Macho vs. Century

I never see anyone going around proclaiming x style is the best and you are a moron for doing anything different. I only see this from UFC fanboys.

"Sparring is for sport, we train for real life and the stuff we do is to brutal for sparring"

"TKD is just watered down karate for kids"

"Shotokan is just watered down version of Okinawa Karate for kids"

"Wearing gloves gives you a false sense of safety, we train bareknuckle"

"Real fights are brutal and use improvised weapons and are rarely one-on-one, anyone that doesn't train for this is lying to themselves"

"Boxing is a real sport, MMA is just guys rolling around on the ground"

"Violence is not the martial way, Aikido teaches peace"

"Pressure points can be used to subdue or control an opponent, sometimes without even touching them. Any style that teaches nothing but blunt force is missing the real secrets"

Never heard any comments along those lines?
Ok sure. I'll admit that is often said, but nowhere near as often as "mma is best martial art because it is the most brutal and bloody compared to everything else."

"Wearing gloves gives you a false sense of safety, we train bareknuckle"

I have actually said this myself. In fact someone on the forum said they don't believe I can hit a heavy bag hard with a "bear fist" so I am going to upload a video to prove them I can.
Ok sure. I'll admit that is often said, but nowhere near as often as "mma is best martial art because it is the most brutal and bloody compared to everything else."

That is usually not practitioners, but fans. Fans in professional sports should never be taken seriously, it's entertainment. It should be taken as seriously as a fan proclaiming a football team sucks and they could be a better coach then the one at the game.

I have actually said this myself. In fact someone on the forum said they don't believe I can hit a heavy bag hard with a "bear fist" so I am going to upload a video to prove them I can.

Please, please do it wearing a bear paw on your hand if that's what was asked for and not a "bare" fist :D

Beyond that people are gullible, and believe weird things. I've heard people that claim to be martial artists claim far stranger things them a person can't hit a bag bare fisted.

I might agree that a person probably shouldn't do it regularly for long periods of time, and perhaps the banana phone led to a claim like that turning into it being impossible?
The "my art is best" line, in whatever variant is common. Maybe stated a little more eloquently sometimes in the more traditional clubs, but it's still the same line. That said, what I have seen as more common among BJJ and MMA (and most especially among BJJ-based MMA folks) is the near derision aimed at anything else. There's a particular subset that seems to refuse to accept that just maybe some tried and tested training methods that have endured for centuries might still have some merit. But it is only a small subset. By no means is it all...

Something else I've noticed is a tendency on the internet to lock horns, and lock in a position... and refuse to back off of it.

But, guys and gals, I'm not exactly sure what any of this has to do with whether Macho or Century has better products... assuming you're going to use them for light to medium contact sparring. As I've said, I like Macho better. I think they use a better quality foam, and thicker vinyl cladding. I also like that their Dyna line has closed finger spaces. But I haven't had to buy either in a while, so things may have changed a bit. I've also simply found Macho an easier company to deal with in my own experiences.
I never see anyone going around proclaiming x style is the best and you are a moron for doing anything different. I only see this from UFC fanboys.

Are you at all familiar with the Asian culture that created most of the Martial Arts? It's very much about which style is the best and that's what the UFC was mainly about when it was first created.
I'm not saying it to brag about it. I'm saying it because I am making a point. The point is you sound exactly word for word like these people who think mma is the best **** ever and everything else just sucks when compared to it.

They go around acting like they are the best and have the biggest chip on their shoulders while at the same time being disrespectful to every more traditional martial artist out there.

You are giving mma which is a great sport a bad name by promoting this type of behavior.

Bragging? I should hope that you're not bragging about beating someone who only had 2 months of MMA training.

And show me where I said that everything else sucks? You're making things up again.
"Sparring is for sport, we train for real life and the stuff we do is to brutal for sparring"

"TKD is just watered down karate for kids"

"Shotokan is just watered down version of Okinawa Karate for kids"

"Wearing gloves gives you a false sense of safety, we train bareknuckle"

"Real fights are brutal and use improvised weapons and are rarely one-on-one, anyone that doesn't train for this is lying to themselves"

"Boxing is a real sport, MMA is just guys rolling around on the ground"

"Violence is not the martial way, Aikido teaches peace"

"Pressure points can be used to subdue or control an opponent, sometimes without even touching them. Any style that teaches nothing but blunt force is missing the real secrets"

Never heard any comments along those lines?

OMG did IronBear24 say all of this? :) :) :)
Are you at all familiar with the Asian culture that created most of the Martial Arts? It's very much about which style is the best and that's what the UFC was mainly about when it was first created.
actually the first UFC contests were about the Gracies promoting their art. it was almost a fixed fight, that Royce was going to win.
just a comment on that bare knuckle bag punching. canvas is very rough on the skin. there are softer bags out there with a different material. the heavier the bag the more its going to damage your skin. your supposed to be hitting the lower 3rd of the bag. so when you say you hit a bag with no wrap or glove i will question you on these three things, are you using a pro boxer brand canvas bag, heavier than 80 pounds and are you hitting the lower third of the bag??? if no then it doesn't impress me, if yes then it doesn't impress me, your going to end up with messed up looking hands as you get older.
actually the first UFC contests were about the Gracies promoting their art. it was almost a fixed fight, that Royce was going to win.

LoL! People actually still believe this?

The Gracies had no guarantees that they were going to win. Royce could have gotten beaten by any of the guys he fought. He was simply the better martial artist.

Everyone who was involved in the first UFCs have stated plainly that nothing was fixed or pre-planned. If they were truly trying to swing the tourney in their favor, it would have been Rickson out there, and Ken Shamrock wouldn't have been on the roster.
just a comment on that bare knuckle bag punching. canvas is very rough on the skin. there are softer bags out there with a different material. the heavier the bag the more its going to damage your skin. your supposed to be hitting the lower 3rd of the bag. so when you say you hit a bag with no wrap or glove i will question you on these three things, are you using a pro boxer brand canvas bag, heavier than 80 pounds and are you hitting the lower third of the bag??? if no then it doesn't impress me, if yes then it doesn't impress me, your going to end up with messed up looking hands as you get older.

Try telling that to a Thai fighter...

Some bags maybe, but not all. Not even in pro boxing gyms.
But, guys and gals, I'm not exactly sure what any of this has to do with whether Macho or Century has better products... assuming you're going to use them for light to medium contact sparring. As I've said, I like Macho better. I think they use a better quality foam, and thicker vinyl cladding. I also like that their Dyna line has closed finger spaces. But I haven't had to buy either in a while, so things may have changed a bit. I've also simply found Macho an easier company to deal with in my own experiences.

Thank You. We have never done business with Macho, but you aren't the first person to mention about the better foam and vinyl material. I may have to talk to my instructor about trying Macho, instead of Century for a set. This would allow to see if we should make the transfer from manufacturers.
actually the first UFC contests were about the Gracies promoting their art. it was almost a fixed fight, that Royce was going to win.

My Is This Legal? by Art Davie. I have first person knowledge of this. It's spot on.

And it's a great read. No foolin'.
There is a difference between surviving an impact and surviving multiple impacts. I have seen boxers do a round bare knuckle on the bag. But if they have to do ten rounds every day they seem to suffer from cumulative wear.

I have also seen muay Thai guys fight bare knuckle and fight with mma gloves and it does not seem to effect them much
My school sells 1)Title and Revgear for adults 2) Century foam gear for the kids.

I did buy my daughter a pair or Revgear gloves however.

For myself I like ringside, title and revgear. I try to buy the real leather items from these sources. These companies can have some nice sales and clearance from time to time. I got a leather pair of bag gloves for 12 bucks once so I don't wear down my boxing gloves hitting the bag at home, plus I like the thinner weight.
Thank You. We have never done business with Macho, but you aren't the first person to mention about the better foam and vinyl material. I may have to talk to my instructor about trying Macho, instead of Century for a set. This would allow to see if we should make the transfer from manufacturers.
They do wholesale accounts, which can reduce the cost a fair degree, as well.

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