Well--I'll not call anyone "coward" just for not wanting to kill.
And I'll also shed no tears for the late gentleman who was anything but.
And to those wishing Texas would secede I would beg you to ask them to wait 2 years till i get settled.
Philosophically I would tend to agree with John as concerns the rights, or rather forfeiture of same, of any such person who would commit such actions upon the innocent.
But as a practical matter I must also concede Errant's and Geo's points concerning knowing the laws where one lives, and if they are unacceptable as written, to get them changed if one can, or move if the first option is just not politically possible (as in my case--that's why I'm saving so hard to leave--for Texas

I do not see this as a "compromise" or as "backing down" from "righteous beliefs" it's simple good sense; any military officer worth his bars/leaves/birds/stars does his reconaissance before committing his troops on the field, and so should you do yours before committing YOUR resources to a course of action not suited for your particular "terrain".
But once the plan is sound and called for--
lower the boom.
I suppose I must be either unique, or in the minority, in that i don't consider an act of lethal force in self defense to be either a "horrible sin", or a "righteous punishment", but rather as simply a mission requirement to be met, a job to be done. That's all. My mission is to not go to, or remain in, places where individuals are likely to cause a threat. If this primary mission fails, my secondary mission is to take
A Problem to a position where they can no longer cause the threat . If in order to accomplish that mission, I must use lethal force, I will, if the mission does not require it, I will not.
That's All. You cannot allow it to become any more personal than by its nature it must be---as we have seen in
this very case,
as soon as you allow the exercise to become personal, you stop thinking and start making mistakes and your tactics will suffer.
We're watching such a planning failure manifest right now, in light of the facts Errant brought up of which I was unaware before, under MD law as currently written, it does unfortunately look like if it goes to trial, the poor kid's cooked.