Standard media fall back when under criticism is that the reader is confusing his/her inferrance with the author's implications....
I think a lot of this "liberal"/"conservative" media is really about how people read into reports/stories than how they read them. There is an obvious pattern that can be observed in some news organizations, but others aren't as clear.
A basic explanation of human interaction I got in school broke it down like this:
70% of human communication is non verbal - that means that we are more sensitive/adept at reading/sending non verbal ques than we are at articulating or understanding verbal/written forms of communication. This can/and very often does lead to some powerful misinterpretations.
There are three components and two layers of communication:
messenger, message and reciever make up the components. If all three of these components are not as open, clear and precise as possible confusion will occur.
the two layers are informational and emotional. People generally respond first to what they percieve on the emotional level which will heavily influence how they interpret the informational level.
After all the class hours of teaching skills this is the basic stuff that I always come back to - and some of it came from MP training!
Looking at the stuff above and considering how the media either extremely or subtlely sends 'information messages' that are dripping with 'emotional messages' (headlines, selected quotes, slanted word choice...) it is no wonder folks get riled up.
I have chosen to get my degree in what is now called English Language Arts Education (we all just took English

), and it is interesting to see how easily people are manipulated (and be manipulated myself) by those who have made that 30% of human interaction their tool to wield for good or ill.
Our only chance to deal with the 'evil' media whether left or right is to be critical thinkers and articulate communicators. That doesn't have to mean we all speak/read like PhD's just be clear in thought, word and deed and everything will be more clear.