought I smelled crap, had to look, and sure enough, there it was. You all get back to the chest banging. Just be careful you don't dim mak yourself to death. :roflmao:

I didn't bring up bullshido initially, it was used in a negative context to belittle me, which I corrected. No, you don't get up, what you smell is your own crap,which you are sitting in, now hit play on the on WWE DVR or something and leave the real discussion to the adults. You can LOL @ dim-mak, I understand, one should be able to fight without it, it's not my soapbox, I was here to provide a good reference book link and some insight if needed...

No Gary, I'm LOLing at you, but that's ok. You believe your own PR. What I smell is your usual BS, but hey, I know who you are, you don't know who I am. Ain't it great? Go back to strutting and preening and letting everyone know how great you are. Some might actually care. Me, nah. Why would I care about a nobody with delusions of adequacy like you? :roflmao:

View attachment $lots_of_mooning-2185.gif

Just don't step in the BullView attachment $dancing-poop.gifShido.

Heh. Citing BSdo. Why not cite Highlights for Kids too? They hold the same level of respect here. :lol: Actually, that's not true. Highlights actually is useful, unlike poopoo land.

As to Dim Mac, try a Big Mac. It'll give you a heart o tack, jack! %-}

As to your being worth listening to? You're how old kid? Did I read that right? Only 32? Shhit, I've got scars older than that. A little Google Fu, and wow. Just wow. Not much on you, and what there is. Wow. I'm wasting my time here. Some things just can not be mocked more.

Please excuse me, I have to go read some serious epic comedy about GaryR on MAP, Cyberkwoon and of course, the cite he gets his credibility from, PooPooLand!:mrtoilet:


Naw. I'd rather belly stick myself than waste more time with this maroon. His ego's so big, mine seems small and insignificant next to it's hugeness.


No Gary, I'm LOLing at you, but that's ok. You believe your own PR. What I smell is your usual BS, but hey, I know who you are, you don't know who I am. Ain't it great? Naw. I'd rather belly stick myself than waste more time with this maroon. His ego's so big, mine seems small and insignificant next to it's hugeness.



It wasn't me who posted my old site/pr language. But that was an unnecessary side track-I was here merely dropping a book link and discussing general principles.

Great. don't waste our time.....yet you keep typing?

Go back to strutting and preening and letting everyone know how great you are. Some might actually care. Me, nah. Why would I care about a nobody with delusions of adequacy like you? :roflmao:

View attachment 16826

I'd like to think many people are adequate. I've saved my own skin, as have of those whom I have taught, so no delusions there, its not the fake TV wrestling.

Just don't step in the BullView attachment 16827Shido.

Heh. Citing BSdo. Why not cite Highlights for Kids too? They hold the same level of respect here. :lol: Actually, that's not true. Highlights actually is useful, unlike poopoo land.

Maybe your reading comprehension is low or your memory short, AGAIN-I didn't bring up bullshido, I only corrected a negative implication made. Respect? Do you enjoy mocking other forums / pracitioners...does it make you feel better about yourself?? :waah:

As to Dim Mac, try a Big Mac. It'll give you a heart o tack, jack! %-}Naw. I'd rather belly stick myself than waste more time with this maroon. His ego's so big, mine seems small and insignificant next to it's hugeness.



Big mac? You are clever, my point stands one should not rely on dim-mak. I'm actually not a jerk / egotist in person. But You have been at least to the extent of your contribution thus far . :rolleyes:

As to your being worth listening to? You're how old kid? Did I read that right? Only 32? Shhit, I've got scars older than that. A little Google Fu, and wow. Just wow. Not much on you, and what there is. Wow. I'm wasting my time here. Some things just can not be mocked more.

Is this You? It says "this is me" in your profile-- . How long ago was that? Amusing. Don't waste your time on little 32 year old me, I'm not worth your time, your mind is made up based on a thread & poor and outdated information. Plus you probably have little reason to care, do you even practice anymore?, what MA's did/do you practice? It's easier to mock than to do, which is why this banter is a waste regardless. At this point you are just a troll not worth my time, grow up and get something else to do besides defaming me on an internet forum for the fun of it.

Please excuse me, I have to go read some serious epic comedy about GaryR on MAP, Cyberkwoon and of course, the cite he gets his credibility from, PooPooLand!:mrtoilet:


Amazing you keep saying I'm a waste of your time, yet you want to read decade old threads? I think you need more hobbies.

Naw. I'd rather belly stick myself than waste more time with this maroon. His ego's so big, mine seems small and insignificant next to it's hugeness.



So while your reading all those old forums you'll be belly sticking yourself? At least be consistent in your mockery for god sake. This thread was not about my ego, nor my material, website, etc, it was about sharing info, I am confident based only to the extent of my experience.

I don't know the status of your ego (or skill) relative to mine, but your ego size could be whats giving you the need to interject into this thread to "call me out" with B.S. in a non-substantive way. Flashing and mooning emoticons and all. You may be older than I, but your certainly not acting like it, grow up and provide somethings substantive, or butt out and let people talk on topic without your unnecessary libel.

I think you should take your own advice, and not waste your time with me, I certainly don't want to waste time on you, regardless of who you are, or how good you are (and at what), a troll is still a troll...Here is a "secret"-Find something productive or fun to do instead of bother others.


Back to topic?????
Oh the senseless arguements this Site generates.
You know, its part of the reason I hang around :D

I didn't bring up bullshido initially, it was used in a negative context to belittle me, which I corrected. No, you don't get up, what you smell is your own crap,which you are sitting in, now hit play on the on WWE DVR or something and leave the real discussion to the adults. You can LOL @ dim-mak, I understand, one should be able to fight without it, it's not my soapbox, I was here to provide a good reference book link and some insight if needed...


Incidentally, in one WWE bout I watched, someone did a Jab > Straight > Front Kick.
Amazing, that not all of it is flash, and that Sleeper Holds are actually Rear Naked Chokes. :)
Oh, Gary, Gary, Quite Contrary, Such a shame you're so damn airy. :rofl:

Nothing I've said is libel. Nor Slander. Nor Roast Beef. Though I am allowed to state my opinion, which is that you are an ***. :whip:
Yes mam, an ***. Butt that's ok. Not everyone can be as pretty as me. Now take your made up little "martial art", go poke yourself, and make your mama a boloney sandwich. Tuck her into bed, then go sit down and hush, because I'd like to turn this thread back over to the grown ups who have actual training in real arts. Not pokey pokey look mom I can poke my eye and it hurts stuff.

Good kid. Shhhh. Shhhh.


See kid, you're the jerk off who came in with the attitude, the ego, the BS. The one trying to dictate terms, tell people to go away, and all that bs. Sorry kid, I don't see you wearing a mod badge, and you ain't been here long enough to earn anyone's respect. :anic: To me, and I'm sure others, you look like just another internet know it all blow hard, which I'm sure you can do, blow hard. So why don't you have a nice glass of STFU yourself, with a side of humility, and a side of earn your stripes, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be here past Fathers Day.:viking1:

Cuz, Cuz, otherwise, you're gonna get trampled by some Horsemen and unlike me, that just ain't never pretty. Now you'll excuse me, I gotta go touch my self. Whoooo!


Now you go back to banging your chest and saying how you know everything :s496: and how all these other people who have been doing real martial arts longer are soooo stupid because that seems to be your purpose. If it makes you happy, hey, who am I to deny a kid his happyness?


From all of my experiences and observations in street/pub brawls, I have yet to see one guy grab another by the wrist.

Fighting happens so quickly, there isnt anytime.

Although I have seen some grab another by the upper arm, or choke, or hair

Ive seen it. Just not the way Youre thinking.
But thats not why I came back to this early page. I was trying to see how the other conversation started.


Ive seen alot of arguements on here, but...

Kata is merely a component of a fighting system, and its also a widely outdated and poorly used component

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I believe it is totally wrong. I repeat what I said above "In a real engagement it (kata) will work extremely well if you have been taught to use it that way."
you obviously have not been taught to use it that way. You are right when you say it is poorly used.

First question; Have you ever used your kata in a real situation? If so how many moves/sequence? How did it resemble or not resemble your perfect ideal form/application?

I can see why KMan thought You didnt know what You were talking about, and You may well not.*
Lets say, Your system has Primary Block A, and Primary Strike A. There is a good chance is Kata will have a 2 move sequence in which Primary Block A is followed by Primary Strike A. This is significant of some, if not many Systems Kata being used as storage devices, to contain all that sort of stuff. Its like a book, only made of movement.

(Skip to 1:20, optimally.)

The fruits of a quick google.

*Thats not what Im putting up. Plenty of other people can do that for Me :)
Im just addressing how this whole thing started, so that it can be read in context, rather than in the descended sloshy mush it largely is now, in which everyone is contradicting each other.
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We've already had a few posts reported in this thread. Lets keep things civil please.
Lets say, Your system has Primary Block A, and Primary Strike A. There is a good chance is Kata will have a 2 move sequence in which Primary Block A is followed by Primary Strike A. This is significant of some, if not many Systems Kata being used as storage devices, to contain all that sort of stuff. Its like a book, only made of movement.

(Skip to 1:20, optimally.)

The fruits of a quick google.
Thank you for the clips. What Iain wrote under the second clip pretty much sums up my thoughts.
As I'm sure you know, the angle in the kata tells us the angle we need to be at in relationship to the enemy. The ninety degree angle at the start of the kata therefore tells us to shift to the side of the enemy (away from his free hand) and then to apply the kata.
Because of the chaotic nature of conflict, the kata does not know where our feet will be prior to the application of the movement; it therefore simply records the angle we need to be at and not the unknowable specifics of how to get there. I mention that because it's a point that sometimes confuses people new to bunkai, or who still have the view that a sideway move means the enemy is to the side (as opposed to the karateka moving to their side).
One thing to note is that great care needs to be taken on the neck crank and your partner's safety must be your key priority at all times. On a technical level you should note how no part of the kata motion is left unused: the "prime for the block" is used, the hands on the hip are used, the stance facilities the correct shift in bodyweight, and so on. The standard "block and punch application", however, leaves many parts of the motion redundant and has many tactical flaws. I would therefore suggest that what is presented here is a much better way of looking at the movement. However, as always, it's up to you to have a look and make up your own mind. Enjoy
I took the liberty of emphasising part of his quote. "No part of the kata is left unused".

As this thread was about pressure points, Iain's first move to inside the elbow picks up a 'pressure' point, his strike to the neck probabably strikes another two or three, his elbow strike to the side of the head another and the final downward elbow still another. So that small sequence of kata involved at leat five vital points. Now, Iain did not mention vital points at all. He didn't have to. The beauty of the kata is that if it is performed correctly and the application is applied correctly, you will use those points without even knowing it. :asian:
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So are you or are you not Roddy Piper??? Can you man up enough to even share your real name? Your insulting posts are outrageous and childish. I guess smack talk is how you made your living, lol. Just changing venues??

Oh, Gary, Gary, Quite Contrary, Such a shame you're so damn airy. :rofl:

Nothing I've said is libel. Nor Slander. Nor Roast Beef. Though I am allowed to state my opinion, which is that you are an ***. :whip:

Nice rhyme, elementary school level, impressive. FYI - A statement of opinion can STILL BE actionable as defamation under certain conditions (as I learned in Law School), (state law may vary-this is not legal advice). You can call me an *** all day, it was you who trolled this thread.

Yes mam, an ***. Butt that's ok. Not everyone can be as pretty as me. Now take your made up little "martial art", go poke yourself, and make your mama a boloney sandwich. Tuck her into bed, then go sit down and hush, because I'd like to turn this thread back over to the grown ups who have actual training in real arts. Not pokey pokey look mom I can poke my eye and it hurts stuff.

I'm glad your proud of your looks and your "mama" jokes, quite mature. "Turn this thread back over to the grown ups"??? WTF, you are the one who trolled this thread with defamation and B.S. insults. I am the one trying to have specific, on topic discussion, and even exchange methods via video. I hope your not an example of the signal to noise ratio here.


See kid, you're the jerk off who came in with the attitude, the ego, the BS.

No, I came in this thread to provide information - first a link to a useful book. I am trying to make the discussion about information not people or ego, it is you who have contributed to the opposite.

..he one trying to dictate terms, tell people to go away, and all that bs. Sorry kid, I don't see you wearing a mod badge, and you ain't been here long enough to earn anyone's respect. :anic:

I wasn't trying to dictate terms, just establish a mutual understanding of the definition of our relative actions. Telling people to please get on topic is not out of line, K-man instigated, but has gracefully ceased, and gotten back to productive discussion, which has good info I believe from my scan.... Earn respect? You mean by dropping in on threads and insulting people with B.S and insulting emoticons? B.S.

To me, and I'm sure others, you look like just another internet know it all blow hard, which I'm sure you can do, blow hard. So why don't you have a nice glass of STFU yourself, with a side of humility, and a side of earn your stripes, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be here past Fathers Day.:viking1:

That's nice, I've never claimed to know it all. Another personal attack, wow, your the "kid" .

I probably signed up for this site before you did, I just started a new account because It's been so long. Its absdure you think your 1000 or so post count somehow gives you the right to be a lying A@@ and troll a thread in which people are trying to have productive conversation-->It is you who should STFU.

"Earn your stripes"-->I've already earned my-stripes-"literally", plus, I've been in two wars.In the figurative sense--I've put enough years in and have enough skill to not be treated like some strip-less newb that has to be hazed. Not-withstanding the above, new member here shouldn't be subjected to B.S like yours because they are new. I have tried to provide substance over noise, it's getting more difficult with jackass's like yourself.

Cuz, Cuz, otherwise, you're gonna get trampled by some Horsemen and unlike me, that just ain't never pretty. Now you'll excuse me, I gotta go touch my self. Whoooo!

"Trampled by horseman?" What kind of threat is that? And yet another reference to how "pretty" you are? Your ego is monstrous.

Now you go back to banging your chest and saying how you know everything :s496: and how all these other people who have been doing real martial arts longer are soooo stupid because that seems to be your purpose. If it makes you happy, hey, who am I to deny a kid his happyness?

I can get back to hopefully discussing the topic of this thread should I have time, that is my purpose. It seems to make you happy to be a useless jack-*** **** online. If you are Roddy - like I said before, get back to pretend fighting - It was after all your career for a long time. I don't care who you are,what your past/skill is, or what you THINK you know about real combat/fighting comparatively to the world. Your a useless a## to me, and you can go **** yourself. Now buzz off--:whip:. ,quit wasting my time...and distracting from real discussion.



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