Man shoots intruder who was in his shower

We really don't know the entire story. I mean the guy was in the shower he wasn't robbing the place and he wasn't trashing he place., if the business was on the same property as the home...I mean maybe the dude just had fun with the wife and he needed a shower. Maybe he was a homeless guy with mental issues and didn't know where he was.
I came home one day from work and there was a dude sleeping on my couch. He was drunk and thought he was somewhere else. I escorted him out the door and sent him on his way. I didn't shoot the guy.
A friend of mines son-in-law plays in a band.

One night after playing a bar he go totally wasted. Someone gave him a ride home but in his drunken stupor he went to the house across the street from his.

While trying to unlock the front door, the home owner yelled at him (didn't recognise him and just thought he was a prowler) through the door to get lost.

Hearing a guys voice in what he thought was his home...he thought his wife was cheating on him.

He staggered to the back door and kicked it in to confront them at which time the homeowner shot him in the chest with a .357 magnum.

No charges on the homeowner.

Son-in-law lived at the disappointment of my friend.;)
A friend of mines son-in-law plays in a band.

One night after playing a bar he go totally wasted. Someone gave him a ride home but in his drunken stupor he went to the house across the street from his.

While trying to unlock the front door, the home owner yelled at him (didn't recognise him and just thought he was a prowler) through the door to get lost.

Hearing a guys voice in what he thought was his home...he thought his wife was cheating on him.

He staggered to the back door and kicked it in to confront them at which time the homeowner shot him in the chest with a .357 magnum.

No charges on the homeowner.

Son-in-law lived at the disappointment of my friend.;)
Not disliking the story, disliking the line "Son-in-law lived at the disappointment of my friend.;)"

Being disappointed that a drunk guy lived after being shot at for being drunk is never okay, even as a joke.
Not disliking the story, disliking the line "Son-in-law lived at the disappointment of my friend.;)"

Being disappointed that a drunk guy lived after being shot at for being drunk is never okay, even as a joke.

I can accept it as a joke. Especially since this may have been just one example of this guy's asinine behavior. Anyway, jokes and humor in general often involve situations that would not be funny at all if they really happened. So, I'm sincerely glad that the guy lived, part for the homeowner who shot the guy. No sane person would want that on their conscience, even if it seemed justifiable in the moment.
I can accept it as a joke. Especially since this may have been just one example of this guy's asinine behavior. Anyway, jokes and humor in general often involve situations that would not be funny at all if they really happened. So, I'm sincerely glad that the guy lived, part for the homeowner who shot the guy. No sane person would want that on their conscience, even if it seemed justifiable in the moment.

I like to call it "Stray Dog Luck."

My theory:

A worthless, mangy Stray Dog can spend 90% of his life on the highway and never get run over...and even when he gets hit...he survives.

But the first time that Pedigreed (insert expensive breed) touches the pavement he is toast.

That is Stray Dog Luck.
I like to call it "Stray Dog Luck."

My theory:

A worthless, mangy Stray Dog can spend 90% of his life on the highway and never get run over...and even when he gets hit...he survives.

But the first time that Pedigreed (insert expensive breed) touches the pavement he is toast.

That is Stray Dog Luck.
Plausible theory.. the logic being that stray dog have practice multiple mongrel arts to make them totally street.. #pedigreehate :P
In case any are curious, the U.S. firearms community has generally disavowed this person. Every one in "the gun lobby" I've seen (including me) has concluded that this was not a case of self defense. Murder. He did not satisfy the 4 Pillars of Justifiable Deadly Force.

That said, his general response is actually not uncommon for people in general. He gave a command. He believed to his bones that his right to give the command was unquestionable. When the command was ignored, he used force, lethal force in this case, to enforce his command.
When the Criminal Doesn’t Obey your Commands | Buckeye Firearms Association

Peace favor your sword,

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